Market conditions for fintech offerings in Switzerland are generally considered favourable. This is due to:
Switzerland’s fintech market has experienced significant growth and expansion, with both the value chain and the product and service range seeing acceleration from an already high level. According to the Swiss Venture Capital Report 2024, total investment in the fintech industry decreased substantially to CHF424 million, in essence a reduction by half, which is also a sharper decline than in the overall market. While the investment decline is significant, it has to be considered that investments in the fintech sector in the ten years prior grew rapidly, and current numbers are still way above pre-pandemic numbers. Of note is that the number of funding rounds increased to 60, a new all-time high.
Swiss legislation has recently focused on adapting the legal and regulatory framework to the needs of the fintech sector (see 2.4 Variations Between the Regulation of Fintech and Legacy Players), contributing to a more dynamic Swiss fintech sector. For example, specific legislation in the area of blockchain came into force in the course of 2021, which ensures that Switzerland remains an attractive place for fintech startups (see 10.2 Local Regulators’ Approach to Blockchain).
The Swiss fintech landscape has evolved significantly in recent years, and Switzerland remains an attractive location for financial sector innovators. There are currently over 500 active players in Switzerland’s fintech ecosystem, including both emerging and established companies. The total number of fintech-related businesses is much higher. These companies primarily focus on the financial market sector, notably:
Many of these businesses offer their products and services to established financial institutions and/or collaborate on digitisation projects. Switzerland’s fintech market is primarily composed of start-ups that receive most of their funding through venture capital. In Switzerland, it is common for established financial service providers to work with emerging fintech companies. The value chain of established financial service providers is being scrutinised and challenged both internally and externally. Emerging fintech companies are developing new technology-driven products and services that have the potential to disrupt the value chain of established players. Established financial service providers generally have the necessary financial and organisational resources to gradually adapt their business processes, both to avoid this displacement and achieve high market visibility. Conversely, a relatively small number of emerging companies can rely on a trusted brand or a financial market licence (eg, a bank). In 2019, the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) granted banking licences to fintech players for the first time, namely AMINA Bank AG (formerly Seba AG) and Sygnum, which specialise in assets based on DLT. Other notable fintech players have since received FINMA licences for nearly all types of traditional licences – eg, Revolut Bank UAB (Swiss authorised representative of a foreign bank), Taurus SA (securities firm), VIAC Invest AG (fund manager), Alphemy Capital SA (manager of collective assets) and SDX Trading AG (stock exchange).
Swiss law takes a technology-neutral and principle-based approach, which has significant implications for fintech companies operating in Switzerland. Unlike other jurisdictions, Swiss-based fintech companies benefit from a more flexible regulatory environment that allows for greater regulatory latitude. FINMA has made regulatory changes to support fintech development and lower market entry barriers. These changes are risk-based and technology-neutral. Recent legislative projects, including two new regulatory licence types – the so-called fintech licence, also referred to as a “banking licence light” – have created a technology-neutral regulatory framework for accepting deposits of up to CHF100 million from the public without engaging in typical commercial banking activities (see 2.5 Regulatory Sandbox), and the DLT trading facility has created a regulatory framework for a trading venue specific to DLT-based securities.
Alongside these specific measures, fintech companies are also subject to the general legal and regulatory framework summarised in the following (see 2.10 Significant Enforcement Actions).
Banking Legislation
In Switzerland, soliciting and accepting deposits from the public on a professional basis is a restricted activity that requires a full-fledged banking licence from FINMA. The term “deposit” is broadly defined under the Banking Act as any undertaking for own account to repay a certain amount. Deposits are considered “public” when:
As a result, many business models used, for instance, by payment systems, payment services providers and crowdfunding or crowdlending platforms are considered to involve the solicitation and acceptance of deposits and may fall within the scope of the Banking Act, therefore triggering licensing requirements.
However, fintech companies do not need a banking licence to hold deposits under CHF1 million (see 2.5 Regulatory Sandbox). Similarly, no banking licence is needed if deposits (regardless of amount) are held for less than 60 days on a settlement account. All other deposit-taking activities require either a fintech licence for deposit-taking not exceeding CHF100 million or a full-fledged banking licence. It is also worth noting that funds linked to means of payment, or to a payment system, do not qualify as deposits, provided that:
This exemption may benefit some card payment services and online or mobile payment services. However, they need to ensure that funds stored on user accounts are only for buying goods and services (not for peer-to-peer (P2P) transfers, withdrawals, transfers to a user’s bank account, etc) and never exceed CHF3,000 per customer.
Anti-Money Laundering Legislation
The Federal Anti-Money Laundering Act (AMLA) defines an intermediary as any natural or legal person who accepts or holds deposit assets belonging to others, or assists in the investment or transfer of such assets. This covers everyone who carries out credit transactions (such as consumer loans or mortgages, factoring, commercial financing or financial leasing) or who provides payment transaction services. This affects many emerging business models, such as mobile payment, blockchain and related applications, cryptocurrencies, automated investment advice, crowdfunding and P2P lending. Under this broad scope, many – if not most – fintech companies qualify as financial intermediaries and are generally subject to anti-money laundering (AML) obligations, including compliance with know your customer (KYC) rules (see 2.14 Impact of AML and Sanctions Rules).
Swiss Financial Services Act, Swiss Financial Institutions Act
The Swiss Financial Services Act (FinSA) and Swiss Financial Institutions Act (FinIA) came into force on 1 January 2020. While the purpose of FinIA is to provide a new legal framework governing most financial institutions (ie, asset managers, trustees, managers of collective assets, fund managers and securities firms), FinSA is designed to regulate financial services in Switzerland, whether provided by a Swiss-based business or on a cross-border basis from Switzerland or to clients in Switzerland. The rules are largely based on EU directives – the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II), the Prospectus Directive and Packaged Retail Investment and Insurance-Based Products (PRIIPs) – with adjustments tailored to the Swiss market.
In a nutshell, with regard to fintech, the new legal framework brought additional regulatory requirements to the extent that fintech companies provide financial services in Switzerland or to Swiss clients (application of FinSA) or provide asset management services or other regulated services (application of FinIA and new licensing requirements).
There are no specific rules on the amount of fees that fintech companies may charge their customers. However, Swiss law provides for a number of disclosure obligations in relation to financial service fees, including the following:
For the sake of completeness, it should be noted that FinSA also provides for certain rules against abusive conduct by financial service providers (such as third-party distributors of the products) that are relevant in relation to fees. For example, a financial service provider may not invoice a price that differs from the effective execution price when processing client orders.
Recently, the legislator’s focus has been on adapting the applicable legal and regulatory framework to the needs of the fintech sector. The Swiss legislator has subsequently introduced three measures within Swiss banking legislation aimed at promoting innovation in the financial sector:
In addition to the regulatory sandbox (see 2.4 Variations Between the Regulation of Fintech and Legacy Players), under the fintech licence, a company is allowed to accept public deposits provided that:
Fintech licences involve less stringent regulatory requirements than a banking licence. Strict banking equity ratio requirements, as well as liquidity requirements, do not apply. In addition, there are lower minimum capital requirements: fintech licence holders must maintain capital amounting to 3% of public deposits, but in any case not less than CHF300,000. In 2023, FINMA published its revised guidelines for the fintech licence, setting out the information and documentation needed to apply for one. These include a list of all participants holding a direct or indirect interest of 5% in the applicant, information on the governing bodies and the activities of the company, plus a three-year financial forecast.
To be clear, the fintech licence is not a banking licence, and companies operating under such a licence do not qualify as banking institutions and may not be designated as such. By extension, client deposits are not covered by the Swiss deposit protection scheme, and clients must be duly informed of this, as well as of the attendant risks. In March 2020, FINMA granted the first fintech licence to an app-based bank called Yapeal. The other three companies holding a fintech licence are Bivial, Relio and SR Saphirstein. At least two more former fintech licence holders have already been put into liquidation.
FINMA is generally responsible for authorisation, supervision and enforcement under Swiss financial market laws. FINMA adopts a risk-oriented approach to supervision, meaning examinations depend on the risk posed by the respective financial market participant. The applicable financial market laws are enforced by FINMA, which may include administrative measures where necessary. FINMA’s powers include precautionary measures and measures to restore compliance with the law, withdrawing authorisation, liquidating unauthorised companies, issuing industry bans and ordering the disgorgement of profits generated illegally. It can also publish final decisions naming those involved. Since naming companies or individuals is restricted by law, FINMA generally only publishes information on ongoing or completed enforcement proceedings if there is a particular public interest – eg, to protect investors, creditors or policyholders.
Besides FINMA, criminal prosecution authorities and self-regulatory organisations (SROs) are involved in enforcing financial market laws. Where irregularities fall under criminal law, FINMA may file a complaint with the competent authorities (Federal Department of Finance (FDF), Office of the Attorney General and cantonal prosecutors). There are other authorities, such as the Competition Commission and the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner, which may also enforce relevant laws.
FINMA has a practice of issuing no-action letters upon request for specific factual circumstances presented to FINMA in detail in writing. FINMA only issues no-action letters as regards regulatory aspects under laws that FINMA enforces (eg, AMLA, FinIA, the Banking Act) but not for any other laws (eg, data protection laws). No-action letters are subject to a fee. Their validity is limited to the requesting party and only to the extent the actually implemented business fully corresponds to the factual circumstances presented to FINMA. Due to the high demand for no-action letters in the fintech sector (approximately 100 per year according to FINMA), FINMA has created a dedicated team for fintech matters that, among others, deals with these requests from the fintech sector. Note that with other Swiss authorities (eg, in the area of data protection), no-action letters are less common.
The outsourcing of significant business areas of regulated entities is subject to certain requirements. In essence, Swiss financial market law sets forth three different outsourcing regimes.
Each entity subject to one of the foregoing outsourcing regimes continues to bear responsibility for the outsourced business areas, so it must ensure the proper selection, instruction and control of the supplier. Furthermore, it is a common requirement in all outsourcing regimes to conclude a written contract with the supplier that sets out, among other things, clearly assigned responsibilities as well as audit and inspection rights. If a significant function is outsourced, the service provider is subject to information and reporting duties to, and audits by, FINMA.
Regulated entities subject to the Outsourcing Circular must comply with the detailed measures set out therein, including:
Regulated entities subject to FinIA may only delegate tasks to third parties who have the necessary skills, knowledge, experience and authorisations to perform that task.
FINMA-regulated entities, as well as those responsible for their management, must provide guarantees of irreproachable business conduct. Furthermore, regulated entities, as well as their statutory auditors, are required to notify FINMA of any events that are of material relevance to FINMA’s supervision. Therefore, to a certain extent, fintech providers that are FINMA-regulated also act as gatekeepers.
From a civil law perspective and as a general principle, a fintech provider would be liable for damages resulting from negligence or wilful misconduct in breach of applicable law or contractual obligation. However, under Swiss civil law, liability can be limited or even excluded to a large extent by contractual agreement. Civil liability would thus have to be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
FINMA has executed several enforcement proceedings in the fintech industry, in particular in the case of initial coin offerings (ICOs) that were suspected of acting as a bank without being authorised to do so (ie, accepting deposits from the public without a banking licence; see 2.2 Regulatory Regime). In its annual report 2022, FINMA stressed its supervisory focus on capital and liquidity requirements. In relation to this, FINMA stated in its annual report for 2022 that certain companies holding a fintech licence faced financial obligations that threatened their solvency and/or liquidity. As a result, FINMA had to withdraw a fintech licence for the first time.
Only in very few cases did FINMA make individual enforcement cases public:
FINMA also maintains a warning list on its website of individuals and entities who are presumed to carry out unauthorised activities under financial market regulations.
The processing of personal data by private persons and federal bodies is regulated in particular by the Data Protection Act (DPA) and the Data Protection Ordinance (DPO), which in their recently revised versions entered into force on 1 September 2023. The revised DPA is largely modelled after the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and provides for considerable organisational and administrative requirements, as well as significant sanctions. The DPA and the DPO apply, with some exceptions, to the processing of data relating to natural persons. Personal data must be protected against unauthorised processing by appropriate technical and organisational measures.
In addition, the protection of data is, in the banking sector, also governed by the requirements on critical data in the revised FINMA Circular 2023/1 Operational Risks and Resilience – Banks. Critical data is data that, in view of the institution’s size, complexity, structure, risk profile and business model, is of such crucial significance that it requires increased security measures. The criticality of such data is determined by assessing its confidentiality, integrity and availability.
In addition, the Federal Act on Information Security (ISecA) and its implementing ordinances entered into force on 1 January 2024. While the ISecA primarily focuses on government cybersecurity, a revision adopted on 29 September 2023 requires critical infrastructure operators, including private parties, to report cyber-attacks to the National Cyber Security Centre within 24 hours. This obligation will apply, inter alia, to companies that are subject to the Banking Act (see 2.2 Regulatory Regime), Insurance Supervisory Act (ISA; see 8.2 Treatment of Different Types of Insurance) or Financial Markets Infrastructure Act (FMIA; see 6. Marketplaces, Exchanges and Trading Platforms). The new reporting obligation is expected to take effect in the first half of 2025.
With regard to cybersecurity, non-binding guidelines with respect to minimum security requirements for telecommunication services have been issued by the competent regulator – the Federal Office of Communications (OFCOM). However, there is no cross-sector cybersecurity legislation in Switzerland that would generally be applicable to fintech companies.
The following are the most notable authorities and organisations involved in Swiss financial market regulation.
Furthermore, there are many private for-profit and not-for-profit organisations active in the fintech industry that are helping to define industry standards. Most notably, the Swiss Bankers Association has defined several standards applied by banks – eg, on opening corporate accounts for DLT companies.
Although no specific rules on the conjunction of unregulated and regulated products and services apply, financial service providers are required to take appropriate measures to avoid conflicts of interest. As a general principle, most regulated entities (eg, asset managers, managers of collective assets, insurers) are also required by law to pursue activities only related to their respective regulatory status. FINMA may, however, grant exemptions subject to applicable laws.
Many fintech companies are likely to qualify as financial intermediaries and may, therefore, be subject to AMLA.
Fintech companies subject to AMLA are not only required to join an SRO (unless otherwise supervised by FINMA – eg, as a bank), but AML obligations also include due diligence obligations (including KYC rules and record-keeping obligations), reporting obligations in the event of a suspicion of money laundering or obligations to freeze assets under certain conditions. AMLA is relatively easy to comply with and should not represent a significant entry barrier. However, dealing with the associated costs requires careful planning, and business models may need to be adapted. This applies particularly to fintech companies providing alternative finance (eg, crowd investment) platforms, payment services or the professional purchasing and selling of virtual currencies.
As regards sanction rules, the Federal Council adopted the sanctions packages imposed by the EU in view of the war between the Russian Federation and Ukraine for Switzerland on 28 February 2022. The Federal Council has since consistently updated the Swiss sanctions regime to take account of additional EU sanctions packages that have been enacted in the meantime (subject to very limited exemptions). The Swiss Federal Ordinance is instituting measures in connection with the situation in Ukraine including, among others, financial sanctions against certain listed individuals and businesses and bans on providing certain financial services to Russian nationals as well as individuals and businesses residing in the Russian Federation. Compliance with sanctions may be operationally challenging and requires utmost care, as breaches of sanctions regulations may result in legal and reputational risks for fintech companies. The Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) maintains a public website with information and guidance on export control and sanctions.
Switzerland has been a member of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) since 1990 and, according to the Swiss federal government’s published financial market policy, is actively involved in the work of the FATF for effective and appropriate solutions and the uniform implementation of standards worldwide.
In the FATF’s most recent full assessment of Switzerland’s AML/combatting the financing of terrorism (CFT) regime, the FATF found that it “is technically robust and has achieved good results”, but that it “would still benefit from some improvements”. In its most recent follow-up report, the FATF attested Switzerland has made “progress in addressing the technical compliance deficiencies identified”.
In 2024, the Federal Council published draft legislation that would, among other things, introduce into AMLA a mandatory transparency register on beneficial owners of legal entities and expand AMLA’s applicability to certain advisors, including lawyers. This proposed legislation, which is subject to parliamentary proceedings and will therefore not enter into force before 2026 at the earliest, would address the outstanding deficiencies identified by the FATF.
FinSA generally applies to the provision of financial services in Switzerland or to Swiss residents (see 2.2 Regulatory Regime). However, it contains a reverse solicitation exemption, whereby financial services provided to clients in Switzerland by foreign financial service providers are not covered/governed by the FinSA if:
Therefore, the reverse solicitation results in a narrow exemption and customarily is not sufficient to serve as a business model, as it does not allow for systematic market services in the Swiss market.
Note that reverse solicitation is not relevant for most other Swiss financial market acts (eg, AMLA) as these only apply in case of the service being provided in or from Switzerland (ie, these acts do not apply to cross-border service provision; see also 5.2 Regulation of Cross-Border Payments and Remittances).
In Switzerland, financial advisers that provide financial advice or investment management online, so-called robo-advisers, are growing in popularity. In particular, those between the ages of 24 and 35 are expected to make up the customer base of online investment solutions, since they often adopt new technologies quickly and prefer self-service approaches. There are several companies that pursue a robo-adviser business model based on mathematical rules or algorithms and allocate, manage and optimise clients’ assets.
With regard to automated investment advice, there are no specific applicable rules or regulations. Swiss law is generally technology-neutral and principle-based. FINMA actively contributes to a fintech-friendly legal environment. FINMA regards innovation as key to Switzerland’s competitiveness as a financial centre, but adopts an essentially neutral approach to certain business models and technologies. FINMA has therefore been enhancing the regulatory framework to facilitate client onboarding via digital channels and has reviewed whether specific provisions in its ordinances and circulars disadvantaged some technologies, concluding that very few such obstacles existed. Therefore, FINMA has adopted its guidelines for asset management and has removed the requirement that asset management agreements have to be concluded in writing. Also, FINMA has eased the rules of the onboarding process for new businesses via digital channels.
Concerning legacy players’ implementation of solutions introduced by robo-advisers, see 3.1 Requirement for Different Business Models.
Under FinSA, financial service providers need to ensure that client orders are always executed in the best possible way with regard to the financial terms, timing of execution and other terms and conditions. Providers define, in a best execution policy to be reviewed annually, the criteria necessary for the execution of client orders. This includes the price, costs, timeliness and probability of execution and settlement. Upon the request of the client, the financial service provider evidences that the respective customer trades have been executed in compliance with these criteria. Regulatory best execution requirements do not apply in relation to institutional clients.
Crowdlending refers to loans for funding companies or individuals, which are consequently categorised as borrowed capital. Crowdlending is also known as P2P or social lending because funding is provided by individuals or companies that are not financial institutions or financial intermediaries. Referring to the distinguishing criterion mentioned in the foregoing to differentiate subtypes of crowdfunding, participants (funding providers) receive a payment in return for making their funding available to the project developer (borrower), typically in the form of interest, although participating loans or bond/note issuances are also possible. The amount of interest or return payment varies depending on the risk of the project and borrower, but it is usually lower than what traditional banks charge. There are a number of crowdlending businesses in Switzerland that offer loans to both private persons and companies.
Generally, crowdlending is subject to general financial services regulation, including AMLA (see 2.2 Regulatory Regime). Also, under the Swiss Consumer Credit Act (CCA), only authorised lenders can provide consumer loans. Lenders need to register with the Swiss canton where they are established or, if activities are conducted on a cross-border basis by foreign lenders, with the Swiss canton where they intend to perform their services.
Certain amendments to the consumer credit legislation came into force on 1 April 2019. Consumer loans that are obtained through a crowdlending platform are required to comply with the same consumer protection provided by the law as if they were extended by a professional lender. Certain implementing provisions in the Consumer Credit Ordinance have also been adopted, such as access to consumer credit information systems and professional indemnity insurance requirements for crowdlending platforms.
Concerning underwriting processes, see 4.1 Differences in the Business or Regulation of Loans Provided to Different Entities.
Concerning the syndication of fiat currency loans, see 4.1 Differences in the Business or Regulation of Loans Provided to Different Entities.
With regard to loans and loan syndication, it is predominantly banks that are active in the relevant market in Switzerland. There are a number of reasons for this, one being the Swiss tax law rules commonly referred to as the “Swiss non-bank rules”. The basis for these rules is that, under Swiss domestic tax law, payments by a Swiss borrower under bilateral or syndicated financing are generally not subject to Swiss withholding tax. This, however, requires compliance with Swiss non-bank rules. In a nutshell, these rules require that:
To ensure compliance with the Swiss non-bank rules, a number of provisions are included in facility agreements with Swiss borrowers, guarantors or security providers. Depending on the structure, these include assignment and transfer restrictions that limit the ability of lenders to sell down the facilities to more than a specified number of non-bank lenders.
The payment market in Switzerland has undergone significant changes in recent years. Since the introduction of the first mobile payment app, the Swiss market has experienced a surge of new entrants, leading to a rapid consolidation process. There are many electronic payment systems that rely, at least partially, on classic credit or debit card payment schemes; they use technology to facilitate payments at the point of sale in the context of e-commerce or, in some cases, between individuals (P2P). A recent study found that in 2024, for the first time, mobile payment became the most used form of payment in Switzerland. Also, the Swiss interbank clearing in 2024 introduced instant payments for the first time for around 60 participating institutions, covering approximately 95% of the Swiss retail payment market.
Besides credit and debit card-based payments, some payment apps can be linked to traditional bank accounts with partnering banks. The user experience is similar, but the payment is executed as a bank transfer – ie, the payer authorises the payment service provider to deduct the relevant amount from their bank account and to transfer it to the recipient’s bank account (often routed via a bank account of the payment service provider, subject to a fee). These systems are often operated or sponsored by banks and may therefore be subject to fewer regulatory constraints.
The Swiss AML regime (see 2.2 Regulatory Regime and 2.14 Impact of AML and Sanctions Rules) only covers financial intermediaries that have a physical presence in Switzerland and generally does not extend to foreign institutions active on a cross-border basis. For example, foreign payment service providers operating exclusively through electronic channels or the internet are usually not subject to AMLA. However, regardless of AMLA’s application, the general prohibition against money laundering under criminal law still applies. Institutions offering cross-border payments in or from Switzerland would of course have to be fully compliant with AMLA, including on KYC.
FinSA applies to financial services, defined as certain services in relation to financial instruments and not including typical payment services.
Marketplaces and trading platforms are regulated by the Financial Markets Infrastructure Act (FMIA). Under the FMIA, organised trading facilities for the multilateral trading of securities and other financial instruments require authorisation from FINMA. Trading facilities can seek authorisation as either a stock exchange or a multilateral trading facility. Furthermore, authorised banks, marketplaces (ie, stock exchanges or multilateral trading facilities) and securities firms may also operate an organised trading facility without additional authorisation.
The FMIA also regulates payment systems. However, they do not need authorisation from FINMA, unless the payment system’s authorisation is essential for the financial market’s proper functioning or the protection of its participants. Currently, there is no authorised payment system in Switzerland. The Federal Council has recently proposed draft legislation that would clarify and potentially slightly expand the scope, but such legislation will enter into force in 2027 at the earliest.
Regarding the trading of digital assets, the DLT/blockchain legislation introduced, in 2021, the so-called DLT trading facility as an additional licence (see 10.2 Local Regulators’ Approach to Blockchain). The main differences from the current regulation are that the new DLT trading facility licence allows individuals to participate in such a trading facility without an intermediary, and settlement and trading services are to be provided by a single entity. There is currently no licensed DLT trading facility.
The FMIA essentially differentiates between two asset classes:
With respect to derivatives, the FMIA foresees additional obligations, such as:
The FMIA is generally technology-neutral and applies identically to tokens that meet the criteria to constitute a security or a derivative. The one relevant exemption is that there is a separate DLT trading facility, which is a trading venue for DLT-based securities only (see 10.2 Local Regulators’ Approach to Blockchain).
By definition, decentralised systems are particularly vulnerable to anonymity risks. Indeed, in contrast to traditional financial services, virtual currency users’ identities are generally unknown, although in most cases, they are only pseudonymous, and there may be no regulated intermediary that serves as a gatekeeper to mitigate money laundering and financing of terrorism risks. Most virtual currencies, such as Bitcoin and Ether, use a pseudonymous blockchain, meaning that a user’s identity is not linked to a particular wallet or transaction. However, while a user’s identity is not visible on the distributed ledger, anyone can access and view the transaction information – such as dates, value and the counterparties’ addresses – that is publicly recorded on it. Therefore, enforcement authorities can, in the course of their investigations, track transactions where a user’s identity is linked to an account or address (such as wallet providers or exchange platforms).
Swiss AML legislation does not provide for a definition of virtual currencies. However, since the revision of the FINMA AML Ordinance in 2015, exchange activities in relation to virtual currencies – eg, money transmission with a conversion of virtual currencies between two parties – are subject to AML rules. In general, the exact scope of regulation applicable to cryptocurrency exchanges depends on the level of decentralisation and activities involved (see 6.1 Permissible Trading Platforms) as well as the economic function and transferability of the blockchain-based units – ie, tokens (see 10.2 Local Regulator’s Approach to Blockchain and 10.3 Classification of Blockchain Assets).
Most recently, FINMA issued specific guidance for the staking of crypto-assets and for stablecoins in 2023 and 2024, respectively.
The FMIA requires authorised stock exchanges and multilateral trading facilities to implement appropriate self-regulation, which is binding on the respective participants. SIX Swiss Exchange, as the dominant stock exchange, issues listing rules that have been amended to reflect the new financial market regulation (see 2.2 Regulatory Regime).
The FMIA requires authorised stock exchanges and multilateral trading facilities to implement rules on orderly and transparent trading, and to monitor trading in order to detect violations of statutory and regulatory provisions. The detailed rules are thus issued by the relevant trading facility – eg, SIX Swiss Exchange. Furthermore, best execution rules apply (see 3.3 Issues Relating to Best Execution of Customer Trades). Note that these rules would not apply to tokens that do not constitute a security.
Under the FMIA, organised trading facilities for trading securities and other financial instruments require the relevant FINMA authorisation (see 6.1 Permissible Trading Platforms), which includes strict limitations – eg, on authorised participants in such a trading facility. The new DLT trading facility allows, to a certain extent, for P2P trading of digital assets (see 6.1 Permissible Trading Platforms).
The rules on best execution (see 3.3 Issues Relating to Best Execution of Customer Trades) as well as the general principles on fees apply (see 2.3 Compensation Models).
The FMIA is designed to ensure the transparency and proper functioning of the securities markets, and stipulates two types of market abuse, which are described in the following.
Insider Trading
The use of insider information is unlawful if the person knows or should know that it is insider information and such person:
Market Manipulation
It is unlawful to publicly disseminate information, or to carry out transactions or give buy or sell orders, if the person knows or should know that such behaviour gives false or misleading signals regarding the supply, demand or price of securities admitted to trading on a trading venue in Switzerland.
In addition, most FINMA-supervised institutions must also meet certain organisational requirements regarding market integrity, which FINMA has detailed in its Circular 2013/8 Market Conduct Rules. The requirements include investigating trades that may involve unlawful market behaviour (if there are clear indications of this), handling insider information in a way that prevents unlawful market behaviour and enables its detection, ensuring that people who decide on securities and/or derivative transactions do not have access to insider information and monitoring employee transactions. Note that Circular 2013/8 in principle also applies to markets where the FMIA rules on insider trading and market manipulation do not apply (eg, trading outside of stock exchanges, including in tokens).
Algorithmic trading is based on computer algorithms that automatically determine the triggering and individual parameters of an order (such as time, price or quantity). High-frequency trading is an extension of algorithmic trading, having very low delays in order transmission and, usually, a short-term trading strategy. Its distinctive feature is a high number of order entries, changes or deletions within microseconds.
The FMIA and the related Financial Market Infrastructure Ordinance (FMIO) have introduced measures to address certain negative effects of algorithmic trading and high-frequency trading. The regulation follows international standards and is based on EU law.
Specifically, stock exchanges, multilateral trading systems and organised trading systems must ensure orderly trading. In particular, they must ensure that their trading systems are in a position to temporarily suspend or restrict trading if there is a significant price movement in the short term as a result of an effect on this market or a neighbouring market (so-called circuit breakers). It must also be possible to identify orders generated by algorithmic trading.
In addition, traders who engage in algorithmic trading and high-frequency trading are subject to various obligations. In particular, they must ensure their systems cause no disruption to the trading venue and are subject to appropriate testing of algorithms and control mechanisms. Furthermore, certain transparency requirements apply (see 7.2 Requirement to Register as Market Makers When Functioning in a Principal Capacity). It should be emphasised that higher fees may be charged for typical high-frequency trading techniques.
Pursuant to the FMIO, authorised trading facilities are required to impose upon all participants an obligation to notify the trading facility of the use of algorithmic trading and to flag all orders made by algorithmic trading.
In addition, a market participant requires authorisation as a securities firm by FINMA pursuant to FinIA if:
The transparency requirements in relation to algorithmic trading apply to all market participants alike (see 7.2 Requirement to Register as Market Makers When Functioning in a Principal Capacity). In addition, fund managers are subject to the regulatory regime under FinIA, and funds are governed by the Collective Investment Schemes Act, while dealers may qualify as securities firms (see 7.2 Requirement to Register as Market Makers When Functioning in a Principal Capacity).
Under Swiss law, there is no specific regulation of programmers and programming. However, the FMIA requires marketplaces to identify and monitor algorithmic and high-frequency trading (see 7.1 Creation and Usage Regulations), which may indirectly affect programmers and programming.
In Switzerland, insurtech has been growing fast, in part due to organisations pursuing business models that are based on general challenges faced by traditional insurers, such as new regulatory frameworks, alternative capital sources and ongoing low interest rates. In general, traditional insurers face lower barriers when entering the insurtech market as they already have the required licences and can focus on developing the technology.
To date, there is no specific legislation governing insurtech business models. Therefore, any regulatory implications for insurtech models must be assessed based on the general principles governing insurance services provision, especially those related to FINMA’s insurance supervision objectives. The revised insurance regulations have introduced, among other things, more stringent requirements for insurance intermediation and new criteria for supervision by FINMA as of 1 January 2024.
Swiss insurance supervisory law contains specific provisions for different types of insurance. ISA distinguishes between three kinds of insurance: life insurance, indemnity/non-life insurance and reinsurance. A key point is that life insurers can only offer casualty and sickness insurance besides life insurance. Different rules also apply with regard to capital requirements. Moreover, mandatory sickness insurers follow a completely different regulatory regime under Swiss law. While FINMA is the competent supervisory authority under ISA, the Federal Office of Public Health supervises insurers providing mandatory sickness insurance. Recently revised legislation, which entered into force on 1 January 2024, brought considerable simplifications for reinsurers as well as insurers that only serve professional clients. Also, the rules applicable to insurance intermediaries were revised and generally brought additional requirements and obligations for untied insurance intermediaries (such as insurance brokers).
Regtech is a type of fintech focusing on technologies and software that helps companies meet regulatory requirements and stay compliant in a cost-effective and comprehensive way. Regtech software can automate compliance tasks and monitor and detect risks on an ongoing basis.
There is currently no specific legislation governing regtech. FINMA has generally welcomed tech applications that help supervised entities comply with regulatory requirements. FINMA may define technical standards and formats if and when there is a market need for them.
The general requirements on outsourcing apply when regulated financial service firms use regtech providers (see 2.8 Outsourcing of Regulated Functions). Depending on the specific services involved, a regtech provider must also comply with a service-level agreement and provide for service credit payments and other remedies in order for the customer to measure and enforce performance and accuracy.
DLT, such as various types of blockchain, has been the focus of many public and private initiatives. First, traditional fundraising techniques and processes have been challenged in the last couple of years by the emergence of a new form of capital raising by start-ups in the form of ICOs or token-generating events based on DLT. With the advance of this technology, the focus is now shifting on tokenising traditional assets such as shares and other securities, as well as DLT-based payment solutions.
Some Swiss companies have already issued shares on the blockchain, and FINMA has granted banking licences to two dedicated blockchain service providers, AMINA Bank (formerly Seba) and Sygnum. Driven by the fast-moving industry, traditional players such as banks are also increasingly offering services in relation to digital assets and blockchain-related businesses. For example, many of the incumbent banks now offer custody and trading for digital assets. However, few banks have built their own custody and trading infrastructure (eg, Swissquote); most banks rely on a handful of specialised players. Some banks have recently been conducting pilots – eg, in the tokenising of traditional assets or in blockchain-based payments, which seem to be further areas of interest for traditional players. Also of note is the Swiss National Bank’s ongoing Project Helvetia, piloting wholesale central bank digital currency with participating institutions.
Several industry bodies, such as the Swiss Bankers Association, Crypto Valley Association and the Capital Market and Technology Association, are promoting the growing blockchain-based business model for traditional and new players alike.
In Switzerland, the general rules largely apply with regard to risks, liability, intellectual property, AML and data privacy.
Regarding the application of the existing regulations on tokens and ICOs, FINMA published corresponding guidelines in 2018. Generally, FINMA focuses on the economic function and purpose of the tokens, as well as whether they are tradeable or transferable, in order to classify them as either payment tokens (including cryptocurrencies), utility tokens or asset tokens. The classification of the tokens has an impact on the applicable legal and regulatory framework (see 10.3 Classification of Blockchain Assets). Since then, FINMA has issued further guidelines on money laundering on blockchain, stablecoins and, most recently, staking services.
In 2021, new legislation designed to increase legal certainty by removing hurdles for DLT-based applications and limiting risks of misuse entered into force. In a nutshell, the legislative amendments include:
Overall, these legislative amendments increase market access for fintech companies in the DLT/blockchain field by improving legal certainty and removing certain regulatory barriers.
FINMA guidelines define three types of token.
FINMA has recently issued separate guidelines on how they treat stablecoins under Swiss law, it being understood that stablecoins are a subgroup of payment tokens.
Other authorities (eg, tax authorities) use alternative classifications that are suited to the particular circumstances they are facing.
Concerning the regulation of “issuers” of blockchain assets, see 10.3 Classification of Blockchain Assets.
Concerning the regulation of blockchain asset trading platforms, see 10.3 Classification of Blockchain Assets.
FINMA issued new guidelines in 2023 setting out how they treat staking in their practice. On the one hand, FINMA set out the requirements for licensed institutions offering staking while keeping the clients’ tokens off the institution’s balance sheet. On the other hand, FINMA set out that staking may also be offered by non-licensed institutions, provided that the assets are not in collective custody (which would, however, customarily be the case in case of so-called staking pools) and that AML rules are complied with.
FINMA also pointed out that certain legal uncertainties remain, in particular as regards bankruptcy laws.
There are no specific laws on crypto-related lending. Therefore, the “normal” financial services regulation applies, including the CCA (see 4.1 Differences in the Business or Regulation of Fiat Currency Loans Provided to Different Entities). However, note that lending itself is not an activity that would require a licence by FINMA, unless the institution takes on deposits for its lending activities, in which case a licence under the Banking Act (ie, a fintech licence or a full-fledged banking licence) would be required.
As the Swiss financial market law is generally technology-neutral, cryptocurrency derivatives are regulated as derivatives under the applicable legislation, in particular the FMIA and FinSA.
No specific rules on decentralised finance (DeFi) are in place. FINMA, according to its annual report, applies the existing financial market legislation, including any licensing requirements, in a technology-neutral way, including to DeFi projects.
As a rule of thumb, truly decentralised projects would typically not trigger licensing requirements in Switzerland, whereas for projects where an individual or legal entity in Switzerland either provides financial services in relation to such DeFi project or actually controls the underlying assets or even the DeFi project itself (eg, by way of governance tokens), licensing requirements under Swiss financial market laws may be triggered.
On this basis, Switzerland has recently become quite a popular hub for DeFi projects.
Funds may invest in crypto-assets in accordance with the applicable legislation, in particular the Collective Investment Scheme Act (CISA). Most types of funds under the CISA have to be approved by FINMA, and FINMA has so far only approved a limited number of funds that invest in crypto-assets. One reason for this may be that funds must also have most of their assets in custody with a licensed bank, and only a handful of Swiss banks are licensed under the CISA to provide custody services to funds (which may not be the banks who have a crypto custody offering).
Since 1 March 2024, it has been possible to set-up so-called limited qualified investor funds (L-QIFs). Unlike all other Swiss fund types, L-QIFs may be set up and managed by duly licensed institutions without approval by FINMA of the specific fund. It is expected that the L-QIF may be a suitable vehicle for investments in crypto-assets. Note that the L-QIF can only be distributed to qualified investors as defined in the CISA.
Transactions in cryptocurrencies may be carried out on an anonymous basis, and related money laundering risks are accentuated by the speed and mobility of the transactions made possible by the underlying technology. KYC is the cornerstone of AML and CFT due diligence requirements, and is generally imposed on financial institutions whose AML/CFT legislation is aligned with international standards (see 2. Fintech Business Models and Regulation in General). KYC requires that financial institutions duly identify and verify their contracting parties (ie, customers) and the beneficial owners (namely when their contracting parties are not natural persons) of such assets, as well as their origin.
KYC, along with transaction monitoring, enables the tracing of assets and their source. This helps identify indications of money laundering and terrorist financing through the creation of a paper trail. With respect to DLT/blockchain applications, one of the challenges is that KYC and other AML/CFT requirements are designed for a centralised intermediated financial system in which regulatory requirements and sanctions can be imposed by each jurisdiction at the level of financial intermediaries operating on its territory (ie, acting as gatekeepers).
In contrast, virtual currency payment products and services rely on a set of decentralised cross-border virtual protocols and infrastructure elements, neither of which has a sufficient degree of control over, or access to, the underlying value (asset) and/or information, meaning that identifying a touch-point for implementing and enforcing compliance with AML/CFT requirements is challenging.
The Swiss approach to the regulation of crypto-assets is technology-neutral and prioritises substance over form. This means that if crypto-assets, such as non-fungible tokens (NFTs), perform a function similar to that of a traditional financial or payment instrument, the regulations governing such instruments would generally apply to the crypto-asset as well. Therefore, whether an NFT and/or an NFT platform triggers regulatory obligations for the parties involved depends on the underlying rights represented by such NFT (if any). To classify an NFT as a payment, utility or asset token, and to determine the regulatory consequences (see 2.2 Regulatory Regime and 10.3 Classification of Blockchain Assets), it is therefore necessary to identify the rights it represents. As a rule of thumb, NFT projects where each NFT is actually unique and not fungible would not trigger licensing requirements in Switzerland.
Swiss banks have adopted the open banking concept and are implementing innovative business models, particularly in relation to banking infrastructure. This infrastructure may include open banking interfaces (application programming interfaces; APIs), identity and security management systems, information and transaction platforms, finance management systems and financial compliance systems. In May 2023, a group of approximately 40 banks signed a memorandum of understanding on multibanking to foster the adoption of open banking with the goal of enabling initial multibanking offerings for individuals by mid-2025 (memorandum of understanding; MoU). In particular, the MoU aims to improve interoperability and data exchanges between banks, fintechs and other financial institutions, thereby providing customers with a comprehensive overview of their finances.
Currently, there is no specific legislation governing open banking in Switzerland (unlike, for example, in the EU). However, the Federal Council set targets for the adoption of open banking in December 2022 and continuously monitors the progress and the eventual need for specific legislation. In its most recent assessment in June 2024, it concluded that the targets have not been fully met and that the next assessment will be performed by the end of 2025.
Given the importance of digital transformation for banks and the large size of Switzerland’s established financial sector, fintech organisations specialising in banking infrastructure have access to a large pool of potential customers. The need to meet customer expectations and deliver financial benefits (in terms of increased revenue and reduced operational costs) has accelerated the adoption of open banking solutions, including those based on bank as a platform (BaaP).
Open banking raises several concerns in areas such as data protection, IT security and Swiss banking secrecy. The success of open banking in Switzerland will depend heavily on providing transparent information to clients, obtaining the necessary consents and waivers and adhering to the highest standards of IT security. The slow adoption of open banking in Switzerland may be due to Swiss banking secrecy and the lack of a common standard for open banking, despite an increasing number of open banking initiatives from private actors.
Under Swiss law, the concept of fraud is primarily understood in a criminal context as an offence punishable under the Swiss Criminal Code (SCC), with criminal liability also being applicable to corporations under certain conditions. To qualify as an offence of fraud under the SCC, the perpetrator must:
In addition to this general notion of fraud, other criminal offences under the SCC applicable in a commercial context may include, to a certain extent, fraudulent and/or injurious conduct, such as forgery of documents, criminal mismanagement and misappropriation, maliciously causing financial loss to another, bribery and corruption offences and money laundering. Beyond the SCC, Swiss financial market laws, as applicable, further provide for certain criminal provisions relating to fraudulent and/or injurious conduct.
Finally, Swiss financial market laws, as applicable, require certain organisational measures, which may include adopting fraud prevention and detection measures. Such obligations may arise, for example, from regulations on risk management and internal controls (eg, specified for the banking sector in the FINMA Circular 2023/1 Operational Risks and Resilience – Banks), AML obligations and sanctions rules (see 2.14 Impact of AML and Sanctions Rules) as well as market integrity (see 6.8 Market Integrity Principles).
In Switzerland, criminal offences, including fraud (see 12.1 Elements of Fraud), are generally prosecuted by either the competent cantonal public prosecutor’s office or the federal prosecution office of the Swiss Confederation – that is, the Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland (OAG), depending on the specific circumstances of the case. The cantons and Swiss Confederation may further delegate the prosecution and adjudication of contraventions to administrative authorities. Under such delegation, the FDF is the authority responsible for prosecuting violations of the criminal provisions of the Swiss financial market laws.
In addition, fraud or non-compliance with organisational measures under applicable Swiss financial market laws in relation to an entity subject to prudential supervision by FINMA may lead to regulatory investigation and administrative enforcement (see 2.6 Jurisdiction of Regulators). Furthermore, if FINMA obtains knowledge of criminal offences, it must notify the competent criminal prosecution authorities and may collaborate in exchanging information. In 2022, FINMA filed five criminal complaints with the cantonal prosecutor’s office, eight with the OAG and 145 with the FDF. FINMA is, however, not empowered to prosecute criminal charges on its own initiative.
Both the Swiss crime statistics and FINMA’s enforcement statistics on offences reported to criminal authorities do not indicate the exact motives for or underlying types of registered criminal fraud offences, nor the corresponding regulatory focus. As a general note, 29,314 criminal fraud offences were recorded in Switzerland in 2022. FINMA’s general enforcement actions in the fintech industry are described in 2.10 Significant Enforcement Actions.
The liability of a financial services provider has to be assessed based on the specific contractual arrangements it has in place with a given client. Generally speaking, under Swiss law a contractual counterparty becomes liable if it has breached its contract with the customer and has thereby caused the customer damage in a so-called adequately causal manner and provided that it cannot prove that no fault is attributable to it.
Brandschenkestrasse 24
+41 58 450 80 00
+41 58 450 80 01 www.lenzstaehelin.comOverview of the Swiss Fintech Market
Thanks to its well-established banking, insurance and asset management industry, highly specialised workforce, stable and robust economy – with low inflation and a strong currency – and flexible and stable political system, Switzerland has excellent market conditions to foster innovation in the financial sector.
Hence, Switzerland has adopted an innovative and fintech-friendly regulatory framework over the past ten years to boost the development of Swiss fintech business models, which have now reached a great level of maturity. In the Swiss financial market, there is no longer a clear separation between traditional financial services and fintech models. Almost every financial service offering has undergone a deep technological transformation.
The canton of Zug, which is home to the “Crypto Valley”, has attracted numerous international players in the crypto and blockchain space due to its business-friendly environment, clear regulatory framework and competitive tax system. This has created an ecosystem of companies, foundations, associations and networks of individuals and research institutions that not only compete, but also co-operate and exchange information to accelerate innovation in the crypto area. In 2024, the Crypto Valley was home to 17 unicorns in the blockchain industry, with a valuation exceeding USD1 billion.
The Main Fintech Technologies and Applications Offered in Switzerland and Their Regulatory Framework
The main technologies that thrive in the financial services sector are:
The following sections provide key examples and outline the regulatory framework.
Digitalisation of financial services
The fintech transformation has been driven by a shift to digital and online services and applications, including instant and contactless payment systems, which are now widely used by both retail and businesses. Traditional banks and financial intermediaries have largely maintained their market share by progressively and steadily transforming their services into personalised online offerings.
Online banking and financial services applications
In Switzerland, online applications that cater to various financial needs, ranging from mobile banking apps to investment platforms, have become the standard channels for individuals and companies to access banking and other financial services. For example, UBS, Raiffeisen, and many other Swiss and foreign banks offer mobile apps that allow their users to manage bank accounts, make transfers, view account statements and more.
In asset management, Swissquote leads the market as the most prominent platform providing online trading services, investment solutions and wealth management. True Wealth, Findependent, Inyova, Selma Finance and VIAC are Swiss wealth management platforms that use exchange-traded funds (ETFs) to create diversified, low-cost portfolios. Another notable app, Yuh, is a digital investment platform providing users with the ability to invest in stocks, ETFs and other financial instruments through an easy-to-use interface. SwissBorg, primarily focused on cryptocurrencies, offers smart portfolio management and a trading app that simplifies investment in digital currencies. Leonteq provides tailored investment and trading solutions for both institutions and private investors, specialising in structured products.
The so-called smartphone banks, or neobanks, are digital-only banks that operate primarily through mobile apps and websites without physical locations. Amongst such players, Radicant, Yapeal, Alpian, Yuh, Fiat24, Neon and Zak lead the market in Switzerland. From a regulatory perspective, digital-only banks operate in the same way as traditional banks and hence require a banking licence based on the technology neutrality of financial market regulations. However, they must adapt their risk management to the relevant business model, implementing adequate business continuity and cyber-risk policies to guarantee access to, and the servicing of, clients’ assets and data. For instance, Neon works with Hypothekarbank Lenzburg (HBL) as a banking partner, and Yapeal and Fiat24 operate under the so-called fintech licence, which offers a simplified regulatory regime and is mainly available for companies accepting public deposits of up to CHF100 million in fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies in an unlimited amount, subject to certain exceptions.
Online payment systems
Digital payment solutions and mobile banking are steadily expanding in Switzerland. Contactless payments, mobile wallets, and peer-to-peer payment apps have become increasingly popular among retail and businesses. Both established banks and fintech start-ups provide mobile banking apps with features such as instant payments, money transfers, and account management.
The Swiss Interbank Clearing (SIC) payment system, powered by SIX Interbank Clearing AG and the Swiss National Bank (SNB), launched instant payments in November 2023. Larger banks have been required to accept incoming instant payments since August 2024, and other banks are required to follow suit by the end of 2026. TWINT, the leading Swiss mobile payment system, enables seamless in-store and online (P2M) and person-to-person (P2P) transactions via mobile phones, removing the need for cash or physical bank cards.
Whilst accepting deposits from the public usually requires a banking or fintech licence, the provision of payment services is usually only subject to anti-money laundering (AML) requirements. Where the payment service or system includes the acceptance of deposits from the public, the need for a banking licence can be avoided by applying the 60-day settlement exception, by only allowing a credit balance of CHF3,000 per customer or by working with a bank default guarantee, each of which is subject to certain requirements. Service providers and state agencies such as the cantonal tax administration of Zug and the administration of the canton of Tessing increasingly accept payments with Bitcoin.
Open banking
Open banking in Switzerland is gradually evolving, with several companies leveraging the technology to enhance the accessibility and integration of financial services. In Switzerland, open banking is usually based on a standardised exchange of data amongst service providers, ensuring data confidentiality and leaving the decision to share personal data with the customer. In 2023, the Swiss Bankers Association established an open banking framework in a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to facilitate open banking, to open interfaces and to facilitate data exchange amongst different stakeholders. Further, has been launched to examine how open banking can support the financial services industry.
So-called embedded finance, which is a major trend related to open banking, integrates a financial service within another product or service and hence enhances the user experience. The introduction of an electronic identification (e-ID) system, which is expected to launch in 2026, may accelerate the development of embedded finance solutions.
Crypto services: use of distributed ledger technology to register ownership and conduct transactions and trading
The potential of the blockchain and distributed-ledger technology remains largely untapped for the most substantial part of the financial services industry, in Switzerland and abroad, being used only to a very limited extent in asset management. Regulation is mainly to blame for this. The Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) issued its initial coin offering (ICO) guidelines in 2018, outlining its regulatory practice for the qualification of tokens. Payment tokens (synonymous with cryptocurrencies) are tokens intended to be used, now or in the future, as a means of payment for acquiring goods or services or as a means of money, value storage or transfer. Payment tokens are not treated as financial instruments if they are operational on a blockchain. The acceptance of payment tokens from the public can however trigger the application of the banking or fintech licence regulations. Sygnum Bank and AMINA Bank are well known banks in the fintech space that offer storage of cryptocurrencies. Besides banks, Switzerland has several pure-play wallet providers such as Relai, Swiss Fortress and Thor Wallet. These kinds of providers hold cryptocurrencies in either individual custodial wallets or non-custodial wallets, neither of which is affected by bankruptcy of the service provider. This is the reason why they do not require a banking licence, but in case of custodial wallets may be subject to AML regulations. In contrast, so-called asset tokens, which represent a claim against an issuer (such as a debt or equity claim), qualify as securities if they are standardised and mass-tradable. They are treated according to their economic function, for instance as shares (equity), bonds, derivatives, collective investment schemes or structured products. Their issuance can become subject to financial market regulations, such as licensing for underwriting or derivatives issuance activities, or prospectus obligations. Utility tokens that provide access (digitally) to applications or services through a blockchain-based infrastructure do not qualify as financial instruments and are accordingly not subject to financial market regulations.
So far, banks and securities dealers, which already hold the relevant licence, have not issued any stablecoins. Stablecoins have the potential to disrupt payment systems and traditional business models, and can potentially pose a challenge to monetary policy, as they can be seen as a substitute for fiat currencies. In July 2024, FINMA published its Guidance 06/2024 on stablecoins, resulting in a change to its regulatory practice. According to FINMA, the AML regulations now also apply to secondary market transactions by the issuer of a stablecoin. Therefore, regulatory hurdles remain to be overcome for stablecoins to succeed in the Swiss market. At the same time, since December 2023, the SNB has been testing a wholesale central bank digital currency (CBDC) on the regulated platform SIX Digital Exchange (SDX), and Swiss Stablecoin AG has led the initiative with respect to a regulated digital Swiss franc in co-operation with the SNB and FINMA. However, the issuance of a retail digital Swiss franc as a replacement for the fiat currency is politically disputed and therefore not in sight.
In Switzerland, there are three licensed trading venues: SIX Swiss Exchange, the traditional stock exchange of the SIX Group; SDX Trading AG, of the same group, designed for the trading of ledger-based securities – ie, securities issued on a blockchain or on another distributed ledger technology (DLT); and the traditional stock exchange of BX Swiss AG. However, SDX Trading AG does not operate a so-called DLT trading venue, which was introduced with the DLT Act in 2021. A DLT trading venue enables the trading of ledger-based securities on the blockchain and allows, with possession of the licence mentioned in the foregoing, (i) direct access for retail, (ii) the holding of ledger-based securities in central custody and (iii) clearing and settlement. Recently, SDX Trading AG has introduced the SDX Web3 service, which provides financial institutions with crypto custody, crypto trading and collateral services with crypto-assets. As the SIX Group is mainly governed by banks, a full decentralisation would not fit their core strategy. The third trading venue is BX Swiss AG, also a traditional stock exchange; founded by BX Digital in 2023, it is expected to be granted a DLT trading venue licence from FINMA in the short term. This development is expected to unlock an important aspect of the DLT potential of the Swiss financial market, allowing for instance direct access for retail of tokenised private equity via a regulated trading platform.
A large proportion of the investment in crypto-assets is made into cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin or Ether, which are already offered by private and cantonal banks. In contrast, specialised crypto-native custody providers in Switzerland support, according to a recent survey, up to 1,100 different coins and tokens. Since 2013, Bitcoin Suisse has offered investments in crypto-assets, including storage in individual vaults or collective wallets, where the latter benefits from a default guarantee from Swiss banks. Whilst the individual custody of cryptocurrencies that can be segregated in case of bankruptcy, and that are kept available for the customer at all times, does not trigger a licensing requirement under the Banking Act, the collective custody of cryptocurrencies usually requires a banking or fintech licence unless there is a default guarantee from a bank or another exemption applies.
Developments in the field of AI
AI, which represents a megatrend, is increasingly being used in the front and back offices of financial institutions, such as in document analysis, compliance and fraud detection, asset and risk management, personalisation and marketing, investment research and process automatisation. The first and most mature model in this field is the chatbot. Chatbots are used by most financial institutions, including insurance companies (eg, in their claims handling) and banks (in their customer service lines).
Recent surveys indicate that approximately two-thirds of asset managers are either planning to implement at least one generative AI (GenAI) use case this year. One of the most notable applications is the ability to manage personalised portfolios, improving client satisfaction. AI tools improve risk management by spotting patterns and predicting market changes using advanced data analytics. Switzerland hosts several providers of AI solutions for asset managers, including Avaloq, Advanon, Swissquote, Temenos and Actico.
At the end of January 2025, UBS announced that it has joined forces with Microsoft’s Azure AI to power smart assistants that streamline content access and provide real-time information to client advisors, to in turn provide more tailored and efficient services to clients.
Structural Impact of Trends in the Industry and Macroeconomic Developments
The disappearance of intermediaries
In the long run, blockchain technologies combined with AI may eliminate an important part of the value chain, namely the intermediation of services, giving investors direct access and allowing them to take final decisions with efficient AI assistance. This diminishes the counterparty credit risks of using intermediaries and reduces costs.
In a world where tokenised securities are becoming more prevalent, collective investment schemes may be significantly impacted because less regulated exchange-traded products (ETPs), non-listed actively managed certificates (AMCs) or an investment strategy crafted by an asset manager might replace the traditional collective investment fund for the management of tokenised securities directly invested from investors’ wallets.
The retailisation of services
The retailisation trend – ie, the so-called democratisation of investments, is a result of the availability of highly digitised, automated and scalable online asset management solutions for retail and the high costs of traditional intermediaries.
In the mid- to long term, tokenisation and DLT trading venues will empower retail to directly make investments, thereby enhancing its financial situation, including more investments in illiquid or non-bankable assets. This could reduce fiat in bank accounts, benefitting direct retail investments in private equity or debt via crowdlending platforms and again removing intermediation.
Market structure and competition
Healthy market competition is essential for driving innovation. Due to the merger of Credit Suisse and UBS, there may be certain parts of some business segments that are subject to control by the Swiss Competition Commission. Switzerland has strict competition and anti-trust rules in place to protect competitiveness.
Furthermore, Switzerland has a liberal regime with regard to cross-border banking services and providing asset management services in Switzerland. Foreign financial institutions that operate on a strict cross-border basis can provide their services to residents in Switzerland without obtaining a licence. This enhances the competitiveness of foreign players in the Swiss market, though the unequal conditions may not necessarily be fair for Swiss players. Nevertheless, this situation honours the core principles of the WTO’s multilateral General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). Foreign service providers that provide an activity subject to licence in Switzerland may not create a physical presence, such as by establishing a branch or representative office or by having employees or agents in Switzerland on a permanent basis, without first obtaining the required Swiss licence or affiliation with a self-regulatory organisation for AML purposes. Revolut is an example of a foreign bank in the fintech sector that ended up establishing a physical presence in Switzerland, now holding a licence as a Swiss representative office. Furthermore, BBVA SA, part of a Spanish group, has a long-standing presence in the Swiss market, holding a fully fledged banking licence. In Switzerland, BBVA has expanded its offerings to include investments in digital assets and online banking and investment applications.
Swiss Regulatory Trends
The main regulatory trends in the Swiss fintech space are as follows.
In summary, Switzerland’s fintech landscape is characterised by its innovative regulatory framework, robust digital infrastructure and collaborative ecosystem that fosters growth and development in the financial services sector.
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