About Kawtar Raji-Briand

Kawtar Raji-Briand worked as a lawyer for Transparency International before collaborating with international firms in Europe and Africa. She was a member of the Commission of Free Trade Agreements, Trade Agreements and EU of the CGEM (Moroccan employers’ association). She is the Secretary General of the Moroccan Association of Exporters (ASMEX); she also chairs the Legal Commission. Kawtar has contributed to the structuring and restructuring of sovereign funds (Africa50, FGIS, FSRG, FSM). In Islamic finance, she has contributed to the structuring and negotiation of Sharia-compliant products (murabaha, mucharaka, ijara, tawarruk, guarantees, istisnaa, syndication, etc) and to the setting up of Sharia-compliant market infrastructures (teleclearing, funds, etc).
