Employment 2024

Last Updated September 05, 2024


Law and Practice


Skrine is one of the largest full-service law firms in Malaysia, providing a comprehensive range of legal services to a broad cross-section of the business community in Malaysia as well as abroad. The firm is currently led by 47 partners with over 100 lawyers across the corporate, dispute resolution and intellectual property divisions. The synergy of all three divisions is the basis for the firm’s approach to offering effective solutions for fast resolution of cases.

In Malaysia, like many other countries, the terms “blue-collar workers” and “white-collar workers” are commonly used to describe different types of employees based on their job roles and the nature of their work.

Blue-collar workers typically engage in manual labour or skilled trade occupations. They are commonly associated with jobs in industries such as manufacturing, construction, agriculture and services that require physical labour. These workers often perform tasks that involve labour using their hands rather than a specific skill or expertise. Examples of blue-collar jobs in Malaysia include factory workers, construction workers, technicians, drivers and cleaners.

White-collar workers are generally associated with executive, professional, managerial, administrative or office-based occupations that require qualifications, knowledge and/or a certain degree of intellect. These workers often work in industries such as finance, information technology, education, healthcare, legal services and the corporate sector. White-collar jobs in Malaysia include professionals like doctors, lawyers, engineers, accountants, teachers, IT specialists, managers and office administrators.

Blue-collar and white-collar workers may be local or foreign or be permanent, fixed-term or part-time employees. Regardless of the type of employment, the terms and conditions of all employees in Malaysia under a contract of service are governed by the Employment Act 1955 (EA), although certain portions of the EA do not apply to employees who earn in excess of RM4,000 and who, regardless of salary, are otherwise performing “blue-collar” type jobs.

Employees in Malaysia, whether local or foreign, may enter into permanent or fixed-term employment contracts. Permanent or fixed-term employees may also work full-time or part-time. 

Permanent employees, namely those employed under indefinite contracts, can reasonably anticipate continuous employment until their retirement or voluntary resignation. Their employment contracts may only be terminated for valid reason or just cause and excuse. 

The Minimum Retirement Age Act 2012 applies to permanent employees and stipulates a minimum retirement age of 60 years. Accordingly, an employee’s contract of employment can only be terminated for reason of age once they reach the age of 60 years.

Fixed-term employees are hired for a specific duration of time and their employment will naturally conclude upon the expiration of the employment contract. Parties may mutually agree to extend the employment after the expiry of the initial fixed-term period. However, repeatedly renewing a fixed-term contract without significant changes in the employment terms and conditions and without any gaps between two consecutive contracts of employment may give rise to a presumption that the fixed-term employee is a de facto permanent employee. This will ultimately impact the amount of compensation that the employee is statutorily entitled to in the event the employee is later dismissed from employment and is successful in a claim of unfair dismissal under Section 20 of the Industrial Relations Act 1967.

All employment contracts in excess of one month must be in writing, but need not be in any specific language. However, the lack of a written employment contract does not by itself invalidate an employment relationship or contractual terms.

The employment contract should outline the main features of the employment relationship, including the place of employment, work scope, wages, benefits, termination notice, public holiday entitlements, annual and sick leave and wage rates for working overtime or during rest days, to name a few. Any terms and conditions of employment that are less favourable than the requirements under the Employment Act 1955 are, to that extent, immediately void. Employers are free to provide terms and conditions of employment that are more beneficial than the minimum requirements under the Employment Act 1955.

Under the EA, the maximum working hours for employees per week is 45 hours.

Additionally, an employee:

  • may not be required to work more than eight hours a day or more than five consecutive hours without a break of at least thirty minutes; and
  • must be provided with at least one whole day of rest each week (rest day).

The agreed working hours between the part-time employee and his/her employer must be stated in the contract. Under the Employment (Part-Time Employees) Regulations 2010, a part-time employee’s weekly working hours should be more than 30% but not exceed 70% of the normal weekly working hours of a comparable full-time employee.

Under the EA, employees whose wages do not exceed RM4,000 per month or who, regardless of salary earned, are employed as manual labourers or supervisors of manual labourers, to operate or maintain any mechanically propelled vehicle for the purpose of transporting passengers or goods or for reward or commercial purposes, as domestic employees, or in certain positions on seagoing vessels (collectively, “Covered Employees”) are statutorily entitled to receive remuneration, in addition to their regular wages, for working beyond their normal working hours as outlined below:

  • Working overtime on a normal working day: For any work carried out in excess of normal hours of work on a normal day of work, Covered Employees are eligible to receive not less than 1.5 times the hourly rate of pay.
  • Working on a rest day: Covered Employees are also eligible to receive remuneration for work performed on a rest day as outlined below:
    1. for any period of work that does not exceed half the normal hours of work – half the ordinary rate of pay for work done on that day;
    2. for any period of work that is more than half but that does not exceed the normal hours of work – one day’s wages at the ordinary rate of pay for work done on that day; and
    3. for any work carried out in excess of the normal hours of work on a rest day on a rest day – not less than twice the hourly rate of pay.
  • Working on a public holiday: If Covered Employers are required to work on a public holiday, they are eligible to receive two days’ wages at the ordinary rate of pay in addition to the day’s wages, regardless of whether the period of work done on that day is less than the normal hours of work if they are required to work on public holidays. For any work carried out in excess of the normal work hours on a public holiday, Covered Employees are eligible to receive not less than three times the hourly rate of pay.

A part-time employee who is required to work beyond their normal work hours of work is entitled to overtime pay as follows:

  • not less than their hourly rate of pay for each hour or part thereof that exceeds their normal hours of work but does not exceed the normal hours of work of a full-time employee employed in a similar capacity in the same enterprise; and
  • not less than one-and-a-half times the hourly rate of pay of the part-time employee for each hour or part thereof that exceeds the normal hours of work of a full-time employee employed in a similar capacity in the same enterprise.

The EA incorporates provisions for flexible working arrangements – ie, enabling employees to request changes in their hours of work, days of work or places of work through a written application to their employer(s). The employer must respond to the employee’s application within 60 days of receiving it, either approving or refusing the request in writing. If the employer refuses the application, they are obligated to state the reasons for the refusal. However, there is currently no provision within the EA to challenge the employer’s decision or the grounds on which the decision was based. There are also no guidelines as to the way in which an employer may exercise its discretion to allow or reject an application for a flexible working arrangement.

As of 1 May 2022, the Minimum Wage Order 2022 mandates that employers with more than five employees must pay a minimum wage of RM1,500 per month or RM7.21 per hour. If employees are compensated on a daily basis, the corresponding minimum rates apply:

  • RM57.69 for employees who work six days a week;
  • RM69.23 for employees who work five days a week; and
  • RM86.54 for employees who work four days a week.

Bonuses and increments are not required under law and are discretionary and/or contingent upon the agreement made between the employer and the employee.

Minimum Annual Leave

In Malaysia, the paid time off that employees are entitled to is referred to as “annual leave”. Any person who enters into a contract of service irrespective of their wages is statutorily entitled to minimum paid annual leave over 12 months of continuous services as follows:

  • 8 days if the employee has been in employment for a period of less than two years;
  • 12 days if the employee has been in employment for a period of two years or more but less than five years; and
  • 16 days if the employee has been in employment for a period of five years or more.

Employers may however contractually provide for more annual leave days.

Minimum Paid Public Holidays

Employees are statutorily entitled to 11 days of public holidays, five of which must be the following:

  • National Day (the anniversary of Malaysia’s independence);
  • the birthday of the Yang-di-Pertuan Agong (the King’s Official Birthday);
  • the birthday of the State Ruler or the Yang di-Pertua Negeri, as the case may be, of the state in which the employee works, or Federal Territory Day;
  • Labour Day; and
  • Malaysia Day.

Employers may determine the remaining six days of public holidays to be afforded to their employees but must provide advance notice of these designated public holidays at the start of each year. Employers may however opt to, and commonly do, provide all gazetted public holidays in Malaysia and the relevant state in which the employer’s business is located as paid public holidays, often exceeding the statutory 11 days.

Minimum Paid Sick Leave

Employees are statutorily entitled to (non-hospitalisation) sick leave as follows:

  • 14 days if the employee has been in employment for a period of less than two years;
  • 18 days if the employee has been in employment for a period of two years or more but less than five years; and
  • 22 days if the employee has been in employment for a period of five years or more.

If hospitalisation is necessary, an employee is entitled to 60 days of paid sick leave in addition to the (non-hospitalisation) sick leave entitlement.

Minimum Paid Maternity Leave

Under the EA, female employees are entitled to 98 days of paid maternity leave, provided that:

  • the female employee has been employed by the employer for a period of, or periods amounting, in the aggregate, to not less than 90 days during the nine months immediately before her confinement; and
  • the female employee has been employed by the employer at any time in the four months immediately before her confinement.

Furthermore, if certified to resume work by a registered medical practitioner, a female employee has the option to begin working at any point during her maternity leave, subject to her employer’s consent, irrespective of whether she qualifies for maternity allowance. The EA prohibits an employer from terminating the employment of a pregnant female employee. If a female employee is pregnant or experiencing an illness related to her pregnancy, her employer cannot terminate her employment or issue a notice of termination, except for reasons of wilful breach of contract, misconduct or the closure of the employer’s business. It is the employer’s responsibility to demonstrate that the termination of the female employee’s employment was not based on her pregnancy or a pregnancy-related illness.

Minimum Paid Paternity Leave

The EA also provides for paternity leave entitlement of seven days to married male employees for each confinement up to five confinement periods, irrespective of the number of spouses (Muslim men have the right to marry up to four wives under local law), subject to the employee being employed for at least 12 months and having informed his employer at least 30 days before the expected confinement or as early as possible after the birth. There are no provisions in law stipulating when paternity leave may be taken, therefore employers may decide on this.

Under Malaysian law, there is no statutory entitlement for childcare leave. Instead, the provision of such leave is determined through contractual agreements between the employer and employee.

In Malaysia, non-competition clauses cannot be enforced as they contravene Section 28 of the Contracts Act 1950.

In Malaysia, non-solicitation clauses are generally enforceable if they are included as part of the terms and conditions of employment.

The Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (PDPA) imposes obligations on employers who process personal data to comply with the Personal Data Protection Principles set out in the PDPA. Among other obligations, the employer is required to inform the data subject (ie, the employee) of the personal data that is being processed and obtain the consent of the data subject in most situations where data is collected, processed or disclosed. Consent must be explicitly obtained if sensitive personal data is being processed. The employee also has a right to access and correct their data.

For the purposes of the PDPA, “personal data” is broadly defined as any information that related directly or indirectly to a data subject, who is identified or identifiable from that information.

“Sensitive personal data” is defined as any personal data consisting of information as to the physical or mental health or condition of a data subject, their political opinions, their religious beliefs or other beliefs of a similar nature, and the commission or alleged commission by them of any offence.

The PDPA mandates that the data subject must receive a notice in both Malay and English, informing them about specific aspects concerning the processing of their personal data and/or sensitive personal data, namely:

  • that personal data of the data subject is being processed by or on behalf of the data user, a description by or on behalf of the data user and a description of the personal data;
  • the purposes for which the personal data is being, or is to be, collected and further processed;
  • any information available to the data user regarding the source of the personal data;
  • their right to request access to and correction of the personal data and how to contact the data user with any inquiries or complaints in respect of the personal data;
  • the class of third parties to whom the data user discloses or may disclose the personal data;
  • the choices and means the data user offers the data subject to supply the personal data; and
  • where it is obligatory for the data subject to supply the personal data, the consequences for the data subject if they fail to do so.

Employers have the option to hire foreign workers and expatriates as part of their workforce, provided that these employees possess the relevant and necessary work passes allowing them to work in Malaysia for the specific employer. As of now, there is no specific fixed restriction on the number of work passes that can be issued to an employer.

The EA provides that employers must first obtain the approval of the Director General of Labour to employ foreign labour.

Expatriates may work in Malaysia pursuant to Employment Passes, Professional Visit Passes or a Resident Pass-Talent (RP-T), whereas foreign workers who perform low-skilled labour (“Foreign Workers”) must obtain a Visit Pass (Temporary Employment) to work in Malaysia. Foreign nationals who are married to locals are permitted to work under their Long Term Social Visit Pass, provided a “Permission to Work” has been obtained.

With effect from 1 January 2021, employers intending to hire new expatriates must follow a new process. They are obligated to advertise the job vacancy (which is intended to be filled by the expatriate) on the MyFutureJobs portal for a minimum of 30 days and conduct interview programmes in an effort to consider local candidates who meet the job criteria. Nonetheless, there are some exceptions to this advertising rule, such as when the expatriate’s salary exceeds RM15,000 or if they hold a “C-suite” position. 

Foreign Workers may only be employed in certain sectors and may only be sourced from certain countries. Employers are first required to obtain a quota from the Immigration Department of Malaysia and undergo an interview process before they may proceed to hire foreign workers.

Employers wishing to employ expatriates must first register themselves on the Expatriate Services Division portal. Employers who wish to hire expatriates must meet the paid-up capital requirement (which varies depending on their level of foreign and local shareholding) in order to be eligible to employ expatriates.

Employers wishing to employ low-skilled foreign labour must register themselves on the Foreign Workers Centralised Management System portal.

In Malaysia, flexible working arrangements are available at the discretion of the employer, offering alternatives to traditional office-based work.

The amendments to the Occupational Safety and Health (Amendment) Act 1994 came into force on 1 June 2024. The Act now requires employers to identify emergencies that can happen in their organisation, develop procedures to handle them and implement the procedures in emergencies.

Additionally, the law obliges employers to conduct hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control for tasks performed by their workers. Workers now have the right to remove themselves from the workplace if they believe an imminent danger is present that could cause death or serious bodily injuries. However, they can exercise this right only after informing their employers about the danger and if the employers fail to take appropriate action to address the issue.

Although the amendment does not explicitly address remote workers, it is believed that employees working from home are similarly protected under this amendment due to the increasing trend of remote work in recent times.

As of now, there are no other regulations or restrictions in relation to remote work, particularly concerning data privacy and social security in Malaysia.

The EA does not encompass provisions for sabbatical leave, and generally, sabbatical leave is not regulated in Malaysia. Consequently, unless explicitly stated in the employment contract, employees do not have an inherent entitlement to sabbaticals.

Malaysia has not seen any concrete new manifestations in the field of “new work” except in respect of the EA newly providing for flexible working arrangements, which currently remain only a “right of application” rather than a “right to flexible work”.

New manifestations such as “hot desking”, “job sharing”, “reduced work week”, menstrual leave, childcare or family leave, wellness days and mental health breaks currently remain unregulated, and are wholly subject to the contract between employer and employee, as some employers offer these as workplace perks.

Employers and employees (save for employees who are employed in a managerial capacity, executive capacity, confidential capacity or security capacity) are at liberty to form, join and participate in trade union activities, and an employer may not interfere with or restrain an employee from joining or participating in a trade union. Trade unions are required to register with the Director General of Trade Unions within one month of establishment, and at least seven members must sign the application form for registration.

If a trade union is formed, the Industrial Relations Act 1967 provides a process for the trade union to seek recognition from the employer. Once recognised, the trade union may seek to commence collective bargaining with the employer with a view to conclude a collective agreement with the employer in order to achieve more favourable terms and conditions of employment on behalf of all employees falling within the scope of the collective agreement.

Employee representative bodies are not specifically provided for under Malaysian laws.

Only registered and recognised trade unions may enter into collective agreements with employers. These agreements must be in writing and signed by parties to the agreement.

The collective agreement shall set out the terms of the agreement between parties and must set out the following matters:

  • the names of the parties to the agreement;
  • the period in which the agreement shall continue to be in force, which shall not be less than three years from the date of commencement of the agreement;
  • the procedure for termination and modification of the agreement; and
  • the procedure for modification.

The terms of the collective bargaining agreement should not be less favourable than, or in contravention of any provision of, any written laws applicable to the class of workers under the collective bargaining agreement.

A signed copy of the collective agreement is to be jointly deposited by the parties to the registrar within one month from the date on which the agreement was entered into. The registrar will then bring it to the notice of the industrial court to take cognisance of the agreement and only upon such awareness will the agreement come into force and be binding upon all parties, inclusive of those employees who were subsequently employed.

Under Malaysian law, even if an employment contract contains a termination clause, an employee can only be terminated from employment if there is a valid just cause or excuse. However, the term “just cause or excuse” is not specifically defined by legislation. Generally, misconduct, poor performance, redundancy and other similar reasons are considered just causes or excuses for termination. An employee who considers that he/she has been dismissed from employment unfairly may lodge a representation to the Director General of Labour to be reinstated to his/her former position. Parties are then invited to attend mandatory conciliation proceedings following such a representation being lodged. If no amicable solution is reached at the conciliation proceedings, the representation will be referred to the industrial court for adjudication.

Dismissal does not necessitate approval from a government agency. However, in cases of retrenchment or business closure or cessations of employment emanating from voluntary separation schemes, the employer must inform the Labour Department of the termination(s) of employment by submitting a “PK Form”.

Employers are obliged to give their employees minimum notice periods as set out under the EA (see 7.2 Notice Periods). Alternatively, employers may pay the employees compensation in lieu of notice.

In cases where termination is not a result of employee misconduct, poor performance or breach of contract – notice of termination must be provided. Alternatively, the employer may opt to pay the employee salary in lieu of notice.

Where a notice period is not specifically provided for in an employment contract or the termination is due to business closure, retrenchment or redundancies, the employer is required to provide a minimum statutory notice period as follows:

  • four weeks’ notice if the employee has been employed for less than two years on the date on which notice is given;
  • six weeks’ notice if the employee has been employed for two years or more but less than five years on such date; and
  • eight weeks’ notice if the employee has been employed for five years or more on such date.

Severance pay is only statutorily payable to Covered Employees in the event of termination of employment (except in cases of misconduct, retirement or voluntary resignation) as follows:

  • 10 days’ wages for every year of employment if the employee has been employed for a period of less than two years;
  • 15 days’ wages for every year of employment if the employee has been employed for a period of two years or more but less than five years; and
  • 20 days’ wages for every year of employment if the employee has been employed for a period of five years or more.

Summary dismissal typically only applies if the employment contract is terminated on grounds of misconduct, poor performance or breach of contract.

Before an employee is dismissed summarily for misconduct, the following process should generally be followed:

  • Step 1 (preliminary investigation): The employer should undertake thorough investigations to ascertain whether there are grounds to allege that an employee has committed misconduct. Investigations may take the form of interviewing the employee alleged to have committed misconduct, witnesses, investigating documentary evidence and conducting forensic investigations, amongst others. 
  • Step 2 (issuing show cause letter): Once the employer is satisfied that there is a prima facie case of misconduct, the employer should afford the employee a chance to respond to the misconduct. The employer may do so by issuing the employee with a show cause letter, setting out the charges of misconduct accurately and concisely and requiring the employee to answer such charges. It is of the utmost importance that these charges contain specific allegations of misconduct and include all pertinent details, such as the exact date and time the misconduct took place, the nature of the alleged misconduct and the company policies that have been breached. The show cause letter should also include a statement calling upon the employee concerned to submit an explanation in writing within a certain period of time.
  • Step 3 (reply to show cause letter): The employee ought to be given a written opportunity to reply to the allegations made against him/her in the show cause letter, and reasonable time for doing so.
  • Step 4 (domestic inquiry): If the employer is of the view that serious misconduct appears to have been committed, a domestic inquiry may be conducted. A domestic inquiry is an internal inquiry held by an employer to inquire into allegations of misconduct by an employee to determine if an employee is guilty or innocent of the same and will involve the calling of witnesses and tendering of evidence to prove the employer’s case. The process usually begins with the employer issuing the employee with a notice of inquiry, laying down the specific charges of misconduct. The notice of inquiry will also state the date and time of inquiry and inform the employee that he/she is entitled to bring witnesses to support his case. A domestic inquiry is not a requirement under law and the industrial court has held that the failure to hold an inquiry before dismissing an employee is not fatal to the employer’s case. A domestic inquiry must however be held if it is within the employer’s written policies and procedures. The employer is entitled to depart from the panel of inquiry’s findings and recommendations.

In cases of poor performance, the following process should generally be followed before dismissal:

  • The employee should be informed of his/her poor performance, and warned that failure to bring his/her performance up to an acceptable level would warrant dismissal from employment.
  • The employee must be accorded sufficient opportunity to improve with time and guidance from his/her employer.
  • Notwithstanding efforts taken to warn the employee of his/her poor performance and to assist the employee to achieve an expected level of performance, the employee failed to sufficiently improve his/her performance.

The requirements set out above in relation to misconduct and poor performance are specifically laid down in statute but have been expressed by case law to support just cause or excuse for dismissal.

Employers and employees may agree to mutually separate by way of a mutual separation agreement to terminate the employment contract where, as part of the same, the employer offers some compensation in exchange for certain obligations by the employee, including a release of claim or waiver of rights.

Employers may also carry out voluntary separation schemes entailing a termination of employment in which employees are paid some form of compensation in exchange for certain obligations by the employee, including a release of claims or waiver of rights. This is often entered into to avoid mass retrenchments. As part of the voluntary separation scheme, a selected group of employees may be invited to apply for the voluntary separation scheme and the employer has full discretion on who it wishes to select for the voluntary separation.

There are no specific protections against dismissal for particular categories of employees, save for pregnant female employees, as elaborated on in 7.3 Dismissal for (Serious) Cause.

An employee who considers that they have been dismissed without just cause or excuse may file a representation for reinstatement under Section 20 of the Industrial Relations Act 1967. If the employee is successful, they may be awarded:

  • up to 24 months’ last drawn salary in backwages; and
  • reinstatement or, in lieu of reinstatement, one month’s last drawn salary for each year of service.

A fixed-term employee is only entitled to backwages commensurate with the duration left in the contract of employment if early termination had not occurred.

An employee on probation is entitled to up to 12 months’ last drawn salary in backwages.

All employees have a right to be treated fairly and with mutual trust and respect in the workplace, and discrimination is not permissible. Under the newly amended EA, the Director General may inquire into and decide any dispute between an employee and his/her employer in respect of any matter relating to discrimination in employment and may also, pursuant to such decision, make an order. An employer who fails to comply with any order of the Director General commits an offence, and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding RM50,000. In the case of a continuing offence, the employer shall be liable to a daily fine not exceeding RM1,000 for each day the offence continues after conviction.

However, “discrimination” is neither defined nor made an offence. The amendments also do not provide any specific remedy that the Director General may afford if the Director General finds that a dispute between employer and employee relates to discrimination in employment.

The law in question is still relatively new, and as a result, there remains uncertainty regarding the burden of proof and potential damages or relief that may apply in such cases. Nonetheless, we can expect ongoing case developments on discrimination in the workplace as legal professionals and courts grapple with its interpretation and application.

It is essential to highlight that the amendments only cover discrimination once the employment relationship has commenced and do not address discrimination as a reason for denying employment or non-employment.

At the time of writing, the industrial courts in Malaysia have not implemented any regulations concerning the digitalisation of employment disputes, including the possibility of conducting court proceedings via video. However, this practice has been initiated in civil courts primarily as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Employees who lodge a representation for reinstatement pursuant to Section 20 of the Industrial Relations Act 1967 will have their representation heard by the industrial court if conciliation cannot be reached between the parties. Employees have 60 days to file such a representation. Alternatively, employees may also file a civil claim for wrongful termination of the employment contract but any award of damages will be limited to the applicable notice period of termination. Reinstatement is not a remedy that civil courts can grant.

Class action claims are not recognised in Malaysia. Employees may make claims on an individual basis for unjust dismissal. However, the courts may hear the matters together.

Parties may agree to private arbitration of employment disputes, but these are very uncommon in Malaysia.

The Industrial Court does not award costs.


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Trends and Developments


Lee Hishammuddin Allen & Gledhill (LHAG) is one of the largest law firms in Malaysia with more than 90 lawyers, divided into seven practice areas, comprising twenty-four practice groups, each headed by an experienced partner, enabling the firm to offer a market-leading depth and breadth of expertise. It is the only Malaysian firm to have been selected as a member of Multilaw and Interlaw, two prominent global networks of independent law firms. The firm’s employment & industrial relations practice group has a consultant and four established, dedicated partners who largely devote their time to advisory and litigation work, respectively. This focus enables the team to offer clients from a broad cross-section of the Malaysian economy, the benefit of profound experience in the specific type of mandate at hand.

The employment law landscape in Malaysia this year has seen increased coverage of social and welfare protections afforded not only to its local employees but also foreign workers. This progressive shift is demonstrated by key legislative amendments and/or policy enforcement, including the Trade Unions Act 1959 (TUA 1959), Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (OSHA 1994), the anticipated tabling of the Gig Workers Commission Bill, and enhancements under the Social Security Organisation (SOCSO).

Trade Unions (Amendment) Act 2024

In Malaysia, the freedom of association is prescribed in the Federal Constitution wherein Article 10 (1) of the Federal Constitution protects workers’ freedom to form and join trade unions. Although workers are free to form and join a trade union, this freedom is not absolute. The recognition of trade unions is governed by the TUA 1959 and the Industrial Relations Act 1967 (IRA 1967) which impose several restrictions on the formation of trade unions. Nonetheless, in tandem with the principles of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention on Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise, the Trade Unions (Amendment) Act 2024, which was gazetted on 12 January 2024, has removed several restrictions which were previously imposed by the TUA 1959.

The former Minister of Human Resources, V. Sivakumar, during the second tabling of the bill said that “[t]he amendment suggested in this bill will encourage the establishment of unions, and it is expected to increase the coverage of collective bargaining among private sector workers in Malaysia” and hoped that the amendment would help create trade unions that are “healthy, mature and progressive in addition to ensuring the quality of the protection of workers’ rights in Malaysia by taking into account the principles outlined under international labour standards.”

The key amendments to the TUA 1959 include, among others, the definition of trade union or union, the extension of the deadline for registration of a trade union, the limitation of grounds for refusal of registration of a trade union by the Director General of Trade Union (DGTU), the removal of the DGTU’s authority to suspend a trade union branch, and the introduction of a statutory prohibition of discrimination against trade union membership.

Before the amendment, a “trade union” or “union” was defined as “any association or combination of workmen or employers… within any particular establishment, trade, occupation or industry or within any similar trades, occupations or industries…”. The Trade Unions (Amendment) Act 2024, however, has removed the limitation of trade unions/union to a “particular establishment, trade, occupation or industry or within any similar trades, occupations or industries”. Further, the restriction of allowing only one union to be set up in any industry, occupation or trade has also been removed. This means that multiple trade unions can be established within a single workplace and a single trade union may include an unlimited variety of members from different workplaces, trades, occupations, industries, and localities.

Before the amendment, the period for an application for registration of a trade union was one month. The Trade Unions (Amendment) Act 2024, however, seeks to extend the aforesaid period for registration to six months, with the maximum extension of time being increased from six months in the aggregate to 12 months in the aggregate. Such provision of more time for the registration process will allow trade unions to gather necessary documentation and fulfil requirements more thoroughly and accurately.

The Trade Unions (Amendment) Act 2024 also limits the grounds for the DGTU to refuse registration of a trade union to the following:

  • If he is satisfied that the objects, rules, and constitution of the trade union conflict with any of the provisions of this Act or of any regulations; or
  • If the name under which the trade union is to be registered is –
    1. identical to that of any other existing trade union, or so nearly resembles the name of such other trade union as, in the opinion of the Director General, is likely to deceive the public or the members of either trade union; or
    2. in his opinion, would promote feelings of ill-will and hostility between different races, religions or nationalities,

unless the trade union alters its name to one acceptable to the DGTU.

Additionally, where the DGTU refuses to register a trade union on the above grounds, he is required to inform the trade union in writing of his refusal and the grounds for such refusal.

Further, before the amendment, the DGTU was vested with the authority to suspend a trade union branch if it was found to have violated the TUA 1959 or union rules. The Trade Unions (Amendment) Act 2024 has resulted in the removal of this authority. As such, any suspension of a trade union may be carried out by the Minister of Human Resources, with the concurrence of the Minister responsible for internal security and public order.

The Trades Union (Amendment) Act 2024 further stipulates that no membership of a trade union shall be confined to a particular race, religion or nationality, reflecting Malaysia’s efforts to eliminate discrimination in the workplace. As at the date of writing, the Trade Unions (Amendment) Act 2024 has not yet come into force.

Occupational Safety and Health

On 1 June 2024, the amendments to the OSHA 1994 came into force. The salient amendments to the OSHA 1994, which include, among others, the following, emphasise Malaysia’s commitment to international environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards at the workplace:

  • Expansion of the scope and applicability of OSHA 1994 to “all places of work throughout Malaysia, including the public service and statutory authorities”: Prior to the amendment, the OSHA 1994 applied only to specific industries, such as manufacturing, mining and quarrying, construction, utilities, finance, insurance, real estate, and business services.
  • The introduction of a principal and corresponding duties: A “principal” is defined as “any person who, in the course of or for the purposes of his trade, business, profession, or undertaking, contracts with a contractor for the execution by or under the contractor of the whole or any part of any work undertaken by the principal”. The amendment has placed a requirement for a principal to ensure the safety and health of any contractor it engages, any subcontractor or indirect subcontractor, and any employee employed by such contractor or subcontractor, so long as such persons are working under the direction of the principal. Specific measures to be taken by the principal include providing and maintaining plants and systems of work, offering information, instruction, training, and supervision, and maintaining a safe working environment.
  • The introduction of new duties for principals, employers and self-employed persons: These duties include conducting risk assessments in relation to the safety and health risk posed to any person who may be affected by their job at the place of work, and to develop and implement procedures to address emergencies that may arise in the course of the employees’ work.
  • The requirement for an employer with five or more employees to appoint one of their employees to act as an occupational safety and health co-ordinator for places of work that are not included in any class or description of place of work in the Gazette requiring a safety and health officer: Unlike a safety and health officer who is tasked with ensuring compliance with the OSHA 1994, a safety and health co-ordinator is tasked with co-ordinating occupational safety and health issues specifically in the workplace.
  • Increased protection afforded to employees as employees may remove themselves from imminent danger at their place of work or the work itself should the same fall within the prescribed situations: An imminent danger is a serious danger which may result in death or serious bodily injury caused by plant, substance, activity, process, practice, procedure or place of work hazard. Employees who exercise their right to remove themselves are also expressly protected from undue consequences and discrimination.
  • The maximum fines that may be imposed on employers, self-employed persons, and principals convicted of certain offences have been increased from RM50,000 to RM500,000, while the maximum fines that may be imposed on designers, manufacturers, and suppliers convicted of certain offences have been increased from RM20,000 to RM200,000.
  • Directors and specified office bearers, including a director, compliance officer, partner, manager, secretary, or other similar officer of a company, can be jointly or severally liable for offences committed by the company or other relevant body. 

In addition to the amendments to OSHA 1994, Malaysia has also, on 11 June 2024, presented its instruments for ratification of the Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981 (No. 155) to the Director-General of the ILO for registration during the Occupational Safety and Health Conference of the ILO. Overall, it is clear that Malaysia is dedicated to advancing global human rights standards in occupational safety and health.

Combating Forced Labour

In 2023, the Ministry of Human Resources released a set of guidelines identifying forced labour practices. The said guidelines provide, among others, the following 11 indicators of the elements of a situation of forced labour which reflect the 11 indicators of forced labour released by the ILO:

  • abuse of vulnerability: exploiting an individual’s vulnerable position, such as economic hardship, lack of education, or immigration status, to compel them to work;
  • deception: providing false information or promises to recruit individuals for work under false pretences;
  • restriction of movement: imposing restrictions on workers’ freedom of movement, such as confiscating passports or identification documents, to control their ability to leave the workplace or return home;
  • isolation: isolating workers from their families, communities, or support networks to prevent them from seeking assistance or reporting abuses;
  • physical and sexual violence: subjecting workers to physical or sexual violence or threats thereof to coerce them into working or submitting to exploitative conditions;
  • intimidation and threats: using threats, coercion, or intimidation to force compliance with work demands or preventing workers from asserting their rights;
  • retention of identity documents: withholding workers’ identification documents or other personal belongings to restrict their freedom and control their ability to leave the workplace;
  • debt bondage: forcing workers to work to repay debts, often through inflated fees, interest rates, or expenses, which may never be fully repaid;
  • withholding wages: failing to pay workers their rightful wages or withholding payment to maintain control over them;
  • excessive working hours: imposing excessively long working hours or unrealistic production quotas on workers, leading to exhaustion and involuntary servitude; and
  • abusive working and living conditions: subjecting workers to harsh or inhumane working and living conditions, including inadequate housing, sanitation, and safety measures, to exploit their labour for profit.

These guidelines align with Malaysia’s commitment to effectively identifying and addressing forced labour practices through legislative and policy-driven means, such as the inclusion of forced labour as an offence under the Employment Act 1955, and the National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025), which follows the “4Ps” strategy: prevention, protection, prosecution, and partnerships, as well as the ratification of the Protocol of 2014 to the Forced Labour Convention in 2022.

Extension of the Invalidity Scheme to Foreign Workers

The Invalidity Scheme under SOCSO offers comprehensive 24-hour coverage to employees, encompassing situations of disability or death arising from any cause unrelated to their employment. Benefits provided under this scheme include invalidity pension, invalidity grant, contract-attendance allowance, survivors’ pension, funeral benefits, facilities for physical/vocational rehabilitation and dialysis, and education benefits. In a significant move towards inclusivity, as of 1 July 2024, all foreign workers employed in Malaysia are now mandated to be covered under this scheme, a benefit previously restricted to local employees under the age of 60.

This requirement applies to all employers who employ foreign workers with valid passes or permits issued by the Director General of Immigration for the purpose of working in Malaysia. With the expansion of the coverage of the Invalidity Scheme, employers are required to make contribution payments for both the employer’s and foreign workers’ share according to the statutory prescribed rate of contribution under the Employees’ Social Security Act 1969, as follows:

  • Employment Injury Scheme and Invalidity Scheme: for foreign workers who first enter the SOCSO scheme or are first covered below the age of 55 years old;
  • Employment Injury Scheme:
    1. for foreign workers who have reached 55 years old when they first enter the SOCSO scheme; or
    2. for foreign workers who have reached the age of 60 and are still working.

Previously, foreign workers only had access to the Employment Injury Scheme, which provides protection to an employee against accidents or occupational disease arising out of and in the course of employment. The extension of the Invalidity Scheme therefore underscores the country’s commitment to safeguarding the wellbeing of the workforce that forms the cornerstone of Malaysia’s economy, regardless of their nationality. Furthermore, this initiative brings Malaysia in line with international labour standards pertaining to health, safety, and welfare, especially following the country’s ratification of the ILO’s Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981 (No. 155), in June 2024.

Gig Workers Commission Bill

The Gig Workers Commission Bill, aimed at providing a legal framework to protect the rights and welfare of gig economy workers, will be tabled in Parliament by the end of July 2024. As the gig economy continues to grow, with 30% of gig workers participating in platform-based work on a full-time basis, this bill seeks to address the unique challenges faced by these workers. The salient features of the bill include:

  • the establishment of a commission to oversee the gig economy, ensuring fair practices and standards across various platforms; this includes monitoring working conditions and payment practices;
  • the provision of mechanisms for resolving disputes between gig workers and platform operators, offering a structured approach to address grievances; and
  • the provision of statutory protections for essential rights of gig workers, including fair compensation, working hours, and access to benefits such as health insurance and retirement plans.

It is noteworthy that the bill encompasses a wide range of gig work, from ride-sharing and food delivery to freelance services, recognising the diverse nature of the gig economy. With the rise of the gig economy in Malaysia, characterised by its flexibility and accessibility, workers often face job insecurity, lack of benefits, and exploitation. The introduction of this bill marks a significant step towards recognising gig workers as integral to the economy, ensuring they receive protections similar to those in traditional employment.

The Gig Workers Commission Bill represents a proactive approach to modern labour issues, fostering a more equitable working environment for gig economy participants. As the bill moves through the legislative process, it has the potential to significantly enhance the rights and welfare of millions of Malaysians engaged in gig work, promoting fairness and stability in this evolving sector.

Anti-Sexual Harassment Tribunal

In March 2023, several provisions of the Anti-Sexual Harassment Act 2022 (ASHA 2022) came into force. The ASHA 2022 provides for a right of redress for any person who has been sexually harassed, the establishment of the Tribunal for Anti-Sexual Harassment (“Tribunal”), to raise awareness and to prevent the occurrence of sexual harassment, and to provide for related matters. Thus, it expands protections beyond the sexual harassment provisions provided under the Employment Act 1955 (EA 1955), which only covers sexual harassment incidents in the workplace.

The Tribunal serves as an alternative channel to the civil court to handle sexual harassment complaints quickly, easily, and at minimal cost, and recently issued its first award in a case involving physical sexual harassment by a male employer towards a female employee wherein it ordered the respondent to issue a statement of apology as requested by the complainant. This case marks an important step in utilising the provisions of the Anti-Sexual Harassment Act to provide redress and support to victims, reinforcing the commitment to a safer environment for all individuals.

Flexible Working Arrangements

In April 2024, the Minister of Human Resources announced that the Ministry of Human Resources, in collaboration with Talent Corporation Malaysia Bhd (TalentCorp), is poised to provide consultation services to employers and companies seeking guidance on the implementation of flexible working arrangements at their establishments. Under the Employment Act 1955, employees have the right to submit written requests for flexible working arrangements, which can involve changing their work hours, days, or location. Employers must provide their feedback within 60 days and provide reasons for the rejection of any such application. 

The endorsement of flexible working arrangements by the Minister of Human Resources signals official support and guidance from the government regarding the implementation of flexible working arrangements. It also underscores the importance of compliance and transparency in handling employees’ requests for flexible working arrangements.

Malaysia’s Progressive Wage Policy

The Progressive Wage Policy (DGP) pilot project in Malaysia will involve 1,000 companies and run from June 2024 to August 2024. An assessment will be conducted in September 2024 to evaluate policy readiness before full implementation is considered by the Cabinet. It has also been reported that the DGP is likely to be continued for a year until June 2025.

The DGP targets entry-level and non-entry level workers across various sectors earning between RM1,500 and RM4,999 per month. Employers will benefit from a skilled workforce, leading to increased productivity, competitiveness, and company revenue. Deputy Human Resources Minister Abdul Rahman Mohamad highlighted that the initiative aims to improve private sector wage structures, complementing existing policies such as the Minimum Wage Order and the Productivity Linked-Wage System.

Key features of the DGP include:

  • Voluntary participation: Companies can voluntarily register as “Progressive Wage Employers” online to be eligible for incentives, without the creation of new mandatory laws.
  • Incentive-based: Registered companies meeting DGP criteria will receive government-determined incentives to help offset increased labour costs.
  • Productivity-linked: Participating companies must provide proof of employee skill enhancement through recognised courses and training to boost productivity. This initiative aims to encourage continuous learning and investment in technology and automation.

The DGP implementation relies on three mechanisms:

  • Participation criteria: Companies must meet eligibility requirements to become “Progressive Wage Employers”.
  • Proposed starting salaries and annual increases: The Executive Committee will recommend starting salaries and annual increases based on the Malaysian Standard Classification of Occupations (MASCO) for different economic sectors and job categories.
  • Incentives by worker category: Cash incentives will be provided based on the worker category, distinguishing between entry-level (first-year employees) and non-entry level (employees with over a year of service).

The DGP targets companies in sectors such as manufacturing, construction, wholesale and retail trade, motor vehicle and motorcycle repair, information and communication, and professional, scientific, and technical activities. As at August 2024, 1,094 companies have opened accounts under the DGP pilot project. The government expects to pay out incentives to employers from October 2024.


The recent developments in Malaysia’s employment law landscape signify a positive step towards ensuring the wellbeing of both local and foreign workers. The strengthened legal frameworks, improved working conditions, enhanced social protections, and emphasis on fair treatment and inclusivity illustrate the nation’s commitment to creating a fair and equitable labour market. As these changes take root, it is anticipated that Malaysia will continue to progress towards becoming a more equitable and inclusive society, where all workers are valued and protected.

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Lee Hishammuddin Allen & Gledhill (LHAG) is one of the largest law firms in Malaysia with more than 90 lawyers, divided into seven practice areas, comprising twenty-four practice groups, each headed by an experienced partner, enabling the firm to offer a market-leading depth and breadth of expertise. It is the only Malaysian firm to have been selected as a member of Multilaw and Interlaw, two prominent global networks of independent law firms. The firm’s employment & industrial relations practice group has a consultant and four established, dedicated partners who largely devote their time to advisory and litigation work, respectively. This focus enables the team to offer clients from a broad cross-section of the Malaysian economy, the benefit of profound experience in the specific type of mandate at hand.

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