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Cybersecurity has been at the forefront of Türkiye’s strategic policies since the last decade as an integral part of its national security. The results are showcased in the Global Cybersecurity Index 2024 published by the International Telecommunication Union, which ranked Türkiye as a Tier-1 Role-modelling country in Europe and awarded a full score in all five areas of strength (eg, legal, technical, organisation, capacity development, and co-operation measures).
The National Cybersecurity Strategy for 2024–2028 (the “NCS 2024”)
Since 2012, the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure (the MTI) has published four mid-term strategic plans for cybersecurity, the most recent being the NCS 2024. According to the NCS 2024, Türkiye’s cybersecurity strategy for the next four years is based on six objectives:
The 12th Development Program (2024–2028)
The 12th Development Program sets out the following general policy goals for information technologies, as well as sector-specific policies (eg, financial markets, education and health):
The Medium-Term Program (2025–2027)
Medium-Term Program provides the following policy objectives:
The Presidency Program for 2025
Lastly, the Presidency Program for 2025 sets out more specific plans that are based upon the six objectives set out in the NCS 2024, including:
On 10 January 2025, a proposal for a Cybersecurity Act (the “Cybersecurity Act Proposal”) was drawn up and submitted for deliberation to the relevant committees under the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye. The deliberations on the Cybersecurity Act Proposal were ongoing in the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye at the time of drafting this Guide. The proposal aims to provide a general legal framework for the responsibilities of institutions and persons who operate in cyberspace and the powers and duties of the recently established Cybersecurity Directorate. (For more information on the Cybersecurity Act Proposal, see 1.3 Cybersecurity Regulators, 4.1 Cyber-Resilience Legislation, 4.2 Key Obligations Under Legislation and 5.1 Key Cybersecurity Certification Legislation.)
However, until and unless the Cybersecurity Act Proposal is accepted and becomes effective, Türkiye does not have a standalone legal framework governing cybersecurity; the legal framework, in fact, is quite fragmented.
The most relevant legal instruments, as well as policy documents, that currently govern cybersecurity are as follows.
General Regulations
The Constitution of the Turkish Republic (the “Constitution”)
The Constitution does not directly set out any provision on cybersecurity. However, as cybersecurity is an umbrella term also covering data protection – whether it is personal or non-personal data – it can be considered that cybersecurity is partly and indirectly covered by Article 20(3) of the Constitution, which provides for the right to protection of personal data. Furthermore, Article 22 recognises freedom of communication as an individual right to any person.
The Law on Regulation of Publications via the Internet and Combating Crimes Committed by Means of Such Publications No 5651 (the “Internet Law”)
The Internet Law aims to regulate the obligations and responsibilities of content providers, hosting providers, internet service providers, social network providers, and access providers to combat crimes committed via the internet.
The Internet Law directs the Turkish Information and Communication Technologies Authority (the ICTA) to establish co-ordination between the relevant public institutions, law enforcement agencies, above-mentioned providers and other related institutions and organisations to ensure the safe use of the internet, raise public awareness, and carry out necessary activities (eg, taking necessary measures within the scope of national cybersecurity policies).
The Law on Electronic Communication No 5809 (the “E-Communication Law”)
Information security is among the basic principles in the E-Communication Law, which provides the main framework for network security, the confidentiality of communication, and personal data protection. Detailed provisions concerning each may be found under several secondary pieces of legislation enacted based thereon.
Although the E-Communications Law almost entirely regulates e-communication sectors, its Article 60(11) empowers ICTA to take measures or to ensure that all measures are taken to protect public institutions and organisations, and natural and legal persons, from cyber-attacks and to provide deterrence against the same.
Hence, not only is ICTA the authorised regulatory body in the e-communications sector, but it also has comprehensive authority over private and public organisations in relation to cybersecurity.
The Council of Ministers Decision on Carrying Out, Managing and Co-ordinating National Cybersecurity Activities, dated 11 June 2012 (the “Council of Ministers Decision on Cybersecurity”)
This decision is one of the landmarks of Türkiye’s cybersecurity legislation. It defines national cybersecurity as: “security of all services, transactions, and data provided via information and communications technologies as well as systems used for the provision thereof”.
This decision empowers MTI to oversee the national cybersecurity in Türkiye and prepare policy, strategy, and action plans to ensure cybersecurity nationwide (among other powers). The MTI carries out these tasks through ICTA and other public institutions.
The Presidential Decree No 177 on the Cybersecurity Directorate
On 8 January 2025, the Presidential Decree No 177 on the Cybersecurity Directorate established the Cybersecurity Directorate (the “Directorate”) as a public legal entity affiliated with the Presidency with financial autonomy. The decree grants the Directorate general regulatory power on cybersecurity matters. Refer to 1.3 Cybersecurity Regulators for further explanations on the duties of the Directorate.
The Communiqué on Procedures and Principles of the Establishment, Duties and Activities of Cyber-Incidents Response Teams (CERTs) (the “Communiqué on CERTs”)
The purpose and scope of this communiqué are to ensure CERTs carry out their services effectively and efficiently by determining the procedures and principles of their establishment, duties and work.
The Guideline for Establishment and Management of Institutional CERTs (the “Institutional CERT Guideline”) and the Guideline for Establishment and Management of Sectoral CERTs (the “Sectoral CERT Guideline”)
These guidelines, published by the National Cyber Incidents Response Centre (TR-CERT), provide guidance on:
They also include the principles for communication with internal/external stakeholders and establishing institutional and sectoral CERTs.
The Decree No 2019/12 on Information and Communication Security Measures issued by the Presidency of Türkiye (the “Presidency Decree”)
The Presidency Decree sets specific measures deemed appropriate to diminish and neutralise security risks – in particular, ensuring the security of critical data that may jeopardise national security or deteriorate public order when its confidentiality, integrity, or accessibility is compromised. It provides an obligation to securely store critical data (eg, population, health and communication records, genetic and biometric data) within Türkiye.
The Presidency Decree applies to public institutions and organisations as well as businesses providing critical infrastructure services (ie, energy, electronic communications, banking and finance, critical public services, water management, and transportation). See 2.1 Scope of Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity Regulation for further details.
The Turkish Data Protection Law No 6698 (the “DP Law”) and its secondary legislation
The DP Law covers all personal data-processing activities in Türkiye. From a cybersecurity perspective, it also regulates the security of personal data and full or partly automated and non-automated data-processing systems. According to the DP Law, controllers are obliged to take all necessary technical and organisational measures to provide a sufficient level of security to:
See 6.1 Cybersecurity and Data Protection for further information.
The Turkish Criminal Code (the TCrC) No 5237
The TCrC criminalises several actions in connection to cybersecurity and sets out criminal sanctions of imprisonment between six months and eight years for these actions. Some are as follows:
The Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works No 5846
The Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works (focusing on the protection of copyright) also criminalises the following actions with sanctions of imprisonment between six months and two years:
The Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles for Connecting to and Auditing the KamuNet Network (The “Communiqué on KamuNet”)
KamuNet (loosely translated as PublicNet) is a closed-circuit, virtual network infrastructure isolated from the private network and internet environment and utilised by public institutions and organisations in their service, transaction, and data traffic transfers. Hence, it is more secure against physical and cyber-attacks. Per the Prime Ministry Decree No 2016/28 on Integrating Public Institutions and Organisations into KamuNet, all public institutions and organisations must utilise the KamuNet network.
The Communiqué on KamuNet sets the requirements for public institutions and organisations integrated into KamuNet, such as having a TS ISO/IEC 27001 certificate for their information security management systems. In addition, it authorises the MTI to determine the public institutions and organisations to be integrated into KamuNet and assess their suitableness before the integration.
The Cybersecurity Directorate
The Directorate has been designated as a general authority on cybersecurity matters. The main duties of the Directorate are as follows:
However, the Directorate’s duties will continue to be performed by the existing relevant public institutions and organisations until the relevant units within the Directorate are established and become operational. The Cybersecurity Act Proposal delegates more powers to the Directorate; however, currently, the powers continue to be shared between several regulators.
The Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure (the MTI)
The Council of Ministers Decision on Cybersecurity authorises the MTI for the implementation, administration and co-ordination of national cybersecurity actions and preparation and co-ordination of policy, strategy and action plans regarding the governance of national cybersecurity.
MTI oversees and conducts cybersecurity activities at the strategic level through the TR-CERT.
The Cybersecurity Act Proposal delegates MTI’s cybersecurity-related responsibilities to the Directory.
The Information and Communication Technologies Authority (the ICTA)
ICTA is an independent administrative institution and has administrative and financial autonomy.
In addition to its regulatory role in telecommunications, ICTA closely monitors cybersecurity incidents through publicly available and private forums and mediums. ICTA also audits and warns private companies concerning specific cybersecurity threats and technical vulnerabilities.
The Cybersecurity Act Proposal annuls the provisions granting the ICTA general cybersecurity-related powers and limits its duties to the data systems within its own competency. However, ICTA will continue carrying out its duties for the time being. After the Cybersecurity Act becomes effective, ICTA will transfer to the Directorate all its assets that are exclusively used for national cybersecurity activities.
The Digital Transformation Office (the DTO)
The DTO has played an active role in cybersecurity, big data, artificial intelligence, and digital transformation since its establishment in 2018.
Among other duties, the DTO develops projects supporting national cybersecurity and information security. However, when the Cybersecurity Directorate becomes operational, these duties will be delegated to the Directorate, except for the duty to carry out activities to strengthen cybersecurity of digital public services.
National Cyber Incidents Response Centre (the TR-CERT)
In 2013, the TR-CERT was established under ICTA to identify emerging threats, take measures to reduce and eliminate the effects of possible attacks and incidents on national cyberspace and share them with the relevant actors.
TR-CERT oversees the management of response to cybersecurity incidents from the beginning until the resolution. It co-ordinates with CERTs who are required to report cybersecurity events to the TR-CERT.
TR-CERT also carries out awareness-raising and guidance activities to increase the awareness of public institutions and organisations against cyber-attacks.
Cyber Incidents Response Teams (CERTs)
Sectoral CERTs
Sectoral CERTs are established under:
Sectoral CERTs are responsible for co-ordination, regulation and supervision of cybersecurity in their respective critical sectors. They act in co-ordination with the TR-CERT and institutional CERTs operating in the sectors concerned.
Institutional CERTs
Institutional CERTs are established within public and private organisations.
All organisations operating in the critical infrastructure sectors must establish an institutional CERT thereunder and ICTA has the authority to order a public or private organisation to establish and maintain a CERT, even if that organisation does not operate in critical infrastructure sectors.
Institutional CERTs also act in co-ordination with the TR-CERT and sectoral CERTs operating in the relevant sector, as applicable.
The Personal Data Protection Authority (the DPA)
The primary supervisory and regulatory authority for data protection matters is the DPA. It is an independent administrative institution that has administrative and financial autonomy.
The DPA is authorised to regulate data protection activities and to take measures to protect the rights of data subjects. The DPA is competent to receive data breach notices according to the DP Law.
The National Intelligence Agency
The National Intelligence Agency is entitled to collect, record, and analyse information, documents, news, and data by using any technical intelligence and human intelligence method, tool and system regarding foreign intelligence, national defence, counterterrorism, international crimes and cybersecurity, and to deliver the produced intelligence to the necessary institutions.
The Turkish National Police Department of Cybercrime Prevention
Established in 2011, this department provides support in investigating crimes committed using information technology. It gathers forensic data to fight cybercrime effectively and efficiently.
The Ministry of National Defence, the Presidency of Defence Industries, and the Turkish Armed Forces Cyber Defence Command
These entities ensure cybersecurity from the perspective of military and national defence.
The Ministry of Interior Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency
The Ministry of Interior Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency is responsible for crisis co-ordination and management to protect critical infrastructures in the event of a disaster.
Apart from the above, sector-specific administrative institutions such as the Banking Regulation and Supervision of Agency (the BRSA), the Capital Markets Board (the CMB), the Turkish Republic Central Bank (the TRCB), the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (the EMRA), the General Directorate of Civil Aviation (the GDCA), and the Nuclear Regulatory Authority are entitled to regulate cybersecurity-related issues in their respective sectors.
There is no framework legislation on critical infrastructure cybersecurity like the EU’s NIS2 or the USA’s Cyber Incident Reporting for Critical Infrastructure Act. However, enacting regulations in line with the EU’s “NIS2 Directive” is a policy goal identified by the 12th Development Program.
Currently, there is no precise scope for critical infrastructure cybersecurity regulation, and the relevant sectoral legislation must be consulted. The applicable legal texts are policy documents published by authorised institutions and sector-specific by-laws.
The DTO’s Information and Communication Security Guide (the “ICS Guide”)
The ICS Guide published by DTO defines “critical infrastructure” as “infrastructures that incorporate information technologies which may cause loss of life, economic harm of large-scale, national security gaps and public disorder when the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data/information therein are disrupted”.
The ICS Guide applies to public institutions, organisations and businesses providing critical infrastructure services. It sets out general security measures and those specific to the energy and e-communication sectors. The ICS Guide defines, among other things, the asset groups (eg, network and systems, apps, devices, physical places, and personnel), their criticality level, measures, the application process, and their respective compliance plan.
Guidance of the MTI
The MTI is tasked with identifying critical infrastructures along with the institutions they belong to and their locations. (However, this duty will be transferred to the Directorate when it is operational.) There are six critical infrastructure sectors:
The Sectoral CERT Guideline published by the MTI defines critical public services as services provided by critical systems with which citizens frequently interact, and mentions the following:
The MTI also published: “Document for Minimum Security Measures for Critical Information System Infrastructure” and “Minimum Information Security Criteria for Public Institutions to Comply”.
The By-Law on NIS in the E-Communications Sector is the main regulation for the e-communications sector, with the purpose to provide the procedures and principles of operators to ensure network and information security. It applies to the operators within the scope of the E-Communications Law.
The main regulation on cybersecurity in the energy sector is the By-Law on Cybersecurity Competency Model in the Energy Sector. It aims to improve cybersecurity and define the minimum acceptable level of security of industrial control systems used in the energy sector, and establish the procedures and principles related to the cyber-resilience, proficiency, and maturity thereof.
The By-Law covers industrial control systems owned by legal entities with the following licences: electricity transmission licence, electricity distribution licence, electricity generation facility licence, natural gas transmission licence for pipeline transmission, natural gas distribution licence, natural gas storage licence (LNG, underground), crude oil transmission licence, and refinery licence.
Banking and Finance
By-Law on Information Systems of Banks and Electronic Banking Services aims to manage information systems used by banks in the performance of their operations and set forth the minimum procedures and principles to be applied in the offer of electronic banking services and management of risks related thereto. It covers the entities falling within the scope of the Banking Law (eg, deposit and participation banks, branches of foreign institutions within Türkiye, etc).
The Presidency Decree provides the following security measures for critical infrastructure security of public institutions and organisations:
For comprehensive measures, the Presidency Decree refers to the ICS Guide, which provides the following for critical infrastructure security in public institutions and organisations and businesses providing critical infrastructure services:
The ICS Guide also sets out sector-specific security measures for e-communications and energy sectors. Additionally, there are other sector-specific regulations setting the requirements for critical infrastructure cybersecurity. Refer to the details of the sector-specific regulations below.
E-Communications Sector
Security measures to be taken by the actors in the e-communications sector in accordance with the ICS Guide are as follows:
The By-Law on NIS in the E-Communications Sector requires that a report on NIS must be prepared by the operator every year – until the end of March – and kept for five years to be sent to ICTA upon request and/or submitted during the inspections made by ICTA. The report includes information such as:
Per the By-Law, operators cannot allow unlicensed software and software going against Information Security Management Systems Policy rules and must take measures to protect information and software against harmful codes and identify security measures for downloading files or software via external networks.
Operators are also obligated to define and document rules related to the transfer of software from the development environment to the production environment.
Energy Sector
The actors in the energy sector must take the following security measures per the ICS Guide:
The competency model under the By-Law on Cybersecurity Competency Model in the Energy Sector sets out three basic competency levels. The applicable competency level will be identified with sectoral criticality degrees determined by the EMRA. The obligated organisations must implement the competency model after EMRA determines the respective criticality degrees and notifies them.
Banking and Finance Sector
Banks and other financial institutions under the authority of the BRSA must take the measures outlined in the By-Law on Information Systems of Banks and Electronic Banking Services.
Moreover, personal data specific to banking relationships are also considered customer secrets under the Banking Law. For specific requirements and restrictions thereto, see 3. Financial Sector Operational Resilience Regulation.
Health Sector
See 6.3 Cybersecurity in the Healthcare Sector.
Civil Aviation Sector
The Cybersecurity Directive for Civil Aviation Enterprises (the “Directive”) outlines the following measures to be taken by civil aviation enterprises against cyber threats:
General Notification Duties
One of the main obligations provided under the Presidency Decree for public institutions is adopting the necessary measures regarding cyber threat notifications.
A “cybersecurity event” is defined in the Communiqué on CERTs as a “breach or attempted breach of confidentiality, integrity, or accessibility of industrial control or information systems or data processed thereby”. If an organisation is required to establish a CERT, in principle, its CERT must report any cybersecurity event to the TR-CERT and the relevant sectoral CERT (if applicable). See 1.3 Cybersecurity Regulators for more details.
Conversely, an organisation that is not required to establish a CERT, is not under obligation to report (although, voluntary reporting is allowed).
Personal Data Breach Notification to the DPA
Controllers must report to the DPA within 72 hours and notify the relevant data subjects within the shortest time possible if third parties unlawfully acquire personal data (regardless of the likelihood or lack thereof to result in a risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons).
Sectoral Notification Duties
For the allocation of duties and the details thereof, see 1.3 Cybersecurity Regulators. See also 2.1 Scope of Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity Regulation and 2.2 Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity Requirements for obligations provided for public institutions under the ICS Guide.
There is no general legislation covering the Turkish financial sector’s operational resilience. Rather, relevant regulations of the BRSA, TRCB and CMB set the rules on the management of information systems for banks, payment and electronic money institutions, and capital market institutions respectively.
There is no legal definition for ICT service providers or cloud service providers. However, several sectoral regulations indicate different service providers for ICT services. Since they are regulated sectorally, there is no general classification of critical ICT services either.
The By-Law ISBEBS, the Communiqué on Payment Services, and the CMB Communiqué (collectively, the “Financial NIS”)
The Financial NIS regulates the outsourcing of ICT services by the institutions it covers. Thus, it includes provisions concerning the financial sector institutions’ outsourced information systems services.
The Financial NIS aims to guarantee that financial sector institutions retain their control over even the outsourced information systems and for them to remain accountable to the relevant parties (eg, their customers). For the scope of Financial NIS, see 3.1 Scope of Financial Sector Operation Resilience Regulation.
The By-Law ISBEBS defines “outsourcing” as support services that banks acquire from external sources, which may potentially affect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of banking data, continuity of banking services, and services involving access to or sharing of banking data.
Banks must also follow the conditions set under the By-Law on Support Services for Banks, which covers the banks’ outsourcing of any type of support services.
Outsourcing contracts must include certain clauses, including:
Classification of ICT Services
The Financial NIS does not define any ICT services as “critical”.
The By-Law ISBEBS and the Communiqué on Payment Services mention additional requirements for “critical information systems” without providing any definition. However, the By-Law on Remote Identity Verification Methods to be Used by Banks and the Establishment of Contractual Relationships in Electronic Environment classifies the systems used in the context of remote identity verification as critical information systems in terms of the By-Law ISBEBS.
As outlined above, there is no overarching digital operation resilience regulation, and the applicable legal requirements are fragmented across several legislative pieces.
The Financial NIS imposes several obligations on the institutions of their respective areas to increase the resilience of financial sector institutions’ information systems. Financial NIS aims to establish the standards for strengthening these systems. It provides measures to be taken for information security as well as the management of cyber incidents.
Localisation Obligations
The following entities must keep their primary and secondary information systems in Türkiye:
For outsourced products or services, the Communiqué on Payment Services requires use of local products, or the manufacturers thereof to have R&D centres and response centres in Türkiye.
Risk Management Obligations
Financial sector institutions are required to prepare a plan and policy for the detection, analysis, and management of risks related to information systems. They also impose internal control mechanisms for the same (eg, approval of senior staff).
Cyber Incident Management and Reporting Obligations
The measures to be taken in the event of a cyber incident include keeping a detailed record thereof, preventing the recurrence of a similar incident, establishing internal mechanisms for cyber incident management, and identifying the root causes of cyber incidents.
Certain details of cyber incidents must be reported to the internal senior staff as well as the relevant institutions (eg, the BRSA, TRCB and Institutional CERTs). Additionally, since the financial sector is one of the critical infrastructure sectors, financial sector institutions must also follow the notification obligations mentioned in 2.3 Incident Response and Notification Obligations.
Other Obligations
For other crucial obligations see 3.2 ICT Service Provider Contractual Requirements, 3.5 International Data Transfers and 3.6 Threat-Led Penetration Testing.
The enforcement of the operational resilience obligations outlined above is shared by the BRSA, TRCB, and CMB.
The Banking Regulation and Supervision of Agency (the BRSA)
The BRSA is authorised to carry out examination of all books, records, and documents, and conduct on-site audits and ex officio inspections concerning the support service organisations.
The By-Law ISBEBS also authorises BSRA to carry out inspections concerning the ICT providers of banks and requires them to provide the necessary information and documents requested and to keep and operate all kinds of records in a readable format.
Moreover, BSRA is authorised to impose administrative fines in case of non-compliance with its regulations in accordance with the Banking Law.
The Turkish Republic Central Bank (the TRCB)
The TRCB is authorised to audit banks, payment institutions, electronic money institutions, and their branches, representatives or outsourced service providers of the Post and Telegraph Organisation A.Ş.
The TRCB may request the payment institution and electronic money institution to take the necessary measures in relation to the issues identified. In case of failure to take these measures in a reasonable time, TRCB may revoke the operating licence.
Depending on the case, TRCB may impose a wide range of administrative fines for non-compliance with the regulations on payment services and electronic money institutions.
The Capital Markets Board (the CMB)
The CMB has the authority to audit the activities concerning capital markets of all institutions and organisations under the scope of the Capital Markets Law and other relevant real or legal persons. The auditing personnel may request relevant documents and information. The failure to provide these and obscuring the audit are criminalised under the Capital Markets Law.
Depending on the case, CMB may impose a wide range of administrative fines on persons who fail to comply with the Capital Markets Law and its secondary legislation.
Banking Law and Its Secondary Legislation
Refer to the localisation obligation under 3.3 Key Operational Resilience Obligations.
Additionally, customer secrets under the Banking Law cannot be disclosed or transferred to foreign (or domestic) third parties without receiving the customer’s request or explicit instruction. There are two exceptions.
The By-Law on the Sharing of Secret Information, which applies to bank secrets and customer secrets collectively, also provides exceptions to the prohibition to share secret information. Accordingly, the following transfers are allowed.
The Communiqué on Payment Services
In cases where one of the parties of the payment transaction is located abroad, the institution may share the required data with the relevant third parties abroad. However, the following conditions must be satisfied:
General DP Law Regime on International Personal Data Transfers
If data transferred is personal data, the DP Law also applies.
Provisions on international personal data transfers under the DP Law have been significantly amended on 12 March 2024, effective from 1 September 2024. The purpose of the amendment was to align the DP Law with the General Data Protection Regulation.
The new regime allows personal data to be transferred abroad or to international organisations under the following conditions.
Although the DPA published the By-Law on Procedures for the Transfer of Personal Data Abroad and a guideline, there are many ongoing discussions on interpreting the provisions therein.
Besides the amendments, there is an unaltered provision under the DP Law, which provides a reservation for provisions under other laws applying to personal data transfers abroad. In the Banking Sector Best Practices Guide on the Protection of Personal Data, the DPA states that where such a specific provision is applicable, it will override the transfer regime under the DP Law.
The provisions explicitly mentioned in the Banking Guide are those on “consumer secrets” under the Banking Law and related secondary regulations. Although not explicitly mentioned, Article 24 under the By-Law on Measures for Preventing Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism, which provides the minimum information to be included in an international e-transfer, will also apply in a preceding manner.
International Treaties
International treaties to which Türkiye is a party may allow or require banks to transfer data abroad under some conditions (eg, the Agreement Between the Government of the Republic of Türkiye and the Government of the United States of America to Improve International Tax Compliance requires Turkish financial institutions to report US citizens and residents’ data for tax compliance purposes). In these cases, the treaties will have precedence over the local laws according to Article 90(3) of the Constitution. If the transferred data is personal data, the reservation under the DP Law may also be applicable.
The Financial NIS imposes penetration testing obligations for their respective financial sector institutions as detailed below.
Banks must have penetration tests performed at least once a year by independent teams that are not involved in the design, development, implementation or execution of the services provided through information systems.
The Institutional CERTs of banks are also required to conduct routine penetration tests on IT assets, routinely monitor trace records and check for correlations that may lead to meaningful results.
The Communiqué on Payment Services
The Communiqué provides the following penetration testing requirements for payment and electronic money institutions.
The CMB Communiqué
The information systems of the related institutions and organisations must have penetration tests performed at least once a year. The procedure to be followed for penetration testing is provided under the Annex 1 therein.
There is no general legislative instrument on cyber resilience in Türkiye.
Currently, the main regulations on managing cyber incidents are the Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles Regarding the Establishment, Duties and Activities of CERTs and MTI’s guidelines on establishing institutional and sectoral CERTs. For further information on CERTs, see 1.3 Cybersecurity Regulators.
However, the Presidency Program for 2025 includes a plan to enact legislative regulations in line with the EU’s Cyber Resilience Act (CRA). It is possible to expect a cyber resilience regulation in the following years, since cyber resilience is listed as one of the six main objectives of the NCS 2024. In this regard, “establishing principles to mitigate the possible impacts of cyber incidents” objective of the Cybersecurity Act Proposal indicates at cyber resilience.
According to the Cybersecurity Act Proposal, cybersecurity “encompasses a set of activities aimed at protecting from attacks the information systems that constitute cyberspace, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data processed therein, detecting attacks and cyber incidents, activating response and alert mechanisms, and restoring the situation to its state prior to the cyber incident”. The last part of this definition seems to include cyber resilience thereunder.
The Cybersecurity Act Proposal delegates a specific duty to the Cybersecurity Directorate for “increasing the cyber resilience of critical infrastructures and information systems through vulnerability and penetration tests and risk analysis, cyber-threat intelligence, and malware inspection operations”. Note that this obligation will become applicable if/when the Cybersecurity Act Proposal is accepted and becomes effective.
Currently, the Institutional CERTs are subject to the following resilience-related obligations during and after a cyber incident:
The Sectoral CERTs, on the other hand, have the following obligations:
Currently, there is no general legal framework for certification requirements of ICT products and services. However, there are sector-specific legislation with certification requirements.
The Cybersecurity Act Proposal provides certain certification requirements. If the proposal is accepted and becomes effective, cybersecurity products, systems and services to be used in public institutions and organisations and critical infrastructures will have to be procured from cybersecurity experts and companies who will be certified by the Cybersecurity Directorate. Procurement from uncertified experts or companies will be subject to an administrative fine between TRY1 million and TRY10 million.
TS ISO/IEC 27001 Certificate
In the e-communications and energy sector, and for e-invoice service providers, obtaining a TS ISO/IEC 27001 certificate is a de jure standard. However, many other organisations also choose to voluntarily comply with this standard as a good practice to improve cybersecurity.
The Financial Sector
The Healthcare Sector
The By-Law on Health Information Management Systems requires health information systems’ service providers to have following certificates:
Data controllers are obliged to provide an appropriate level of security for the personal data they process. Hence, data controllers must ensure that their processors provide a level of security for personal data that is, at minimum, equivalent to their own. Data controllers are also held liable for the security measures taken by data processors. They may conduct or commission the necessary audits on their processors’ systems containing personal data, review the results, and inspect the data processor on-site.
The DPA issued the Guideline on Personal Data Protection (Technical and Organisational Measures) (the “Measures Guideline”) in 2018, which lists and details the technical and administrative measures to be taken by data controllers. The guideline suggests the following cybersecurity-related measures:
There are stricter requirements for the processing of special categories of data per the DPA Decision No 2018/10. The DPA may also specify case-specific measures in its published decisions.
Administrative fines for failure to take necessary technical and organisational measures (interpreted very broadly, including unlawful data transfer abroad and violation of fundamental principles) range between TRY204,285 and TRY13,620,402 for 2025.
Also refer to the data breach notification duty explained under 2.3 Incident Response and Notification Obligations, where failing to comply with this obligation results in a data breach.
Currently, there is no legislation in Türkiye regulating AI or providing obligations regarding AI.
However, on 5 October 2024, the Turkish Parliament published a decision on the establishment of a parliamentary research commission to determine the steps to be taken toward the achievements of AI, to establish a legal infrastructure in this field and to determine measures to prevent the risks of the use of AI. Members of this commission were elected recently. However, there is no public information on the progress of the commission’s work.
In addition, a proposal for an AI Act was submitted to parliament on 25 June 2024. The proposal included provisions on risk management in production and use of AI and auditing AI operators. Although its approval is unlikely, it marks a significant milestone as the first legislative initiative in this field.
The DTO’s National Artificial Intelligence Strategy for 2021–2025
The strategy is a framework document outlining strategic priorities, goals and measures. The strategic priorities are as follows:
The Action Plan of National Artificial Intelligence Strategy for 2024–2025 includes the following:
There are recommended security measures concerning AI under the following documents:
The DTO’s Report on Chatbot Applications and the Case of ChatGPT
The report provides information on security risks and methods to reduce them. These methods include:
Recommendations by the DPA
The DPA’s informational document on chatbots highlights:
The following measures are suggested to be taken while developing a chatbot application:
Finally, the DPA’s “Recommendations on Data Protection in the Context of Artificial Intelligence” consists of data protection-related recommendations for developers, producers, service providers, and decision-makers vis-à-vis AI systems.
The Directive on the Information Security Policies of the Ministry of Health (“MoH InfoSec Directive”) and the Guideline for Information Security Policies (“MoH InfoSec Guideline”)
The MoH InfoSec Directive and MoH InfoSec Guideline were published by Health Information Systems General Directorate (HISGD) under the Ministry of Health, which was established to regulate information systems and communication technologies that are used in the healthcare sector.
MoH InfoSec Directive establishes the Information Security Management Commission and sub-commissions that are responsible for information security and cyber incident management across all central and provincial organisations of the Ministry of Health.
It also establishes the sectoral CERT for the healthcare sector and requires the appointment of an information security officer. Moreover, the MoH InfoSec Directive tasks HISGD with the management of information security breaches and auditing information security.
For details of the certification obligation for service providers of health information systems, see 5.1 Key Cybersecurity Certification Legislation.
The By-Law on Personal Health Data
In addition to the provisions under the DP Law pertaining to special categories of personal data, the By-Law on Personal Health Data provides the specific procedure to be followed by healthcare providers while processing health data.
It covers accessing, securing, rectifying, destroying, and transferring health data. It emphasises the data security measures required by the DP Law and requires taking the information security measures under the MoH InfoSec Directive. In addition, using KamuNet to transfer health data – where technical infrastructure allows – is required.
The Guide on Protection of Personal Data in Pharmacovigilance Activities
Health data is also protected in the context of the R&D process of medicines. In this regard, the Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency published the Guide on Protection of Personal Data in Pharmacovigilance Activities. It specifies the technical and organisational measures for the security of the data processed in pharmacovigilance activities, such as:
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