Contributed By IC Universal Legal
India offers the following frameworks for domestic and overseas fund managers looking to set up alternative investment funds.
Fund managers intending to set up India-focused funds would need to determine whether a Domestic AIF or a GIFT Fund would be the best choice based on criteria such as the investors involved and the fund’s investment strategy. GIFT Funds are treated as non-resident for the purposes of India’s foreign exchange laws, so any exposure of GIFT Funds to India would be via available foreign investment route – eg, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI). If the fund expects to pool monies from resident Indians to primarily make Indian investments, a Domestic AIF would be the proposed structure. India-focused funds expecting participation from both overseas and domestic investors might consider a unified structure (a Domestic AIF acting as a master fund and a feeder vehicle in GIFT or other similar jurisdiction) or a co-investment structure with a Domestic AIF and an overseas vehicle (in GIFT or another similar jurisdiction) operating in parallel. A key point to note is that, in a unified structure, as long as the ownership and control of the manager and sponsor of the Domestic AIF are vested with Indian resident citizens, the investments made by the Domestic AIF are not subject to any FDI limitations.
GIFT Funds need not be limited to India-focused funds, and can be global funds raising capital from resident Indians or overseas investors.
Domestically, retail funds are regulated as Mutual Funds, as discussed in 3. Fund Formation. GIFT Funds can also launch schemes for retail investors subject to the criteria specified under the FM Regulations.
Domestic AIFs and GIFT Funds
Under the AIF Regulations, a Domestic AIF may be set up in the form of a trust, a company, a limited liability partnership (LLP) or a body corporate.
Under the FM Regulations, a GIFT Fund intending to operate as a “venture capital scheme” or a “restricted scheme” may be set up in the form of a trust, a company or an LLP, while “retail schemes” can be set up in the form of a trust or a company.
Trust structures have been consistently adopted by the industry as the default standard for both Domestic AIFs and GIFT Funds due to their operational flexibility, for confidentiality reasons and because regulatory compliance requirements are less stringent versus those for structures such as an LLP or a company.
Domestic AIFs and GIFT Funds set up as trusts would be governed by the Indian Trusts Act, 1882, would be governed by the Companies Act, 2013 (“Companies Act”) if set up as companies, and would be governed by the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 (“LLP Act”) if set up as LLPs, in addition to the AIF Regulations and the FM Regulations, respectively.
On making an investment, “units” are issued to the investors, evidencing beneficial interest in a particular scheme of a Domestic AIF or a GIFT Fund.
Choice of structure for managers
The managers of both Domestic AIFs and GIFT Funds are mostly structured in the form of an LLP or a company. For GIFT Funds, the manager may be structured as the branch of an entity which is already registered and/or regulated by a financial sector regulator in India or a foreign jurisdiction for conducting similar activities.
LLPs have relatively fewer compliance and regulatory requirements compared to companies. The costs incurred setting up and maintaining an LLP are also lower. LLPs are beneficial in cases where stakeholders wish to regularly withdraw profits since, once the LLP has discharged tax on its income, the distributions received by partners from the LLP are free of tax. However, LLPs are subject to a higher tax rate than companies. Companies may be preferred if the stakeholders do not intend to regularly withdraw profits as dividends, as tax on the distribution of dividends additionally applies to the recipients.
Domestic AIFs
To begin the process of registration, the entity to be registered as a Domestic AIF must be set up under the applicable law.
Thereafter, the applicant is required to obtain a Permanent Account Number (PAN) and make an application via the SEBI Intermediary Portal (SI Portal) along with necessary documents and information. Some of the key requirements are as follows:
The approval process generally takes two to three months, and, after authorisation, the fund must pay the fee applicable to its Domestic AIF category. The SEBI takes a record of the PPM for the first scheme under the Domestic AIF at the time of registration itself, and the Domestic AIF can launch further schemes by filing a PPM and requisite information along with the required fees.
GIFT Funds
The Fund Management Entity or FME must identify office space with adequate infrastructure at GIFT City for the purposes of incorporation. Thereafter, an application may be made to IFSCA via the Single Window IT System (SWITS) for registration. Based on the type of funds to be managed, the FME may decide to apply as an Authorised FME, Registered FME (Non-Retail) or Registered FME (Retail).
Key requirements for all FMEs include the following.
The approval process generally takes two to two and a half months, and, after it has been approved, the FME can launch schemes based on the category of FME registration obtained. Also, an annual fee for renewal of FME registration is payable by the FME to the IFSCA.
Based on the FME category, Venture Capital Schemes, Restricted Schemes and Retail Schemes can all be launched in accordance with the FM Regulations.
For companies and LLPs, there are statutory limits on the liability of shareholders and partners, respectively. For trusts, there is no statutory liability. Irrespective of the structure, fund managers ensure that the liability of investors is contractually limited for Domestic AIFs and GIFT Funds.
Domestic AIFs
The following disclosures must be made to investors.
The following disclosures must be made to the SEBI.
On receipt of any foreign investment, or when the investments of the Domestic AIF are to be treated as indirect foreign investments due to the ownership of the manager or sponsor, additional reporting under the Foreign Exchange Management (Non-Debt Instruments) Rules, 2019 (“NDI Rules”) may be applicable.
GIFT Funds
While the IFSCA does not prescribe a template for PPMs, it mandates minimum disclosures similar to the template PPM for Domestic AIFs.
Finally, FM Regulations prescribe certain reporting requirements to the IFSCA and investors that are less stringent than those prescribed for Domestic AIFs.
For the quarter ending 30 September 2024, total funds raised from domestic investors in Domestic AIFs in India amounted to around Rs. 3,37,526 crore and 2,21,353 crore from foreign investors as per the statistics published by SEBI. Similar statistics released by the IFSCA as of 30 June 2024 suggest that commitments to the tune of USD11,693,910,000 have been raised by GIFT Funds. A diverse set of investors have shown interest in Domestic AIFs and GIFT Funds including high-net-worth individuals, family offices and institutional investors, as well as overseas development financial institutions, sovereign wealth funds and pension funds.
Please see 2.1.1. Fund Structures.
Domestic AIFs
Domestic investors
Most investors can freely invest in Domestic AIFs, with certain specific limitations:
Foreign investors
Foreign entities from Financial Action Task Force (FATF)-compliant jurisdictions are generally permitted to invest in Domestic AIFs under the automatic route under the Non-Debt Instruments Rules. Investors from countries sharing a land border with India or those with beneficial owners from these countries can invest through the government approval route. Foreign investors may prefer to invest via a feeder vehicle into Domestic AIFs to avoid the requirement of a permanent account number, or PAN.
Category III Domestic AIFs accepting foreign investment can only make portfolio investments in those securities authorised for a foreign portfolio investor.
GIFT funds
There are no specific restrictions on types of investors that can invest in GIFT Funds. Participation by Indian investors in GIFT Funds would be subject to Indian overseas investment laws.
Domestic AIFs
The main features of Domestic AIFs are as follows.
GIFT Funds
There are no concentration norms applicable as such, although other conditions apply for investments that can be made by Venture Capital Schemes and Restricted Schemes. However, these are not as comprehensive as those applicable to Domestic AIFs.
Retail Schemes also have certain investment restrictions which are not as stringent as those applicable to mutual funds.
An overview of the various categories of GIFT Funds are as follows:
Domestic AIFs
Service providers for Domestic AIFs primarily include custodians, merchant bankers, issue registrars and/or share transfer agents (to be appointed for the collection of stamp duty upon issuance and transfer of AIF units). These service providers must be registered with the SEBI and must have a presence in India. Certain local services providers, including trustees and benchmarking agencies, may not require SEBI registration to provide services to Domestic AIFs.
GIFT Funds
Custodians, distributors and depository participants offering services at GIFT City may be required to secure registration under the International Financial Services Centres Authority (Capital Market Intermediaries) Regulations, 2021 (“CMI Regulations”). Other service providers at GIFT City may also require registration with the IFSCA.
Domestic AIFs
The manager entity of a Domestic AIF must be incorporated in India under the country’s applicable laws. Foreign investment in the manager of a Domestic AIF may be made via the automatic route in accordance with NDI Rules.
If ownership and control of both the manager and sponsor of a Domestic AIF does not lie with Indian resident citizens, investments made by the Domestic AIF in equity instruments – equities, compulsorily convertible preference shares or debentures, or warrants – of an Indian entity will be considered to be indirect foreign investment for the investee Indian entity, and would be subject to the sectoral caps, pricing guidelines and other conditions applicable for foreign investments set out under the NDI Rules.
GIFT Funds
GIFT does not have any specific requirements for non-local fund managers.
Please see 2.3.2 Requirements for Non-Local Service Providers.
Domestic AIFs
Domestic AIFs are only permitted to raise funds by way of private placement after receipt of approval from the SEBI. Managers cannot publicly advertise investment offers.
Pre-marketing is not recognised as a concept under the AIF Regulations. In practice, pre-marketing is carried out in India by incorporating suitable disclaimers in pre-marketing pitchbooks and presentations so that it is distinguishable from any kind of (disallowed) public offer to subscribe to the units of a Domestic AIF.
GIFT Funds
Pre-marketing is not specifically recognised as a concept under the FM Regulations and/or other regulatory frameworks managed by the IFSCA. Pre-marketing at GIFT City is carried out by incorporating suitable disclaimers in pre-marketing pitchbooks and presentations so that it is distinguishable from any kind of general offer to subscribe to the units of GIFT Funds.
Please refer to the requirements for distributors in 2.3.6. Rules Concerning Marketing of Alternative Funds.
Domestic AIFs
There is no specific regulatory framework for distributors, although the AIF Regulations govern the commission payable to distributors for marketing of units of Domestic AIFs on a private placement basis, as follows:
GIFT Funds
Distributors who wish to set-up operations in GIFT City and engage with an issuer or a service provider to facilitate investment or subscription in GIFT Funds, India funds or funds of any foreign jurisdiction must register with the IFSCA under the CMI Regulations prior to the commencement of operations. Distributors (registered or otherwise) would need to ensure compliance with the Code of Conduct prescribed by the IFSCA to distribute GIFT Funds on an ongoing basis.
See 2.2.3 Restrictions on Investors.
Domestic AIFs
Please see 2.1.2 Common Process for Setting Up Investment Funds;2.3.5 Rules Concerning Pre-Marketing of Alternative Funds; and 2.3.6 Rules Concerning Marketing of Alternative Funds.
GIFT Funds
Please see 2.1.2 Common Process for Setting Up Investment Funds; 2.3.5 Rules Concerning Pre-Marketing of Alternative Funds; and 2.3.6 Rules Concerning Marketing of Alternative Funds.
See 2.3.5 Rules Concerning Pre-Marketing of Alternative Funds and 2.3.6 Rules Concerning Marketing of Alternative Funds.
Domestic AIFs
Each manager of a Domestic AIF must designate a staff member to address investor grievances.
SCORES (SEBI Complaints Redressal System)
If the investor remains dissatisfied with the response or resolution provided by the AIF, they can file a complaint on SCORES, the SEBI’s online grievance redress platform.
ODR (Online Dispute Resolution) Portal
The ODR platform was set up to allow online conciliation and arbitration for resolution of disputes in the Indian Securities Market. Any investor may raise a dispute on this portal to seek online dispute resolution.
To ensure investor protection, the AIF Regulations require that approval be sought from a specified percentage of investors for certain decisions such as, among others, in specie distributions, early wind-up, term extension, transactions with associates and change of investment strategy.
AIF Regulations also lay down a strict code of conduct for Domestic AIFs, trustees, managers, key management personnel, and members of investment committees, ensuring high standards of governance and further protecting investor interests.
GIFT Funds
Investor protection norms similar to those applicable to Domestic AIFs have been established under the FM Regulations and circulars issued by the IFSCA for GIFT Funds.
Domestic AIFs
The SEBI has developed the SI Portal, which can be accessed for all relevant registration and post-registration activities under the AIF Regulations. The SEBI also offers an Informal Guidance Scheme under which investors, market intermediaries or other entities can seek guidance on any regulatory matters for a fee.
Meetings may be possible, depending on context.
GIFT Funds
An approach to that of the SEBI has been adopted by IFSCA officials. Meetings with IFSCA officials are possible.
Domestic AIFs
Please refer to 2.3.1 Regulatory Regime for discussion of restrictions on the types of activity or investment made by Domestic AIFs and details of the regulations to protect Domestic AIF assets.
AIF Regulations and various circulars issued by the SEBI for market participants require the Domestic AIF/manager to adopt various policies covering areas such as risk, valuation, insider dealing and market abuse, and anti-money laundering.
Some key policies and its features are provided below.
Risk management
As per the applicable Code of Conduct, AIFs must ensure that an effective risk management process and appropriate internal controls are in place, including making disclosures to investors. Also, for investments in listed securities, the manager is mandated to adopt a stewardship code.
Valuation and pricing of the assets held by the fund
AIFs are required to follow standardised valuation practices per the AIF Regulations. For unlisted and thinly traded securities, valuations are based on the IPEV Guidelines.
Insider dealing and market abuse
SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 (“PIT Regulations”) require the manager to formulate a code of conduct to regulate, monitor and report trading by designated persons and immediate relatives of the designated persons, as applicable in the case of certain AIFs.
Anti-money laundering
Domestic AIFs must adopt Countering the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) and anti-money laundering (AML) policies, inter alia, covering client due diligence, investor-risk categorisation, transaction monitoring and reporting to the Financial Intelligence Unit – India in the event of suspicious transactions. The appointment of a designated director and a principal officer to monitor implementation is required.
GIFT Funds
Please refer to 2.3.1 Regulatory Regime for discussion of restrictions on the types of activity or investment made by Gift Funds and details of the regulations to protect Gift Fund assets.
GIFT Funds need to adopt various policies covering areas such as risk, valuation, insider trading, AML, etc, on lines similar to those adopted by Domestic AIFs.
Generally, GIFT Funds that are Restricted Schemes may undertake short selling subject to leverage limitations.
Domestic AIFs
Category I and Category II Domestic AIFs
Category I and Category II Domestic AIFs may borrow funds to cover a drawdown shortfall for investments. The borrowed amount cannot exceed 20% of the proposed investment in the investee company, 10% of the fund’s investable funds, or the pending commitment from investors, whichever is lower. Borrowing for day-to-day operational requirements cannot be for more than 30 days, on not more than four occasions in a year and the amount must not represent more than 10% of the investable funds.
Category III AIFs
Category III Domestic AIFs can borrow or use leverage – eg, by investing in derivatives or by borrowing or any other means – and must comply with the prudential requirements laid down by the SEBI. The leverage ratio of a Category III Domestic AIFs limited to two times the NAV of the fund, meaning the fund’s exposure should not exceed twice its net asset value.
GIFT Funds
Venture Capital Schemes and Restricted Schemes are permitted to undertake borrowings without restriction, with the consent of investors and appropriate disclosures in PPM. Any change to the terms would require the consent of two-thirds of the investors by value.
Retail Schemes are permitted to borrow up to 20% of assets under management (AUM) for six months only to meet temporary liquidity needs for the purposes of redemption.
Domestic AIFs
The Income-tax Act, 1961 (“IT Act”) is the statute governing income taxes in India, and provides for a tax pass-through status to Category I and II Domestic AIFs – ie, their income is directly taxable in the hands of their investors as though it were received by or was accruing to them had they invested directly in the underlying securities. The tax pass-through status applies to all income earned by Domestic AIFs apart from income taxable under the heading “Profits and gains of business or profession”. This business income is taxable at the maximum marginal rate applicable in that financial year and due by the Domestic AIF. Thereafter, this business income is tax-exempt for investors.
Category III Domestic AIFs are not granted the above pass-through status under the IT Act. However, if they are set up as trusts, they can be structured for tax transparency if the general principles of trust taxation and other provisions of the IT Act are applied.
Non-resident investors are eligible to claim the benefits of a double-taxation avoidance agreement, or Tax Treaty, entered into between their country of residence and India. The provisions of the Tax Treaty would supersede the provisions of the IT Act if they are more beneficial than the provisions of the latter, subject to other requirements and customary substance requirements. Where investors are from countries with which India does not have a Tax Treaty, the provisions of the IT Act will continue to apply.
GIFT Funds
GIFT Funds in the nature of Category I and Category II AIFs have been accorded a pass-through status similar to Domestic AIFs. Business income is eligible for a 100% tax holiday for ten years within the first 15 years. Non-resident investors enjoy tax exemption on offshore income made through GIFT Funds, and are not required to obtain a PAN or file a tax return in India. Losses (except for business losses) can be passed through to investors, provided units are held for 12 months or more. Investors are also eligible to claim benefits (if any) under the applicable double taxation avoidance agreements.
GIFT Funds are taxed at fund level, with exemptions for non-resident investors on income arising from the transfer of securities (other than the shares of Indian companies) such as derivatives, debt securities, offshore securities, mutual funds and specified securities listed on the IFSC exchanges.
FMEs enjoy a 100% corporate tax holiday for ten years within the first 15 years, reduced Minimum Alternate Tax/Alternate Minimum Tax rates and GST exemption on services provided to GIFT Funds.
Domestic Mutual Funds
Structure of mutual funds
Mutual funds are trusts set up under the Indian Trusts Act, 1882, through a registered trust deed. The trust is established by one or more sponsors, who are similar to the promoters of a company. It is registered with the SEBI under the MF Regulations as a mutual fund, and this fund can launch multiple schemes, each with assets and liabilities that are segregated and ring-fenced from other schemes of the mutual fund. The investors contributing to the schemes of a mutual fund are the beneficial owners of that scheme.
In addition, the sponsor establishes a trustee company in India which holds the property of the mutual fund for the benefit of the investors.
The trustee company of the mutual fund in turn appoints an Asset Management Company (AMC), a limited liability company incorporated in India, which is approved by the SEBI, for management of the mutual fund.
The decentralised structure of mutual funds in India ensures that a system of checks and balances is maintained. No party can unilaterally take a decision which may not be in the interests of the investors. However, a decentralised – versus leaner – structure also leads to increased reporting requirements and higher set-up and administration costs.
Retail Schemes under GIFT Funds
Please see 2.1.1 Fund Structures.
Domestic Mutual Funds
A mutual fund in India can initiate its operations and collect monies from investors and issue units to them only after obtaining prior approval from the SEBI, which is a two-step process.
The sponsor is also required to pay INR5 lakhs plus taxes at the time of filing the application for in-principal approval, and a fee of INR25 lakhs plus taxes after final approval is granted.
To sum up, it generally takes 15 to 20 months for the SEBI to analyse and satisfy itself that a sponsor, AMC and trustee company are fit to launch and manage a mutual fund, and for the entire mutual fund application to be approved.
Launch of mutual fund Schemes:
After seeking registration as a mutual fund, the AMC can launch mutual fund schemes by filing the relevant documents – ie, a Scheme Information Document (SID), providing the key features of the scheme of a mutual fund; a Statement of Additional Information (SAI), which provides standard terms of engagement of the AMC with respect to mutual funds, as well as other terms and conditions with respect to investments, redemptions and restrictions; and a Key Information Memorandum (KIM), which provides a brief snapshot of the scheme, and the details for various entities, fund managers and key investment personnel involved in the operations of the mutual fund.
The first mutual fund scheme must be launched within six months of the date of receipt of mutual fund registration.
Any subsequent schemes, on which SEBI observation letter has been issued, can be launched by filing a draft SID with the SEBI at least 8 working days prior to launch of the new mutual fund schemes for public comments. During this period public comments are invited on the adequacy of disclosures made in the document.
Retail Schemes under GIFT Funds
See 2.1.2 Common Process for Setting Up Investment Funds
Domestic Mutual Funds
Liability of the investors is limited to the number of units they hold in the schemes of the Mutual Fund, and they do not have any personal liability.
Retail Schemes under GIFT Funds
See 2.1.3 Limited Liability.
Domestic Mutual Funds
Disclosures made under fund documents
Mutual funds are required to make disclosures through various fund documents such as the aforementioned SID, SAI and KIM which should be filed with the SEBI and circulated among investors.
Periodic reporting
The mutual fund’s AMC is required to make various disclosures on daily, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and yearly basis to the investors, trustees of the mutual fund and SEBI, such as daily disclosure of net asset value, a quarterly report to the trustee on operations of the mutual fund, an annual report to the SEBI and investors, intimations of any deviations from the scheme’s objective, etc.
Retail Schemes under GIFT Funds
See 2.1.4 Disclosure Requirements.
Domestic Mutual Funds
The Indian retail market has seen a remarkable surge in activity among several investor categories, including individual retail investors, institutional investors, domestic and foreign investors, high-net-worth investors and non-resident investors. This is reflected in the exponential increase in the mutual fund segment’s AUM from INR27.05 trillion as on 30 November 2019 to INR68.08 trillion on 30 November 2024, according to the AMFI.
Retail Schemes under GIFT Funds
See 2.2.3 Types of Investors in Alternative Funds
Domestic Mutual Funds
Mutual Funds are managed by an asset management company (AMC) which is structured as a limited liability company under the Companies Act, 2013.
Retail Schemes Under GIFT Funds
Please refer to 3.2.2 Legal Structures Used by Fund Managers.
Domestic Mutual Funds
There are no restrictions on investors making investments in mutual funds. However, they must meet the conditions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002, and adhere to the SEBI’s “Guidelines on Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Standards and CFT/Obligations of Securities Market Intermediaries under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 and Rules Framed Thereunder” (“AML/CFT Guidelines”) setting down the AML KYC guidelines. Further, under these guidelines, the mutual fund is required to ensure that the investor is from a competent jurisdiction, is not a Politically Exposed Person (PEP) and is not undertaking any dubious or unusual transactions.
With respect to investment in mutual funds by persons resident outside India, certain jurisdictions restrict solicitation of foreign funds and accordingly, mutual funds may impose conditions on such investors at the time of onboarding them.
Retail Schemes Under GIFT Funds
See 2.2.3 Restrictions on Investors
Domestic Mutual Funds
Investment restrictions
Various restrictions on investments by a mutual fund scheme are covered by Regulation 44(1) read with Schedule VII of the MF Regulations. These include limits with respect to exposure in various instruments, issuer company, and group-level restrictions. They are presented in order to ensure that, while investment decisions are made by the AMC, a balanced view is taken given the exposure inherent in certain instruments. For instance, the scheme must not invest more than 10% of its NAV in debt instruments rated investment grade (ie, BBB-) and above and issued by a single issuer, comprising money market instruments and non-money market instruments. A mutual fund should also not own more than 10% of any company’s paid-up capital carrying voting rights.
Further, an industry-wide limit of USD7 billion has been set for overseas investments, with a USD1 billion cap per individual mutual fund.
Retail Schemes Under GIFT Funds
See 2.3.1 Regulatory Regime
Domestic Mutual Funds
Under MF Regulations, a mutual fund can only engage with SEBI-registered intermediaries. If any entity is not required to be registered with the SEBI, it can be engaged only in terms of compliance, with outsourcing conditions laid down by the SEBI. Further, AMCs are restricted from carrying out operations relating to including trading, investor servicing and investor operations outside India.
Retail Schemes Under GIFT Funds
See 2.3.2 Requirements for Non-Local Service Providers.
Domestic Mutual Funds
Under the MF Regulations, a sponsor of a Mutual Fund shall be required to appoint or incorporate an AMC in India, which will undertake fund management activities for the Mutual Fund. However, an asset management company can be formed by a sponsor which is a non-resident Indian entity and the same is permissible under automatic route as per the Foreign Direct Investment Policy.
Retail Schemes Under GIFT Funds
See 2.3.3 Local Regulatory Requirements for Non-Local Managers.
Domestic Mutual Funds
See 3.1.2 Common Process for Setting Up Investment Funds.
Retail Schemes Under GIFT Funds
See 2.3.4. Regulatory Approval Process.
Domestic Mutual Funds
There is no pre-marketing of mutual fund schemes in India.
Retail Schemes Under GIFT Funds
See 2.3.5 Rules Concerning Pre-Marketing of Alternative Funds.
Domestic Mutual Funds
As mentioned, at the time of investor on-boarding, all fund documents – SID, SAI and KIM – must be made available to investors.
Retail Schemes Under GIFT Funds
See 2.3.7 Marketing of Alternative Funds.
Domestic Mutual Funds
In India, there are no specific restrictions as to whom the mutual funds can be marketed. It can be marketed to the general public at large, subject to compliance with marketing rules as prescribed above.
Retail Schemes Under GIFT Funds
See 2.3.7 Marketing of Alternative Funds.
Domestic Mutual Funds
See 3.3.6 Rules Concerning Marketing of Retail Funds.
Retail Schemes Under GIFT Funds
See 2.3.8 Marketing Authorisation/Notification Process.
Domestic Mutual Funds
See 3.3.6 Rules Concerning Marketing of Retail Funds.
Retail Schemes Under GIFT Funds
See 2.3.9 Post-Marketing Ongoing Requirements.
Domestic Mutual Funds
The SEBI has introduced various structures and measures to safeguard investor interests, including the following.
Retail Schemes Under GIFT Funds
See 2.3.10 Investor Protection Rules.
Domestic Mutual Funds
The SEBI is known for its approachability and proactive engagement with investors and market participants.
During the process of evaluating mutual fund applications, SEBI officials actively liaise with a designated contact from the applicant organisation to address queries, request additional information, and ensure a smooth application process. This approach reflects SEBI’s commitment to transparency and effective communication.
The SEBI also offers an Informal Guidance Scheme under which market intermediaries or other entities can seek its written guidance by paying a prescribed fee on any regulatory matters.
Retail Schemes Under GIFT Funds
See 2.3.11 Approach of the Regulator
Domestic Mutual Funds
Categories of mutual fund schemes
The schemes of a mutual fund can be split into two categories, as follows:
Asset Protection
The mutual fund is mandated to appoint a SEBI-registered custodian to hold the securities in which the mutual fund schemes will invest. The SEBI must be informed of the appointment of the custodian within 15 days of the appointment date. The trustees are responsible for the funds and property of the schemes and must hold them in trust for the unitholders, in accordance with MF Regulations.
Policy requirements
Some of the key policies and frameworks adopted by a Mutual Fund to ensure effective management of the schemes are as follows.
Retail Schemes Under GIFT Funds
See 2.4 Operational Requirements
Domestic Mutual Funds
Mutual Funds cannot borrow unless it is to meet temporary liquidity needs (which cannot be more than 20% of NAV) for the purposes of repurchases, redemption of units or payment of interest or dividends to unitholders. The duration of borrowing cannot exceed a period of six months. The costs of borrowing for a given mutual fund scheme must be adjusted against the portfolio yield of the scheme and the borrowing costs in excess of portfolio yield, if any, will be borne by the AMC.
If an associate of the sponsor or AMC is the borrower, disclosure must be provided to the trustee and investors regarding the reasons for borrowing and the competitiveness of the terms of the borrowings.
Also, any general borrowings by AMCs must be disclosed to trustees and investors.
Retail Schemes Under GIFT Funds
See 2.5 Fund Finance
Domestic Mutual Funds
Mutual funds are tax exempt, in accordance with the provisions of Section 10(23D) of the IT Act. The funds receive their income without any deduction of tax at source.
For investors, units of a mutual fund held for more than 12 months are treated as long-term capital assets. The capital gain is charged after deduction of expenditure incurred wholly and exclusively on this transfer and cost as inflated by the cost-inflation index released by the Central Government of India for unitholders.
Individuals and Hindu Undivided Families (HUF) whose total income excluding long-term capital gains falls below the threshold of income, chargeable to tax, this shortfall must be deducted from the long-term capital gain and only the balance of the gain will be chargeable to tax.
Any loss arising from the sale of units can be deducted from the other capital gains of the investor; however, the deduction will only be made from the capital gains, and any capital loss must be carried forward separately to be offset against capital gains in the next year.
Retail Schemes Under GIFT Funds
See 2.6 Tax Regime.
Domestic AIFs have seen various regulatory changes over the last few years. The SEBI has implemented several measures to strengthen AIF governance, including standardising PPMs, requiring merchant banker sign-off on PPM disclosures, issuing detailed valuation guidelines, and imposing specific due diligence requirements to prevent regulatory arbitrage.
Recent regulatory amendments aim to curb the misuse of AIFs for achieving “qualified buyer” or “qualified institutional buyer” status without meeting independent eligibility criteria. Additionally, AIFs with significant involvement of RBI regulated entities are subject to enhanced scrutiny to address concerns over evergreening of stressed loans and circumvention of RBI regulations. The SEBI has also imposed stricter due diligence measures on Domestic AIFs with majority investment from countries sharing a land border with India.
The SEBI has also introduced a certification for managers’ key investment team members, replacing the previous financial services experience requirement. This change is expected to reduce entry barriers for new arrivals. The SEBI also addressed the long-standing issue of unliquidated investments at the end of the tenures of Domestic AIFs by introducing a framework for extensions (continuation funds) and in specie distributions.
Fund managers remain bullish on the Indian alternatives market, since the SEBI’s increased scrutiny is driven by a belief that stringent adherence to regulatory obligations and standards will foster trust, enabling the introduction of more relaxed regulations and making it easier to do business for Domestic AIFs.
The SEBI has also recently notified two important updates with respect to mutual funds. Firstly, it has introduced the “Specialized Investment Fund”, a new product with a higher risk threshold which is intended for investors with a higher appetite for risk and offers greater flexibility and a higher ticket size. The SEBI has also introduced a simplified regime for index funds, MF Lite, where the AMCs will have leaner regulatory compliance requirements based on lower risk and a simplified product structure. The two amendments also reflect the SEBI’s intention to balance its own regulatory ambit with evolving market needs.
In recent years, GIFT City has also emerged as a prominent international financial services hub. Its ranking improvement in the Global Financial Centres Index 2024 reflects its growing appeal, and the Indian government has expressed its commitment to promoting GIFT City’s development.
The SEBI’s amendments allowing increased participation by non-resident Indians, overseas citizens of India, and resident Indian individuals in GIFT City-based FPIs, along with the introduction of IFSCA’s Single Window IT System (SWIT System), have further enhanced GIFT City’s attractiveness. The SWIT System streamlines the application process and brings together various government agencies and regulators on a single digital platform.
The Union Budget 2024-2025 extends the period for tax exemptions in GIFT City until 31 March 2030, and brings about changes simplifying the process for Retail Funds and Exchange Traded Funds in foreign jurisdictions to relocate to GIFT City. This, coupled with the recently introduced IFSC (Listing) Regulations, 2024, which enable the direct listing of securities and financial products on IFSC stock exchanges, should further strengthen GIFT City’s position as a competitive international financial hub.
IC Universal Legal
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