Contributed By Mayora & Mayora, SC
Businesses in El Salvador generally adopt a corporate form. Regardless of the corporate form adopted by the business, each entity is taxed as a separate legal entity from its members, partners or shareholders. The Salvadoran Commercial Code regulates five basic types of corporate entity:
Foreign corporations may organise branches.
The most commonly used corporate form is the stock corporation (Sociedad Anónima or SA). American corporations often adopt the corporate form of a limited liability company (Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada or SRL) for their subsidiaries in order to achieve look-through tax treatment.
As mentioned above, the corporate entity is taxed separately and must obtain a separate taxpayer number.
Since 16 February 2024, a new “simplified corporation by stocks” has been available, with minimum capital requirements and no formalities (in comparison to the traditional corporate forms). It can be organised as a “one-person company”.
Under local law, there are no transparent entities for tax purposes. However, the Salvadoran LLC is commonly used by US corporations in order to achieve transparency before the US tax authorities.
El Salvador has a double taxation treaty (DTT) with Spain (which is currently in force). Under this treaty, the general rule is that residence is determined on the basis of the criteria under the law of each state (indicated below) that make a person liable to pay taxes there. If under those criteria any person may be considered a “resident” of both states, then the following criteria will be used to determine the tax liability:
In addition to this DTT, the Salvadoran Tax Law sets out certain standards regarding residence. A corporation is considered a “resident” for tax purposes if:
The Salvadoran income tax system differentiates between certain kinds of income. However, corporate and individually owned businesses are taxed at the same rate of:
As a rule, profits are taxed based on the accounting profits subject to some adjustments. The most common tax adjustments are certain limits to deductible expenses. Profits are taxed on an accrual basis.
Computer programming, software development, cybersecurity, and generative AI, among others qualify as technology investments by the Ministry of the Economy and are eligible for:
There are currently tax incentives in the following industries:
Losses incurred during a fiscal year can only be offset against profits for the same period. No carry forward or carry back is therefore allowed. However, in the case of capital losses, a five-year carry forward is allowed.
Interest is deductible if paid in order to generate taxable income. Interest can only be deducted up to the rate determined by the Central Reserve Bank.
Group consolidation is not permitted for tax purposes. Each entity is considered a separate taxpayer.
The taxable gain is determined by the difference between the book value or purchase value (as applicable) and the selling price. The capital gain will be the income minus the cost and improvements and will be taxed at 10%.
Transactions are subject to VAT depending on their nature. In general, goods, services and merchandise transacted on commercial markets are subject to VAT at a rate of 13%.
Real estate transactions are subject to a real estate transfer tax of 3% on the transaction price if this is higher than approximately USD29,000.
Securities transactions are generally exempt from VAT.
There are no other notable taxes.
Most closely held local businesses operate in a corporate form.
Corporate rates are lower than individual professional tax rates from an annual net income of approximately USD23,000 up to approximately USD150,000. If the annual net income is higher than this, the rates are the same.
There are no rules preventing individual professionals from earning income at corporate rates.
There are no rules preventing closely held corporations from accumulating earnings for investment purposes. It is mandatory to create a 5% reserve on net earnings every year, but when this surpasses one-sixth of the corporation’s capital, it can be capitalised. Thereafter, the obligation to make a 5% reserve on earnings continues.
Dividends are taxed at a final 5% withholding tax, independent of where the beneficiary resides, unless the beneficiary resides in a tax haven or low-tax jurisdiction. In this case the withholding tax rate will be 25%. Gains on the sale of shares are taxed at 10%. The taxable gain is determined by the difference between the book value or purchase value (as applicable) and the price at which the shares are sold.
There are no differences between closely or publicly held corporations.
Withholding taxes applicable to non-residents without a permanent establishment are as follows:
It is important to note that the notions of “interest” and “royalties” under the law are wider than usually understood.
No reliefs are available.
El Salvador only has one bilateral tax treaty with Spain.
El Salvador has no other in force tax treaties.
Transfer pricing rules have been in force in El Salvador since 2009. There are no particular issues specifically affecting inbound investors.
Limited-risk distribution arrangements have not yet surfaced as a focus for the tax administration. However, any related-party arrangement that does not comply with transfer pricing rules could be challenged by the tax authorities.
Transfer pricing in El Salvador generally follows the methods established by the OECD.
There do not appear to be any precedents where the DTT between El Salvador and Spain has been used for mutual agreement procedures (MAPs) to resolve international transfer pricing disputes.
Within the proceedings leading to a transfer pricing-related claim, the tax administration and the taxpayer can voluntarily review the matter and settle the disagreement. Where the settlement calls for compensating adjustments, tax administration officials have reported that the taxpayer proceeds with the compensating adjustments.
Local branches of non-local corporations and local subsidiaries of non-local corporations are taxed in the same way.
The Income Tax Act does not tax indirect disposals of Salvadoran companies. However, their direct disposal is subject to capital gains tax.
There are no change of control provisions that trigger any tax or duty.
No formulas are used to determine the income of foreign-owned local affiliates.
Local affiliates are allowed a deduction for payments for management and administrative expenses by a non-local affiliate on condition that:
Besides transfer pricing rules and a 10% withholding tax, interest paid to a non-local affiliate is not deductible, unless the beneficiary is a fully licensed financial institution. It is necessary that the agreed-upon interest is within the limits established by the Central Reserve Bank.
The foreign income of local corporations is exempt from corporate tax. The Salvadoran system is fundamentally one of domestic-sourced income.
Intangibles developed by local corporations can be used by non-local subsidiaries in their business at prices complying with transfer pricing rules. The price paid to the local corporation will be taxed at 20%.
Dividends from foreign subsidiaries of local corporations are not taxed.
Under transfer pricing regulations, intangibles developed by a local company (as its main source of business) cannot be used by non-resident related parties without incurring local corporate tax.
Local corporations are not taxed on the income of their non-local subsidiaries or non-local branches under CFC-type rules. There are no CFC-type rules.
There are no substance-related rules applicable to non-local affiliates.
Provided the sale takes place in a jurisdiction other than El Salvador, the capital gain on the sale of shares in non-local affiliates will not be taxed.
El Salvador does not have general anti-avoidance rules, other than those related to the tax adjustments for determining the taxable base.
El Salvador does not have a regular routine audit cycle.
El Salvador is not a member of the OECD. It has therefore not yet strictly implemented BEPS. However, the Income Tax Act (issued in 2012) includes some provisions that partly reflect BEPS guidelines, such as transfer pricing regulations which have been heavily influenced by Action 13.
The government seeks to comply with most OECD guidelines, including BEPS. However, there is no strict policy for this purpose.
Since the Salvadoran taxation system follows the territorial principle, international taxation does not have a high public profile in the jurisdiction.
El Salvador’s tax policy is not highly influenced by BEPS.
The most important features of the Salvadoran tax system are its basis on the territorial principle and its simplicity. These features do not conflict with BEPS.
Since El Salvador has not yet implemented BEPS, the proposals for dealing with hybrid instruments are not likely to be a pertinent issue in the near future.
El Salvador has a territorial tax regime. Interest is deductible regardless of whether or not the beneficiary is a resident, but only up to the interest rates published by the Central Reserve Bank. The only condition is that the interest is connected to the generation of taxable income. It is unlikely that interest deductibility proposals will affect people investing in and from El Salvador.
El Salvador follows a strict territorial tax principle and therefore, foreign-sourced income is not relevant to the local authorities. Since El Salvador does not have CFC rules, the general drift of CFC proposals should not affect current practice greatly.
Salvadoran tax law does not grant any DTC limitation to outbound investors. However, if other jurisdictions were to create limitations on any DTC allowed to inbound investors, this would likely have some impact on direct foreign investments into El Salvador.
Transfer pricing changes introduced by BEPS after the transfer pricing rules came into force in El Salvador in 2009 are not having a radical effect on the Salvadoran regime. The taxation of profits from intellectual property is not a particular source of controversy in El Salvador.
Salvadoran law includes some rules related to transparency. However, country-by-country reporting is not yet in force in El Salvador.
There are no specific proposals in this jurisdiction in relation to the taxation of transactions effected or profits generated by digital economy businesses operating from outside El Salvador at the present time.
El Salvador has not taken a position in relation to digital taxation and no proposals have so far been brought forward.
Payments to non-residents for intellectual property deployed in El Salvador are taxed at 20% withholding tax if the non-resident is not in a tax haven and at 25% if the non-resident is in a tax haven.
Avenida Los Espliegos No 30
Colonia San Francisco
San Salvador
El Salvador
+503 2212 0100
+503 2212 0120