White-Collar Crime 2023

Last Updated October 24, 2023


Law and Practice


Legance is an independent law firm with offices in Milan, Rome and London. Founded in 2007, the firm distinguishes itself in the legal market as a point of reference for both clients and institutions. Independent, dynamic, international and institutional are the qualities that most characterise the strengths of the firm and have contributed to it becoming a leader in the legal market. In 2007 there were 84 lawyers at Legance; currently there are over 350. The value of the group is regarded as a pillar that amplifies each individual’s qualities and skills. It provides constant attention to clients, carefully evaluating their business objectives, with an unconventional approach capable of anticipating legal requirements, with 24-hour availability. Legance can support clients over several geographical areas and can organise and co-ordinate multi-jurisdictional teams whenever required.

The Italian Criminal Code (ICC) provides for felonies (delitti) and misdemeanours (contravvenzioni). Felonies identify the most serious offences and are punished with imprisonment up to life sentence and fines statutorily provided, while punishments for misdemeanours entail arrest, for periods ranging from 15 days to three years and fines up to EUR10,000 or more, if envisaged by special provisions.

Every offence consists of an objective and a subjective element (actus reus and mens rea).

  • Actus reus refers to the act or omission that comprises the physical elements of a crime as required by the law and, in certain cases, an event causally linked to the act or omission.
  • Mens rea refers to criminal intent and identifies the state of mind statutorily required in order to convict a defendant.

In relation to felonies, wilful intent is the common mental state required, while punishments for acting negligently or unintentionally or with fault are possible only if statutorily envisaged.

According to their structure, misdemeanours can be punished alternatively for wilful intent or fault.

The Constitutional Court stated that strict liability conflicts with the principle of culpability pursuant to Article 27 of the Italian Constitution (decision No 364/1988).

A person could also be held liable for attempted offences, if their acts are suitable to commit the crime but the offence is not completed or the event does not occur. In these cases, the punishment for the attempted offence is reduced.

Pursuant to Article 157 of the ICC, an offence is time-barred after an amount of time equal to the maximum penalty set forth by the law, and not less than six years for felonies and four years for misdemeanours.

Such term is doubled in relation to certain offences and in particular for health and safety manslaughter offences pursuant to Article 157, paragraph 6, of the ICC.

The most serious offences punished with a life sentence have no limitation periods (eg, murder).

Furthermore, the statute of limitations can also be suspended or interrupted, for instance where precautionary measures apply. Should an interruption cause occur, the limitation period for certain offences, such as bribery or tax offenses, is increased.

Article 161-bis of the ICC – introduced by the so-called Cartabia reform (Law No 134/2021) – provides that the statute of limitations shall cease definitively with the judgment at the end of the first instance trial. Moreover, pursuant to Article 344-bis of ICCP, the appeal trial and the trial before the Italian Supreme Court shall be concluded within two years and one year, respectively.

Pursuant to Article 7 of the ICC, an Italian or a foreign citizen could be punished according to Italian law if they are in a foreign country and commit offences against the Italian State, forge the Italian seal or currencies, commit a crime through abuse of powers or in breach of their duties if they are Italian public officers or when expressly provided for by special rules or international conventions.

Pursuant to Article 9 of the ICC, if an Italian citizen is abroad and commits an offence which is punishable with a life sentence or at least three years of imprisonment, they shall be prosecuted under Italian law, provided that they are found in Italian territory. Otherwise, the offence can be punished only upon the Ministry of Justice’s request or the victim’s complaint.

As set forth by Article 10 of the ICC, under the same conditions, a foreign citizen abroad could be punished under Italian law in the case of the commission of an offence against the Italian State or an Italian citizen, punished with a life sentence or at least one year of imprisonment.

With reference to corporate criminal liability of legal entities, Article 4 of Legislative Decree No 231/2001 provides that legal entities with their head office in Italy could be punished according to Italian law for offences committed abroad, if the foreign country has not prosecuted them yet.

Legislative Decree No 231/2001 provides for the corporate vicarious criminal liability of legal entities in connection with certain offences committed in their interest or for their advantage by their representatives or employees.

Corporate liability may arise in relation to the offences expressly listed in Legislative Decree No 231/2001 itself (predicate offences). Such list has been gradually expanded and now includes – eg, tax, health and safety, environmental and financial offences, crimes against the Public Administration and money-laundering.

Legislative Decree No 231/2001 entails the following sanctions in case of conviction:

  • pecuniary sanctions and confiscation of the proceeds of the offence in all cases. Based on the economic conditions of the legal entity, the pecuniary sanction is determined by the court within a range between EUR25,800 and EUR1,549,000, which could vary according to the application of aggravating or mitigating circumstances;
  • disqualification measures, applicable only when statutorily envisaged; and
  • publication of the court’s decision in one or more newspapers.

Pursuant to Article 185 of the ICC and 2043 of the Italian Civil Code, any convicted individual must provide for the compensation for economic and non-economic damage and restitution in favour of the person who suffered such damage.

The victim of the offence, or their heirs, can obtain compensation for damage by starting a civil action or otherwise by joining the criminal proceedings as a civil party by directly asking for restitution and compensation before the criminal court.

In case of conviction, the criminal judge sentences the defendants to the payment of damages, often requesting the civil court to settle the amount. If requested, the criminal court declares the provisional or interim compensation of damages within the limits of the evidence already gathered during the criminal trial.

The Italian legal system does not allow punitive damages. Moreover, the restorative justice system – recently added by the Cartabia reform – introduced a new mechanism through which the defendant and the victim can pursue an alternative definition of the criminal proceedings, by finding an agreement also concerning compensation for damages.

In addition to the amendments introduced by the Cartabia reform, the most recent case law developments can be summarised as follows.

Italian Supreme Court, Decision No 25369/2023

In this recent ruling, the Supreme Court analysed the difference between bribery and influence peddling pursuant to Articles 321 and 346-bis of the ICC respectively (see 3.2 Bribery, Influence Peddling and Related Offences). Influence peddling implies that the proceeds of the offence are causally linked only to the mediation carried out by the offender and should not be part of the remuneration in favour of the public officer as reward for their corrupt conduct. Therefore, if the offender received money and agreed to divide it with the public officer, the officer shall be convicted of bribery and not the less serious offence of influence peddling.

Italian Supreme Court, Decision No 14840/2023

The suspension of the proceedings pending probation pursuant to Article 168-bis of the ICC implies the bar of the offence if the offender (individual) successfully completes a probation programme drafted by the external criminal enforcement department (UEPE). Its application to legal entities is not expressly provided for by Legislative Decree No 231/2001, but some criminal courts have extended its application to being in favour of legal entities (Criminal Court of Modena). According to the Italian Supreme Court, the application of suspension with probation to legal entities should be excluded: the probation programme can imply restrictions that can only suit individuals and aim at ensuring the offender’s re-education and resocialisation. Notwithstanding the Supreme Court’s decision, the Criminal Court of Bari has delivered a judgment of non-prosecution in favour of a legal entity that successfully completed the probation programme (decision No 3601, 15 June 2023).

The Italian public prosecution service is divided into several prosecutors’ offices throughout the country. Prosecutors’ offices are directed by a chief public prosecutor and often organised into highly skilled departments (tax offences, crimes against public administration, financial crimes, etc).

Moreover, the EPPO shall undertake investigations in the competent courts of EU member states, in relation to crimes against the financial interests of the EU.

With respect to criminal police investigating white-collar crimes, the Italian Tax Police (Guardia di Finanza) and the Revenue Agency have specific expertise concerning tax crimes and fraud, while the Health and Safety Police, the Customs Agency and the Regional Agency for Environment Protection cover investigations in these different sectors.

The National Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC), Italian national commission for listed companies and the stock exchange (CONSOB) and Bank of Italy and BCE co-operate with the public prosecutors by reporting sensitive information and notitiae criminis which emerges during their monitoring activity on bribery and financial crimes.

With reference to insider trading and market abuse, at the end of an administrative proceedings CONSOB can also apply pecuniary sanctions, disqualification measures and confiscation that could be classified as criminal sanctions from a substantial perspective according to so-called Engel criteria (European Court of Human Rights, Grande Stevens v Italy, 4 March 2014). In order to avoid double sanctions on the same matter according to the ne bis in idem principle, the European Court of Human Rights and the Italian Supreme Court have identified a new standard for assessing the violation of such principle and have stated that criminal and administrative proceedings against the same person and on the same fact can co-exist if a “substantial and temporal connection between them is considered sufficiently close”, provided that the total fine is proportionate to the seriousness of the violation (Italian Supreme Court, decision No 39999/2019).

Pursuant to Articles 326 et seq. of the ICCP, when the public prosecutor has notice of the commission of an offence it shall immediately investigate the notitia criminis, indicating as soon as possible the offence committed and the name of the alleged author, if known.

In this respect, both criminal police and administrative authorities aware of a notitia criminis shall immediately submit a detailed report to the public prosecutor, whose decision to prosecute is mandatory, describing the facts and the evidence gathered, when they detect an offence during their activity (eg, a tax audit carried out by the Italian Tax Police, an inspection by CONSOB, a report of the Environmental Protection Agency).

The investigation file is not disclosed to the defendant until preliminary investigations are either not concluded or an appeal against a precautionary measure is filed by the defendant.

Pursuant to Articles 358 et seq. of the ICCP, the public prosecutor in charge of the investigations shall carry out all the necessary activity in order to decide on the prosecution.

To this end, public prosecutors and criminal police have wide investigative powers aimed at gathering information and documents with respect to white-collar criminal offences.

In particular, they can order and perform the following activities:

  • seizures and dawn raids. In this respect, public prosecutors often ask companies to hand over documentation useful for the investigation and a forensic copy of the data contained in electronic devices. If the companies do not comply, search and seizure is performed;
  • acquisition of information from banks;
  • questioning the person under investigation or gathering information from a person who may provide useful elements for the investigations;
  • appointing a technical expert, especially in technical proceedings,
  • wire-tapping of conversations or IT communications in specific cases provided by the ICCP; and
  • co-operation with foreign judicial authorities.

Administrative authorities also have powers to obtain documents from companies. In particular, if companies do not comply in time with the requests of the Bank of Italy and CONSOB or do not co-operate with the same authorities for the purpose of performing the relevant supervisory functions or delay their activities, they are punished under 187-quinquiesdecies of the Consolidated Financial Act (TUF), with an administrative sanction of up to EUR5 million or 10% of their turnover. The same fines apply to the directors and managers of such companies. Moreover, the obstruction of the supervising activities of the administrative authorities, such as Bank of Italy or CONSOB, may be relevant from a criminal perspective under Article 2638 of the Italian Civil Code (see 3.1 Criminal Company Law and Corporate Fraud). 

Internal investigations are not mandatory, but if a company detects the commission of an offence within its organisation, it would be advisable to gather all the relevant documentation, especially if the offence could trigger corporate liability pursuant to Legislative Decree No 231/2001.

In this respect, a company could appoint a counsel registered at the Bar in order to carry out investigations aimed at searching and collecting evidence useful in possible criminal proceedings pursuant to Articles 327-bis and 391-bis et seq. of the ICCP that regulate the defensive investigation.

In performing such activity, counsel can, inter alia, interview the employees of the company and request the intervention of the public prosecutor in case of refusal, appoint a technical expert, and submit a request for documentation to the public administration and to private parties.

In this respect, such preventive investigations are covered by the duty of secrecy and confidentiality of a lawyer, if the lawyer receives a specific mandate and the activities carried out do not require the authorisation of the judicial authority. Moreover, the legal privilege implies that (i) the counsel is not obliged to hand over documents to the judicial authority, (ii) the counsel has the right not to testify on the content of the communications with the client, and (iii) that conversations between client and lawyer are not wire-tapped.

In recent years, many co-operation mechanisms between EU judicial authorities have been implemented in the EU legal framework, in particular:

  • European investigation order – a judicial decision is issued by the judicial authority of one EU member state in order to gather or use evidence in criminal proceedings carried out in another EU member state; and
  • European arrest warrant – aims at prosecuting or executing a custodial sentence or detention order. According to the principle of mutual recognition of judicial decisions, it operates in all EU countries via direct contacts between judicial authorities that shall respect the defendants’ rights, such as the right to receive information and to appoint a lawyer.

Extradition to extra-UE countries is regulated both by Articles 696 et seq. of the ICCP and by specific international or bilateral conventions. According to the principle of speciality, the requesting state can only prosecute the offences in relation to whom the extradition was granted and no other offences committed before the extradition or surrender.

When Italy receives an extradition request, the Ministry of Justice is in charge of the relevant procedure and requires a preliminary favourable decision of the Court of Appeal. Extradition shall not be granted for political offences, nor if there is a risk of discrimination because of race, religion, sexuality, nationality, language, political opinions or personal conditions, or if the defendant will be subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment.

With reference to individuals, even in case of white-collar crimes, according to Article 112 of the Italian Constitution, the public prosecutors are subject to the principle of mandatory prosecution. Moreover, a jurisdictional check on the prosecution activity shall be granted: the public prosecutor cannot order the dismissal of the case autonomously but shall issue a request to the Preliminary Investigation Judge.

The above-mentioned principle does not apply to a company’s charges for white-collar offenses pursuant to Legislative Decree No 231/2001. Therefore, the public prosecutor has total discretion to investigate and charge a company. Moreover, it has the discretion to withdraw the case by informing the General Prosecutor of the Court of Appeal. After the decision on the prosecution, the judge shall decide whether to dismiss the case.

Even if the decision to prosecute a company is not mandatory in the Italian legal system (see 2.6 Prosecution) and the Italian legal framework does not specifically regulate deferred prosecution or non-prosecution agreements, the criminal courts have recently adopted innovative and, to a certain extent, “negotiated” decisions that could at least mitigate the sanctions towards companies in case a criminal proceeding is filed.

In particular, with regards to Legislative Decree No 231/2001, public prosecutors have started to appoint a monitor pursuant to Article 15 of the decree and the application of monitoring pursuant to Article 34 of Legislative Decree No 159/2011 (the “Anti-Mafia Decree”) in order to encourage compliance with laws and the internal organisation of companies under investigation, especially in relation to tax offences and illicit employment. If the company complies, the case could be dismissed or, in case of conviction, the sanctions could be reduced.

In recent months, the Court of Milan has ruled for the suspension of the decision on the application of monitoring pursuant to the Anti-Mafia Decree against a supermarket multinational, since the company voluntarily committed itself to carry out a corporate reorganisation aimed at enhancing internal controls.

Pursuant to Article 444 of the ICCP, the defendant and the public prosecutor can ask the court to impose a sanction, reduced up to one-third, if the sanction does not exceed five years of imprisonment, considering such reduction and the circumstances.

The Cartabia reform recently amended this matter by allowing the defendant and the public prosecutor to ask the court not to apply or soften the ancillary punishment and the confiscation, or to limit its application in relation to specific assets.

The reduced sanction agreed by the defendant and the public prosecutor must be submitted to the judge who shall deliver a judgment of application of punishment upon request of the parties only if the formal requirements set forth by the law are met.

The plea bargain does not cover compensation for damages whose quantification shall be submitted to the civil judge.

In relation to some offenses, the ICCP provides for specific plea bargain limitations: for instance, with reference to tax crimes, the parties can make an agreement, only if the defendant has fully paid its tax debt and has regularised its tax position. Moreover, with reference to the recent amendment introduced by the Cartabia reform, the Italian Supreme Court denied that agreements concerning tax crimes could exclude or reduce mandatory confiscation (decision No 25317/2023).

Plea bargaining is applicable to legal entities in relation to criminal corporate liability pursuant to Article 63 of Legislative Decree No 231/2001.

The Italian Civil Code provides for the following corporate offences:

  • Articles 2621 and 2622 – false accounting (see 3.6 Financial Record-Keeping);
  • Article 2625, paragraph 2 – punishes directors who hinder the control activities carried out by the shareholders or other corporate bodies, when the conduct creates economic damage to the shareholders (imprisonment of up to one year);
  • Articles 2626 and 2627 – illegal restitution of contribution to shareholders and illegal distribution of profit and reserves, punishable with imprisonment of one year;
  • Article 2628 – illegal operations on the company shares, punishable with imprisonment up to one year;
  • Article 2629 – operations to the detriment of the creditors, punishable with imprisonment ranging from six months to three years;
  • Article 2629-bis – omitted communication of a conflict of interests, punishable with imprisonment from one to three years if the omission causes damage to the company or others;
  • Article 2632 – fictitious generation of share capital, punishable with imprisonment up to one year;
  • Article 2634 – breach of trust, committed by a director who causes damage to a company by pursuing his own or others’ interest, in conflict with the company, punishable with imprisonment from six months to three years;
  • Article 2636 – illegal influence on the shareholders’ meeting, committed when the author determines a fictitious majority pursuing an unfair profit, punishable with imprisonment ranging between six months and three years;
  • Article 2637 – insider trading and market manipulation punished under TUF (see 3.4 Insider Dealing, Market Abuse and Criminal Banking Law); and
  • Article 2638 – obstruction to the regulatory authorities among which CONSOB, Bank of Italy or IVASS (the Italian insurance regulator), punishable with imprisonment from one to eight years.

According to Article 2639 of the Italian Civil Code, the same offences shall apply to both legal and de facto representatives of a company. In all these cases, confiscation of the proceeds of the crime is provided for by Article 2641 of the Italian Civil Code.

Most of the above-mentioned offences may trigger corporate liability pursuant to Article 25-ter of Legislative Decree 231/2001, when committed in the interest, or for the benefit, of the company by one of its representatives or employees.

Moreover, a company could be held liable in relation to fraud against the state or other public entities pursuant to Article 24 of Legislative Decree 231/2001.

The Italian criminal law system punishes specifically identified forms of corruption, as follows.

In particular, the public officer who receives or accepts money or other goods, or their offer, in order to perform his public duties (Articles 318 ICC) or to carry out or omit or delay a specific act related to his public duty (Article 319 ICC) is punished with imprisonment for a period ranging between three and ten years.

The same provisions apply if the offender is a person in charge of a public service and to the individual who promises and gives money or other goods to the public officer, in case of instigation of bribery, and in cases involving foreign and international public officials and EU Institutions or State Members.

In the above-mentioned cases, confiscation of the proceeds offered or given to the public official is mandatory.

As far as influence peddling is concerned, Article 346-bis of the ICC punishes, with imprisonment for periods between one and four years, anyone who, by taking advantage of an existing or an alleged relationship with a public officer or a person in charge of a public function, receives or accepts money or other goods as a price for his intermediation with the public officer, or in order to pay the public officer for carrying out or omitting to do its public duties. The Bill of Law No 808/2023 (DDL Nordio), currently under discussion, suggests amending such provision by excluding its application in relation to boasting, that could still be relevant as fraud, increasing the sanctions and extending the application of the exemption from punishment.

Relating to so-called private bribery, pursuant to Article 2635 of the Italian Civil Code, the directors or managers, as well as their employees, who solicit or receive money or other assets or accept them, to perform or to omit an act in violation of their obligation of loyalty, will be subject to imprisonment ranging between one to six years.

All the above-mentioned offences could trigger vicarious corporate liability pursuant to Legislative Decree No 231/2001.

Except for state-controlled companies or companies controlled by other public institutions, Italian law does not impose a specific duty on companies to adopt a compliance programme aimed at preventing bribery offences.

However, since bribery and influence peddling may trigger vicarious corporate liability under Legislative Decree No 231/2001, a company could adopt an organisational and control model pursuant to Articles 6 and 7 of Legislative Decree No 231/2001, in order to be exonerated from such liability. Such model must include specific internal procedures aimed at preventing, among other offences, bribery and influence peddling so as to be effectively implemented.

The court has pointed out that the adoption of such model is mandatory in connection with the fulfilment of the duty of care of the executives of the company.

Insider Trading

Article 184 of TUF punishes anyone who, being in possession of inside information of a company listed on a stock exchange, carries out transactions on financial instruments using such information or discloses such information to others or recommends or induces others to carry out financial transactions on the basis of such information. Even the insider that created the information (so-called self-insider) is relevant from a criminal perspective.

Imprisonment for a period from two to 12 years and a fine of up to EUR3 million will apply if the offender is aware of the inside information by virtue of (i) his participation in corporate governance bodies of the company, or (ii) his stake in the share capital of the company or (iii) his job, functions or office or is a criminal insider (ie, the person who has inside information “by virtue of the preparation or execution of criminal activities”). Otherwise, if the offender is a so-called insider secondario, the punishment for such offence is the imprisonment (for a period from one to six years) and a fine up to EUR2,5 million.

Market Manipulation

Article 185 of the TUF and Article 2637 of the Civil Code prohibit the dissemination of false information and simulated transactions that could mislead the market operators.

“Dissemination” is defined as the communication of information to a potentially indeterminate number of people. “False information” covers all the information concerning supposed past or future developments or events that relate to either an issuer or a financial instrument that are materially likely to produce a significant alteration in the price of financial instruments.

Market manipulation concerning listed companies is punished with imprisonment for a period ranging from two to 12 years and a fine of up to EUR10 million, while the penalty for unlisted companies, under Article 2637, of the Italian Civil Code, entails imprisonment for a period of between one and five years.

The same above-mentioned conduct can be sanctioned by CONSOB with severe administrative fines (see 2.1 Enforcement Authorities).

Moreover, legal entities can be held liable in connection with such offences pursuant to Articles 25-sexies and 25-ter of Legislative Decree No 231/2001.

Criminal Banking Law

With respect to bank law, Legislative Decree No 385/1993 (the “Consolidated Banking Act” or TUB) sanctions many unauthorised banking activities such as unauthorised collection of savings (Article 130 TUB), illicit banking activity (Article 131 of TUB) or illicit financial activities (Article 132 of TUB). Furthermore, Article 166 of TUF punishes illicit investment and asset management services. In these cases, the maximum penalty applicable is imprisonment for a period of eight years.

Moreover, pursuant to Article 644 of the ICC, imprisonment for a period of up to ten years applies when banks grant loans at interest rates above the statutory threshold.

Legislative Decree No 74/2000 provides for tax offences that can arise in relation to corporate income tax (IRES) and value added tax (IVA).

  • Article 2 punishes the filing of a fraudulent tax declaration by using invoices or other documents relating to non-existing operations; ie, when the tax income has been illicitly reduced by deducting costs for operations that have never been carried out or in relation to invoices issued to or by a wrong person or entity. The punishment is imprisonment for a period between four and eight years.
  • Article 3 punishes the filing of a fraudulent tax declaration through fraudulent means, such as simulated operations or by using false documents, if the thresholds of punishment are met. The punishment is imprisonment for a period between three and eight years.
  • Article 4 punishes false tax declaration in order to pursue tax avoidance when the thresholds set forth by the law are met. The punishment is imprisonment for a period between two and four-and-a-half years.
  • Article 8 punishes issuing false invoices with imprisonment for a period between four and eight years.
  • Article 10 punishes the concealment and destruction of financial statements aimed at avoiding tax payment. The punishment is imprisonment for a period between three and seven years.
  • Article 10-quater punishes undue tax compensation with imprisonment for a period between six months and four years.
  • Article 11 punishes fraudulent tax payment omission with imprisonment for a period between six months and four years.

The above-mentioned offences are listed in Legislative Decree No 231/2001 as predicate offences in relation to whom the corporate liability may arise.

In order to ensure the transparency of financial records with respect to both the market and shareholders, Articles 2621 and 2622 of the Italian Civil Code punish false accounting in both non-listed and listed companies. If the director, auditor or financial reporting manager intentionally reports in the financial records and balance sheets (or in other communications to the public set forth by the law) false material facts or omits to report material facts whose communication is mandatory, on the economic, financial situation of the company or the group, they are punished with imprisonment for a period ranging between one and five years, and three and eight years, if the offence involves listed companies.

Such offences could also trigger corporate liability under Legislative Decree No 231/2001.

Furthermore, Article 2630 of the Italian Civil Code also punishes non-filing of financial records with an administrative sanction.

Violations of antitrust and competition regulation may produce consequences from a civil or administrative perspective.

In particular, according to Article 15 of Law No 287/1990, the breach of antitrust regulation can lead to administrative sanctions of 10% of the turnover achieved by the legal entity in the last financial year before the notice. In this respect, in 2014, AGCOM (Antitrust Authority) approved its guidelines for quantifying the administrative fines imposed by the Authority and provided for their exclusion or mitigation in case of leniency programmes.

Moreover, pursuant to Articles 2598 and 2599 of the Italian Civil Code, acts of unfair competition – such as spreading news on a competitor’s product aimed at causing discredit – using distinctive names or symbols to cause confusion, can lead to a civil liability. Through the judgment ascertaining unfair competition, the judge orders the perpetrator to cease such illicit conduct and to remove their effects, and may order the compensation for damage and the publication of the decision.

If, on the other hand, the unfair competition is committed with violence or menace, imprisonment for a period from two up to six years may apply as set forth by Article 513-bis of the ICC. Moreover, the disruption of the freedom of industry and trade is punished upon complaint pursuant to Article 513-bis of the ICC. Such offences may also trigger corporate criminal liability as per Legislative Decree No 231/2001.

Consumer law is regulated by Legislative Decree No 206/2005, which provides for administrative sanctions in relation to the violation of marketing bans or the standards of fair business, advertising and competition.

Moreover, with reference to hygiene, production, traceability and sale of food and beverages, specific misdemeanours are set forth by Law No 283/1962. In this respect, in 2022, the Cartabia reform deeply amended such regulation, providing for the extinction of these offences through restorative and compensatory actions.

Other offences set forth by the ICC may also find application in relation to consumer protection, such as:

  • Article 473 – counterfeiting, alteration or use of trade marks or distinctive marks or patents, punished with imprisonment for a period from six months to six years and a fine;
  • Article 474 – introduction into the state and trade of products with fake marks, punished with imprisonment for a period from one to four years and a fine;
  • Article 515 – fraud in trade, punished with imprisonment for a period up to two years and a fine;
  • Article 516 – sale of non-genuine food products as genuine, punished with imprisonment for a period up to six months and a fine; and
  • Article 517 – sale of industrial goods with false trade marks, punished with imprisonment for a period up to two years and a fine.

Legal entities could be held accountable for the above-mentioned offences if committed in their interest or for their benefit by one of their representatives or employees pursuant to Article 25-bis and 25-bis.1 of Legislative Decree No 231/2001.

Article 615-ter et. seq. of the ICC provide for several cybercrimes partially amended by Law No 238/2021, in order to comply with EU Directive No 2013/40/EU on cyber-attacks.

Such provisions punish, among other things, unauthorised access to an IT system, detention, diffusion of access codes or other means in order to access IT or telematic systems, or detention of software aimed at damaging or interrupting an IT or telematic system or other conduct which damages IT systems of the state or other public authority, and cyber fraud.

In these cases, the maximum penalty provided for by the law is imprisonment for a period of five years and a fine.

Presidential Decree No 43/1973 (Customs Consolidated Act) provides for both administrative and criminal sanctions, in particular in relation to smuggling.

Moreover, Legislative Decree No 75/2020 added smuggling to the list of predicate offences under Article 25-sexiesdecies of Legislative Decree No 231/2001, punished with pecuniary sanctions and disqualification measures, together with confiscation.

In Italian criminal law, concealment can identify a constituent element of different offences, among which:

  • Article 2638 of the Italian Civil Code punishes, among other things, the concealment of mandatorily disclosable documentation or information from regulatory authorities (see 3.1 Criminal Company Law and Corporate Fraud);
  • concealment of financial or accounting documentation aimed at avoiding tax payment can be punished pursuant to Article 10 of Legislative Decree No 74/2000;
  • fraudulent concealment of assets may trigger fraudulent bankruptcy punished with imprisonment for a period up to ten years under Article 322 of Legislative Decree No 14/2019; 
  • concealment of the proceeds of an offence could be relevant under Article 648 of ICC (receiving stolen goods) and 648-ter.1 of the ICC (self-money laundering); and
  • concealment can be relevant as an aggravating circumstance when a crime is committed in order to conceal other offences pursuant to Article 61, paragraph 2, of the ICC.

According to Article 110 of the ICC, when two or more people commit an offence, the same sanctions may find application for all the offenders. Articles 112 and 114 of the ICC provide for aggravating and mitigating circumstances.

Aiding and abetting could entail both a material and a psychological input, for example, when the offender is encouraged and instigated to commit a crime. 

Legislative Decree No 195/2021 amended the provisions set forth in the ICC related to money laundering and self-laundering by extending the predicate offences of such crimes to both the offences committed with negligence and misdemeanours.

Money laundering under Article 648-bis of the ICC punishes a person who transfers or replaces or does operations with money or other goods proceeding from an offence in order to conceal their provenance. The sanctions are: imprisonment for a period ranging between four and 12 years and fine of up to EUR25,000, if the predicate offence is a felony, otherwise, imprisonment for a period from two to six years and fine of up to EUR12,500, if the predicate offence is a misdemeanour.

Self-laundering under Article 648-ter.1 of the ICC punishes a person who uses, transfers or replaces in economic financial or entrepreneurial activities money or other goods originating from an offence that they had committed, in order to conceal their provenance. The sanctions are: imprisonment for a period from two to eight years and fine of up to EUR25,000, if the predicate offence is a felony, otherwise, imprisonment for a period from one to four years and fine of up to EUR12,500 if the predicate offence is a misdemeanour.

In case of conviction, the judge orders the mandatory disgorgement of the proceed of such offences.

Moreover, corporate liability pursuant to Legislative Decree No 231/2001 may arise and the legal entities could be punished with disqualification measures.

In this respect, Legislative Decree No 231/2007 provides for specific duties of adequate assessment of the client and the beneficial owner that shall be fulfilled by certain operators, such as banks, financial institutions, audit firms, asset management companies, insurers, etc.

Failing to comply with such provisions can lead to the application of administrative sanctions. In particular, banks and financial institutions that omit to undertake controls can be punished with a fine of up to EUR5 million or 10% of their total annual turnover.

According to Articles 6 and 7 of Legislative Decree No 231/2001, a legal entity could be exonerated from corporate vicarious liability if it adopted and effectively implemented the organisational and control model provided by Legislative Decree No 231/2001 in order to prevent the offences, and appointed an independent, autonomous, adequately budgeted and professional supervisory body in order to monitor the effectiveness and the correct implementation of the model.

In order to be considered effective, the organisational model shall not be limited to mere ethical principles, but continuous monitoring, inspection activities and training programs should be carried out in order to ensure its actual effectiveness.

Article 131-bis of the ICC provides for an exemption from punishment when the offence is not serious. In particular, after the Cartabia reform amendments, this may find application if the following requirements occur:

  • the offence is punishable with imprisonment for a period of at least two years, together with a pecuniary sanction;
  • the offence can be considered not serious, considering the characteristics of the conduct and of the harm caused and the remedial actions carried out post factum by the offender;
  • the offence has not been repeated; and
  • corruption, usury, money laundering, insider trading and market abuse are excluded.

Other exceptions are set forth by the law (for example, provision of thresholds of punishment in tax crimes).

Concerning corporate liability, unlike in the US legal framework, Legislative Decree No 231/2001 does not strictly provide for the mitigation of sanctions or the dismissal of the proceedings in case of self-disclosure or co-operation of legal entities, except for the negotiated justice case law path described above (see 2.7 Deferred Prosecution). Nonetheless, the law provides for a rewarding mechanism in relation to certain remedial actions implemented by the companies after the offence, for instance related to the late adoption of an organisational model. It is reasonable that such rewarding mechanism will be expanded to co-operating or self-disclosing legal entities.

In relation to individuals’ offences, in 2019, Article 323-ter of the ICC introduced a new exemption from punishment related to corruption. If the author of the offence self-reports and provides for elements in order to collect evidence and find the other authors, before acknowledging the beginning of the investigations against him or within four months from the offence.

With respect to tax crimes, Article 13 of Legislative Decree No 231/2001 and Decree-Law No 34/2023 provide for further exemptions.

Legislative Decree No 24/2023 introduced a new regulation on whistle-blowing, in compliance with EU Directive No 2019/1937 on the protection of persons who report infringements of European Union law.

Companies that adopted an organisational model pursuant to Legislative Decree No 231/2001 and that have employed, in the last year, an average of at least 50 employees, and other legal entities listed in the decree itself shall comply with the provisions of the above-mentioned decree and in particular:

  • implement an internal reporting channel that ensures the confidentiality of the identity of the whistle-blower and the people involved in the report;
  • entrust a specifically trained person or a dedicated internal officer with the management of such internal reporting channel;
  • prohibit acts of retaliation or discrimination against the person who made the report; and
  • provide for sanctions against those who breach confidentiality, obstruct or otherwise attempt to obstruct the reporting, as well as those who make false reports.

After receiving the report, the person in charge of its management shall carry out investigations and inform the whistle-blower of their results.

National Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC) has recently implemented an external reporting channel that could be used by a whistle-blower if:

  • their company had not implemented the internal reporting channel or, even if activated, it does not comply with the above-mentioned provisions;
  • no investigation was carried out after the report; and
  • they had reasonable grounds to believe that they could suffer retaliation in case of reporting and that an imminent danger to the public interest may occur.

The ANAC shall inform the whistle-blower of the outcomes of the procedure and could sanction the company for omitting to implement an adequate reporting channel in compliance with the provisions set forth by the Legislative Decree No 24/2023.

Pursuant to Article 27, paragraph 2 of the Italian Constitution, the defendant is not considered guilty until a final judgment of conviction. Under Article 533 of the ICCP, the judge delivers a judgment of conviction only when the defendant is proven guilty beyond any reasonable doubt.

In the Italian criminal trial, the burden of proof is on the public prosecutor. Nonetheless, pursuant to Article 6 of Legislative Decree No 231/2001, the legal entity could avoid corporate liability by proving that it has adopted an effective organisational and control model, appointed a supervisory body in charge of monitoring its correct implementation and that its representative committed the offence by fraudulently circumventing the preventive rules of the organisational model itself.

According to Articles 132 and 133 of the ICC, the judge applies the penalty on a discretionary basis between the minimum and the maximum of penalty set forth by the law, considering the seriousness of the offence that can be inferred by:

  • the kind of offence, the time, the place and any other aspect of the conduct;
  • the seriousness of the damage or of the risk caused by the offence; and
  • the level of mens rea or fault.

Moreover, the judge shall assess the tendency of relapse from:

  • the reasons that led the offender to commit the crime and the character of the offender;
  • the criminal and judicial records of the offender;
  • the conduct held during and after the commission of the offence; and
  • the individual and social background.

The judge can increase the pecuniary sanctions in relation to the economic conditions of the offender, should the punishment statutorily provided be ineffective.


Via Broletto, 20
20121, Milan

+39 02 89 63 071

+39 02 896 307 810

nbertoliniclerici@legance.it www.legance.com
Author Business Card

Trends and Developments


Legance is an independent law firm with offices in Milan, Rome and London. Founded in 2007, the firm distinguishes itself in the legal market as a point of reference for both clients and institutions. Independent, dynamic, international and institutional are the qualities that most characterise the strengths of the firm and have contributed to it becoming a leader in the legal market. In 2007 there were 84 lawyers at Legance; currently there are over 350. The value of the group is regarded as a pillar that amplifies each individual’s qualities and skills. It provides constant attention to clients, carefully evaluating their business objectives, with an unconventional approach capable of anticipating legal requirements, with 24-hour availability. Legance can support clients over several geographical areas and can organise and co-ordinate multi-jurisdictional teams whenever required.


Current conditions, characterised by the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the consequent shortage of primary goods, especially in the energy sector, and by the implementation of the Next Generation EU (NGEU) and the National recovery and resilience plan (PNRR), are having a great impact on the Italian government’s priorities.

Italy has recently approved a criminal justice reform with the purpose of complying with NGEU goals.

Moreover, from a criminal law perspective, sanctioning tax avoidance, preventing and detecting fraud and speculation, especially in relation to the energy sector and the public contributions introduced by the emergency legislation, have become a priority and are determining current investigation strategies. Such goals are consistent with the latest legislative amendments, in particular regarding tax offences, aimed at guaranteeing tax revenues and enforcing cross-border VAT frauds.

The Recent Legislative Amendments in the Cartabia Reform

While the Italian Parliament is about to approve the so-called Nordio reform, the legislative amendments introduced by Legislative Decree No 150/2022, the so-called Riforma Cartabia have just entered into force.

The success of the Cartabia reform lies in the efficiency of trial and criminal justice, with a view to the full implementation of the goals set out in the PNRR, which foresee the reduction of 25% of the average duration of a criminal trial by 2026.

The reform covers both criminal law and criminal procedure rules, as well as the digitalisation of criminal proceedings and the increase in public competition for judges and clerks.

A first set of provisions aims at achieving the digitalisation of criminal proceedings in relation to the filing of complaints, briefs and other court documentation through the development of a web portal (PDAP). It is envisaged that proceedings will be heard through the use of audio-visual instruments to allow remote participation and recordings.

Secondly, with the aim of reducing the workload in criminal courts, the number of offences prosecutable upon complaint has been increased. For instance, fraud, cyber fraud, embezzlement, theft and injuries are now not prosecutable ex officio if specific aggravating circumstances do not occur.

In order to speed up criminal proceedings, the reform thoroughly amends the rules of the preliminary investigation phase by defining strict limits on its duration.

Moreover, in relation to the preliminary hearing and the first instance trial hearings, the most relevant amendments concern the rules governing the trial carried out without the presence of the defendant (so-called defendant’s absence) and the introduction of the “filter” hearing in the case of direct summons for trial, when preliminary hearing is not provided for.

Furthermore, the reform encourages the early definition of proceedings by broadening the conditions of access to alternative special proceedings, for example through the extension of the area of application of the decree of conviction.

The reform provides for a restorative justice system that is available on a voluntary basis and does not replace the criminal trial, allowing the offender and the victim to settle the dispute through the help of a third-party expert.

The reform also aims at simplifying the hearing of the appeal trial by promoting a written procedure, without the necessary participation of the defendant and their counsel, by creating many exemptions to the principle of immediacy-orality, such as proceedings in the absence of the defendant and the decision of the Court of Appeal without the participation of the parties.

The Tax Offences Reform

Since 2017, the law on tax offences has been subject to many legislative amendments.

A few years ago, Law No 157/2019 included certain tax crimes in the area of corporate vicarious liability pursuant to Legislative Decree No 231/2001 that punishes legal entities in connection with certain offenses (predicated offences) committed in their interest or for their benefit by their representatives or employees. Such law provided that, in case of conviction in relation to tax offences, the following disqualification measures shall be applied, together with the pecuniary sanction and the disgorgement of the proceeds of the offence: the prohibition of negotiating with the public administration, exclusion from public contribution or aid, and the prohibition of advertising goods or services.

In particular, the Italian legislation transposing PIF UE Directive 2017/1371 (Legislative Decree No 75/2020) amended the Consolidated Act on Tax Offenses (Legislative Decree No 74/2000) providing for the punishment of attempted EU cross-border offences of false declaration for non-existing transactions, false declaration by other fraudulent means and false declaration committed for evading value added tax.

With specific reference to legal entities, the legislation at issue also expanded the number of predicated tax offences in relation to which the corporate vicarious liability pursuant to Article 25-quinquiesdecies of Legislative Decree No 231/2001 may arise: in detail, a legal entity may be held accountable for false tax declaration, omitted tax declaration and undue compensation pursuant to Articles 4, 5 and 10-quater of Legislative Decree No 74/2000, when committed in its interest or for its benefit in order to evade VAT worth at least EUR10 million in the context of an EU cross-border fraudulent system.

The increasing interest in the area of tax offences is also proved by the introduction of co-operation mechanisms between states, and in particular by the creation of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, an independent body of the European Union in charge of investigating and prosecuting offences affecting the financial interests of the EU and in particular cross-border VAT fraud causing a loss of at least EUR10 million, money laundering and corruption.

One of the most discussed topics concerns the exemption from punishment for tax crimes. Article 13 of Legislative Decree No 74/2000 provides that the author of the tax violation shall not be punished if he spontaneously paid his tax debt through the active repentance procedure and, with respect to the offences listed in paragraph 2, is not formally aware of an inspection or pending criminal or administrative proceedings against him.

Through a recent decision (No 26274/2023), the Italian Supreme Court explained that such exemption from punishment could also find application when the author of the tax offence is aware of the request for clarification made by the Italian Tax Revenue Agency to other taxpayers with whom the author has a business relationship.

Nonetheless, such rule was criticised because it is still not applicable to legal entities, causing a discrepancy between the corporate liability of the legal entity and the acquittal of its representative. The opportunity for a legislative intervention to introduce the same exemption for corporations, for example by enhancing remedial actions pursuant to Article 17 of Legislative Decree No 231/2001, is clear.

Lastly, Decree-Law No 34/2023 introduced a new exemption from punishment – in addition to that set forth by Article 13 of Legislative Decree No 74/2000 – in relation to non-payment of VAT or of withholding tax when tax infringements are defined by the settlement procedures set forth by 2022 Budget Law and the sums due have been fully paid, provided that such procedures concluded before the judgment on appeal.

The Proposal to Abolish the Abuse of Office Offence

In recent months, the Italian Parliament has been discussing the Bill of Law No 808/2023 (the “DDL Nordio”) that submits, above all, the abolition of the offence of abuse of office under Article 323 of the Italian Criminal Code.

Such provision now punishes, with imprisonment for a period from one to four years, the public officers or the person in charge of a public function who intentionally procures for themselves or for others an unfair pecuniary advantage in violation of specific rules provided for by the law or by acts having the force of law and from which no discretion remains, or by omitting to abstain in the presence of their own interest or that of a close relative, or in other prescribed cases.

Such provision has been repeatedly amended in order to find a balance between the correct functioning of the Public Administration and the enforcement of illicit conduct and not hindering public officers’ discretion.

In particular, the amendment at issue would respond to the need for curbing the so-called defensive bureaucracy or “fear-of-signing” that supposedly characterise public officers’ actions, meaning that they may act with a defensive attitude to avoid being involved in criminal proceedings.

Moreover, as set out in the explanatory memorandum presented to the Italian Senate, Article 323 of the Italian Criminal Code has found residual application in the criminal courts due to the high number of dismissals. The current criminal, disciplinary and civil background could still grant an efficient enforcement of the illicit conduct now relevant pursuant to Article 323 of the Italian Criminal Code.

The proposal to abolish the offence of abuse of office has been broadly criticised since it is too radical and in partial contradiction with the arguments of the proposal: some recent studies registered a considerable number of convictions, increased in the last 20 years, especially in strategic sectors such as public health, tenders and construction.

According to some scholars, there are further areas of concern. First, the international organisations, such as OCSE, could negatively assess the level of enforcement of the anti-bribery legislation in Italy. Moreover, especially after Qatargate, the EU is focusing on fighting corruption as a complex and “endemic phenomenon”, and recently released a proposal of directive of the European Parliament and Council, condemning corruption in every form, including abuse of functions and illicit enrichment.

Furthermore, in a recent ruling with reference to manipulated public tenders (decision No 26225/2023), the Italian Supreme Court stated that abuse of office is applicable instead of bid tampering. The abolition of the offence at issue could therefore cause a gap in the legislation.

Investigative Trends

Taxes on labour and illegal employment

As stated in the Document of Economics and Finance 2022, the Italian government aims to reduce the tax gap in the coming years, in order to comply with the goals of PNRR and NGEU. One of the strategies adopted is to pursue tax credit recovery related to illegal employment.

In light of this, the Public Prosecution Offices have started to investigate tax offences, to detect illegal employment or illicit supply of labour especially in the food delivery and logistics sectors.

The Public Prosecution Office of Milan, pursuant to Legislative Decree No 231/2001, recently charged multinational companies in the logistics sector in connection with false tax declaration using invoices for non-existing operations punished by Article 2 of Legislative Decree No 74/2000. In detail, according to the public prosecutors, the multinational managed to conceal the illicit supply of labour through a procurement contract which lacked the relevant legal requirements, with a consortium of co-operatives. Through this fictitious procurement contract, the company was able to avoid the social security contributions that fall on the employer and avoided paying VAT.

It is worth noting that the criminal proceedings against the company pursuant to Legislative Decree No 231/2001 were dropped, since the Public Prosecutors positively assessed the efforts to enhance the level of internal compliance shown by the multinational, which committed to hiring the staff previously employed by the co-operatives.

With reference to similar criminal proceedings, a food delivery multinational and the partner company that recruited drivers on behalf of the multinational, together with their managers, were involved in criminal proceedings for tax crimes and exploitation of workers, for forcing the drivers to work in difficult conditions and omitting to pay the withholding taxes. For the first time in this case, the offence of illicit exploitation of workers (caporalato) pursuant to Article 603-bis of the Italian Criminal Code was applied to the so-called digital caporalato, a phenomenon of exploitation spreading in the Gig Economy that originates from the increasing use of digital platforms and a progressive deregulation of the market.

In this case, the public prosecutors had a strong approach towards the lack of compliance of the multinational and decided to order its monitorship (amministrazione giudiziaria) pursuant to Article 34 of Legislative Decree No 159/2011 for allowing workers’ exploitation by its partner. Even if such remedy is meant to sanction companies linked to criminal organisation, the prosecutors used it as a method for encouraging the multinational to strengthen its compliance and avoid relapse, similarly to the monitorship required by the DPAs in the United States.

Fraud related to tax incentives and public funds

One of the consequences of the public incentives set out by the emergency legislation is the increase of tax offences and fraud aimed at obtaining tax incentives and public funds, even without the legal requirements being met. Public authorities are therefore trying to recover tax revenues through systematic controls, and in 2022, registered non-existing tax credits for EUR12 billion (as of today).

The first type of fraud is related to the so-called Superbonus 110%, which is a tax benefit consisting in increasing to 110% the deduction rate for costs incurred for interventions aimed at improving the energy efficiency and the safety of the buildings. Since such incentive is paid as a tax credit assignable also to financial institutions in exchange of immediate cash, this has caused a chain in the credit transfer.

From a criminal perspective, some issues may arise when the tax credit does not exist, for example because the interventions have never been made or completed. Indeed, the beneficiary and the assignee may be held accountable for undue compensation or fraudulent declaration.

Another sensitive area is the non-refundable contributions fraud provided for by emergency legislation. The Italian Tax Police focused its attention on taxpayers who delayed entering invoices for 2019. Although legitimate, this could reveal an artificial increase in 2019 turnover, in order to prove a decrease in 2020 and have access to public funds.

A third area of attention is related to “research and development” credits. In 2022, the Italian government launched the “Research and Development” project in association with Italian Tax Police, aimed at detecting frauds in relation to undue compensation for “research and development” tax credits. From the first results of such activity, high-risk fraud worth EUR1.7 billion emerged and led to further investigation activities.

Other areas of intervention concern the energy products sector, which is exposed to VAT and excise evasion that affect market competition. Most frequently, fraud is perpetrated thanks to cross-border shell companies and through letters of intent by fake exporters. In this respect, with the recent “Petrol-mafie operation” the judicial authorities discovered that tax offences are often linked to criminal organisations which not only make profits through tax evasion, but also engage the acquisition of gas storage and distribution facilities for money laundering purposes. The attention of the Public Prosecutors Offices on such matters is going to grow, especially considering the recent increase in fuel and diesel prices.

Lastly, in order to ensure the correct allocation of PNRR funds, co-operation between the Public Prosecution Service and EPPO, and the development of Anti-Fraud Information System databases will help monitor public tenders, targeting newly established contractors and subcontractors, with the aim of assessing their financial standing and their organisational capacity. As a result, between 2022 and the first semester of 2023, the Italian Tax Police started almost 100,000 investigations to combat economic and financial crime and detect criminal infiltration in Italian companies.

Consumer protection

The activities concerning consumer protection are essentially aimed at fighting the following illicit conduct:

  • importing and placing on the market of products with the false indication of “made in Italy”, or false information on their origin, provenance and quality;
  • marketing of agri-food products with a false special designation of origin or geographical indication (illicit use of DOP, IGP, etc, trade marks); and
  • counterfeiting of trade marks.

During 2023, many investigations focused on smuggling and commercial fraud especially of alcoholic beverages in the southern Italy and adulteration of olive oil with seed oil. Often, the illicit conduct not only concerns the origin and quality of goods, but also the packaging and the labels of the product. Between 2022 and the first semester of 2023, through these activities, more than 700 million counterfeit products were seized for false indications of “Made in Italy” and violation of copyright law. In addition, the judicial authorities ordered the seizure of more than 14 million litres (mainly wines) and 23,424 tons of agri-food products (maize) with false trade marks, subject of commercial fraud.

Such behaviours can also lead to corporate criminal liability of companies pursuant to Legislative Decree No 231/2001 for smuggling and offences against trade. In this regard, a few years ago, a proposal to expand corporate liability pursuant to Legislative Decree No 231/2001 in relation to food crimes was presented, but it is not clear whether it will be followed, especially considering that Law No 71/2021 recently amended food safety sanctions regulation.

In recent years, the purchase of counterfeit products, especially shoes and clothing, exponentially increased due largely to the rise of online shopping and e-commerce platforms. Consequently, many clone websites have emerged, pretending to be official recreations of the original site with a typosquatting or cybersquatting mechanism and began to market and sell replicas of the original branded products. Moreover, these fake websites are a vehicle for other cybercrimes against consumers, such as phishing, thanks to the cross-linking practices through which criminals manage to create a link to spam accounts and steal people’s data. Again, counterfeiting of trade marks often relies on shell companies that import and place to market counterfeit goods by issuing false invoices.

In this respect, a new EU regulation announced in July 2023 regarding cross-border access to electronic evidence in criminal proceedings provides that as of August 2026, an EU member state authority may issue a European Production or Preservation Order to request a service provider in another member state to produce or to preserve electronic evidence regardless of the location of the data. The regulation at issue could be useful for efficiently prosecuting these types of offences and identifying the data subscriber or user.

Fight against bribery

Enforcement against corruption and crimes against the Italian public administration are a constant top priority. A report released in March 2023 by the Ministry of the Interior registered a slight decrease in corruption cases in the public sector pursuant to Articles 317, 318, 319 and 322 of the Italian Criminal Code in the past three years, while the trend for abuse of office between 2004 to 2022 is stable, except for a significant increase in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, and a subsequent decline in 2021–2022. The distribution of such crimes is concentrated in the Italian central and southern area.

Although the OECD praised the efforts of Italy in the report on Implementing the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention – Phase 4 of October 2022, it made several recommendations such as:

  • implementing measures to encourage self-reporting in foreign bribery investigations and prosecutions;
  • increasing the effectiveness of the enforcement against legal persons involved in foreign bribery, including the increase of pecuniary sanctions, with a view to avoiding dismissal based on statute of limitations grounds. On the other hand, the OECD highlighted that Italy has not implemented yet mitigating factors for legal entities entering a settlement procedure (patteggiamento); and
  • strengthening due diligence in public procurement by including integrated data information obtained through verifying foreign and Italian companies operating abroad in the database managed by ANAC (Anti-Corruption National Authority).

Further amendments to the existing EU legal framework on bribery are expected in the coming months, due to the EU proposal for directive combating corruption on 3 May 2023, aimed at creating a common European enforcement mechanism against corruption and complying with the legal obligations on the Union and member states under international law, such as the United Nations Convention Against Corruption. In detail, according to the proposal, member states shall take the necessary measures to ensure that legal entities are held liable for any of the criminal offences listed in the proposal (bribery in the public and private sector, misappropriation, abuse of functions, etc) committed for their benefit. Among the main sanctions applicable to legal entities, the proposal provides for:

  • fines of 5% of the total worldwide turnover of the legal person and related entities in the year preceding the decision imposing the fine;
  • exclusion from public benefits or aid;
  • temporary or permanent exclusion from public procurement or disqualification from the exercise of commercial activities or closure of establishments used for committing the offence;
  • withdrawal of permits or authorisations;
  • possibility for public authorities to annul or rescind a contract with them; and
  • judicial supervision.

In case of approval, corporate liability regulation pursuant to Legislative Decree No 231/2001 would be impacted.

ESG and sustainable economy

Environmental and sustainable economy matters will have high priority. The recent EU regulations and in particular the Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CSDD), still under discussion, provide for new rules to promote responsible corporate behaviour throughout global value chains. The companies with the legal requirements set forth by the CSDD shall implement specific due diligence policies, identify actual or potential human rights and environmental negative impacts and prevent or mitigate them. In case of failure to comply with such provisions, national administrative authorities shall apply fines. Such regulation will probably impact on corporate liability pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 in relation to environmental offences.


Via Broletto, 20
20121, Milan

+39 02 89 63 071

+39 02 896 307 810

nbertoliniclerici@legance.it www.legance.com
Author Business Card

Law and Practice


Legance is an independent law firm with offices in Milan, Rome and London. Founded in 2007, the firm distinguishes itself in the legal market as a point of reference for both clients and institutions. Independent, dynamic, international and institutional are the qualities that most characterise the strengths of the firm and have contributed to it becoming a leader in the legal market. In 2007 there were 84 lawyers at Legance; currently there are over 350. The value of the group is regarded as a pillar that amplifies each individual’s qualities and skills. It provides constant attention to clients, carefully evaluating their business objectives, with an unconventional approach capable of anticipating legal requirements, with 24-hour availability. Legance can support clients over several geographical areas and can organise and co-ordinate multi-jurisdictional teams whenever required.

Trends and Developments


Legance is an independent law firm with offices in Milan, Rome and London. Founded in 2007, the firm distinguishes itself in the legal market as a point of reference for both clients and institutions. Independent, dynamic, international and institutional are the qualities that most characterise the strengths of the firm and have contributed to it becoming a leader in the legal market. In 2007 there were 84 lawyers at Legance; currently there are over 350. The value of the group is regarded as a pillar that amplifies each individual’s qualities and skills. It provides constant attention to clients, carefully evaluating their business objectives, with an unconventional approach capable of anticipating legal requirements, with 24-hour availability. Legance can support clients over several geographical areas and can organise and co-ordinate multi-jurisdictional teams whenever required.

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