The principal forms of corporate/business organisations in Zimbabwe are limited liability companies and private business corporations.
There are two types of limited liability companies, namely: private limited companies and public limited companies.
The principal sources of corporate governance requirements are as follows:
Companies with shares that are publicly traded are required to comply with the COBE Act and the applicable Listing Rules which are the rules of the exchange on which the entity is listed.
The corporate governance requirements that exist include:
These requirements are generally mandatory, unless specific provisions provide otherwise.
In Practice Note No. 5, which was issued by the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE) on 17 January 2020, the ZSE advised issuers that the basic minimum acceptable corporate governance code will be the adoption of the National Code of Corporate Governance. Issuers are required to state in their Audited Annual Financial Statements which code of corporate governance they adopted and if they adopt any other code other than the National Code of Corporate Governance, they must send a copy of the code to the ZSE for approval. The ZSE reserves the right to reject an issuers’ selected code if it falls below the minimum standard set by the National Code of Corporate Governance.
The hot topics in corporate governance to be drawn out in Zimbabwe for 2023 include the following:
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues have recently become a global language for measuring a company’s impact beyond just the bottom line. Investors are increasingly looking for companies committed to responsible practices, while consumers are choosing brands that align with social and environmental values.
The key considerations given by corporate entities regarding ESG include the following:
Sections 399-404 of the ZSE Listing Rules regulate sustainability reporting and disclosure for public entities. Listed entities are required to disclose their sustainability policy, including mitigation of risks, sustainability performance data and other material information which deepens stakeholders’ understanding of corporate performance. In its report, a listed company is required to provide a balanced and objective view of its performance by including both positive and negative impacts on environment and society, how it relates to its stakeholders and contribute to sustainable development.
The Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE) and Victoria Falls Stock Exchange (VFEX) are now mandating ESG reporting in annual reports. The sustainability information must be provided in an annual report or standalone sustainability report. Listed entities are encouraged to apply international accepted reporting frameworks such as the Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Guidelines or Standards.
Though there are no specific regulations for private companies, ESG issues and sustainability reporting and transparency have lately become a priority to most private companies in order to enhance their visibility to the investor community as they have become a determinant factor in the investors’ choice of investments.
The principal bodies or functions involved in the governance and management of a company are:
The types of decisions that each body makes are summarised hereunder.
Board of Directors
The board of directors is responsible for the overall management of corporate entities. According to section 218 of the COBE Act, the board of directors is responsible for decisions on all matters except those reserved to the shareholders by the COBE Act or by the company’s constitutive documents.
The board of directors is primarily responsible for the oversight and decision-making related to strategic direction, financial planning and setting of core policies that outline the company’s purpose, values and structure.
A company’s officers or management personnel comprises of chief executive officer or managing director and departmental managers such as finance manager, operations manager, human resources manager and other managers.
These are responsible for the day-to-day operation of the company. Their day-to-day decisions should support or implement strategies and goals which are set by the board of directors.
Shareholders/members of the company are not involved in the day-to-day management of business operations of an entity. They do not have direct management power over an entity. Shareholders have the right and responsibility to ensure that an entity is properly run and managed and thus provide checks and balances to the directors.
According to section 167(5) of the COBE Act, some of the matters reserved for shareholders include the following:
Other matters reserved for shareholders in terms of the COBE Act include amending the company’s constitutive documents, rights issues, approving mergers and acquisitions and approving major asset transactions. A company’s articles of association or a shareholders’ agreement may also specify additional matters reserved for shareholders.
The process by which each body makes decisions is as follows:
As a general rule directors of a company can only act validly when assembled at a board meeting. As exception to this rule is where a company has only one director who can perform all judicial acts without holding a full meeting. This position was confirmed by the Supreme Court in the case of Madzivire & Ors v Zvarivadza & Ors 2006(1) ZLR 514 (S).
A resolution adopted by a majority of the total number of directors fixed in a company’s articles of association as constituting a quorum for decision making and the transaction of business becomes the collective decision of the board of directors.
A resolution may also be adopted outside of a board meeting provided that all of the directors have signed the resolution. This is a known as a written resolution.
Management is responsible for implementing the goals and strategic decisions of the board of directors. There are no specific laws that regulate the process of their decision making. The powers, duties and functions of management are determined by the board of directors and a company’s policies.
Shareholders generally exercise their power in relation to the strategic direction of a company when acting in a general meeting of members. In this regard, they must participate in general meetings and exercise their voting rights in the best interests of the company.
Pursuant to a general meeting, the resolutions by the shareholders will be recorded in writing. In the case of a private limited company, shareholders may also adopt a written resolution signed by all the members in the absence of a general meeting and such a resolution will be valid and effective for all purposes as if it had been passed at a general meeting of members – section 176 of the COBE Act.
The structure of a board of a company is generally determined in terms of the COBE Act and the articles of association. In addition to the aforesaid, public companies are required to comply with the Listing Rules regarding structure and constitution of the board.
Section 195 of the COBE Act outlines the following guidelines:
The ZSE and VFEX Listing Rules provide further regulations regarding the constitution of the boards of public companies, as follows:
The roles of different members of boards of directors are usually provided for in a company’s articles of association or a board charter.
Two types of directors typically serve on the board, namely:
A board chairman appointed by the directors is usually vested with the overall responsibility of running the board. He/she presides over all board, shareholder and other strategic stakeholder meetings and sets the ethical tone for the board and across the company. In a public company, the board chairman must be an independent non-executive director.
The board may also appoint a deputy board chairman who assumes all the duties and responsibilities of the chairman in the absence of the chairman and subject to the approval of the board.
In the event that the elected deputy chairman is not independent, unavailable or is conflicted, a lead independent non-executive director (LID) appointed by the board assumes the responsibility of chairing and leading the board. The LID is appointed to call meetings of the independent directors where necessary and to serve as principal liaison between the independent directors and the chairman.
The board exercises its functions jointly and no director has any authority to severally perform any act on behalf of the company or the business unless specifically authorised or requested by the board or authorised nominees of the board. Directors are jointly accountable for the decisions of the board.
The following requirements specified in the COBE Act and Listing Rules govern board composition:
The appointment and removal of the board of directors is primarily governed by the COBE Act, a company’s articles of association, the VFEX and ZSE listing requirements, and a contract of employment in the case of an executive director. Generally, directors are appointed and/or removed by the members at a general meeting or by a written resolution of members. Where there is a vacancy, a company’s articles of association may provide that the directors may fill such vacancy until the next general meeting where the appointment will have to be ratified or rejected by the members. See sections 201-203 of the COBE Act.
In addition to the above, a shareholders’ agreement may provide that a shareholder has power to appoint and remove a particular number of directors. Thus, the shareholders have significant control and influence over the appointment and removal of directors.
According to section 200 of the COBE Act, the following persons are disqualified from holding the office of a director:
Independence of Directors
In terms of section 206(2) of the COBE Act, public companies must have at least three non-executive or independent directors on its board of directors. An independent director is defined as a director of the company who has not or whose family members have not received any payment or held any share or interest, or any post in the company.
There is no requirement for director independence in respect of private companies.
Potential Conflicts of Interest
A conflict of interest arises where a director has a personal financial interest, which competes with that of the company at which he or she is a director. A personal financial interest is a direct material interest of a financial nature or to which a monetary value may be attributed.
According to section 56-57 of the COBE Act, where a director has a personal financial interest or knows that a director has a personal financial interest, he/she:
The duty of disclosure extends to a situation where, after the approval of an agreement or matter, a director acquires a financial interest in any agreement or other matter in which the company has a material interest or knows that a related person has acquired a personal financial interest.
In the event of non-compliance, the potential legal consequences are as follows:
Directors, and by extension officers of a company, have various fiduciary duties to the company which are broadly summarised as follows:
Directors owe their fiduciary duties to the company as a whole.
According to section 195(5) of the COBE Act, in making decisions, the board and management body are obliged to consider the interests of all of the company’s constituencies, including stakeholders such as employees, customers, suppliers and the community in which the company does business.
A company and/or its shareholders may enforce a breach of fiduciary duties by the directors.
The potential consequences of a breach of fiduciary duties include the following:
Apart from the legal consequences highlighted hereinabove, the other basis for claims or enforcement against directors or officers for breaches of corporate governance requirements is the common law.
Section 56 of the COBE Act provides for what is known as the business judgement rule. In terms of the rule, an honest director cannot be held liable for a decision that was made in good faith, with due care, in the absence of conflict of interest and on an informed basis. The liability of directors is therefore limited to this extent.
In addition to the above, a company may also procure a directors’ liability insurance to cover its directors from potential liability risks.
In terms of section 207 of the COBE Act, a company may pay “reasonable” emoluments to directors. The use of the word “may” indicates an exercise of discretion on the part of the company. Thus, payment of emoluments is not, per se, mandatory.
The emoluments of directors of public companies must be approved by the shareholders at an annual general meeting. There is no requirement for shareholder approval in respect of private companies unless the articles of association provide otherwise.
In terms of section 214 of the COBE Act, a company is prohibited from allotting shares to directors save on same terms and conditions offered to other members, without the approval of the company in general meeting.
There is no set standard or scale of directors’ fees at law. The COBE Act only requires the emoluments to be reasonable. What is reasonable differs with circumstances.
In terms of section 215 of the COBE Act, a company has the right to obtain the following information relating to accounts which are laid before it in a general meeting:
Further, according to section 184 of the ZSE Listing Rules, directors, managers and advisors of a company are required to disclose the following information regarding the remuneration, fees or benefits payable to directors and officers of a company in the Listing Particulars:
Further, in terms of section 219(1)(h) of the ZSE Listing Rules copies or summaries of service agreements with the directors, managers and secretaries of the company of its subsidiaries must be available for inspection at the company’s registered office or any other place in Zimbabwe for a reasonable time of at least 14 calendar days. However, the copies or summaries need not specify individual directors’ remuneration but must state the aggregate remuneration of the directors.
There are no disclosure requirements for private limited companies.
The relationship between a company and its shareholders is one of ownership and control. The shareholders are the owners of the company and have the following bundle of rights: the right to vote, the right to receive dividends, the right to receive information and the right to sue for wrongful acts. Shareholders can also be considered as investors who invest capital into the company in expectation of a return of investment.
In return, the company has certain responsibilities against the shareholders. In terms of section 195 of the COBE Act, the directors must promote the success of the company for the benefit of its shareholders as a whole and must act fairly as between shareholders of the company.
The relationship between the company and its shareholders is primarily regulated by the following:
Shareholders of a public limited company are, by the rules of securities exchanges of Zimbabwe, prohibited from interfering in the day-to-day management of the company.
However, such is not the case with private limited companies which in most instances are owner managed unless restricted by shareholders agreements or by restrictions in financing agreements.
Shareholders are able to direct the management of a company to take, or refrain from taking, certain actions in the business through the exercise of their voting rights.
There are three types of shareholder meetings, which are summarised below:
Annual general meeting (AGM)
Extraordinary general meeting
Statutory meeting
In terms of sections 60 and 61 of the COBE Act, members may bring direct or derivative actions against directors for their failure to observe their fiduciary duties, especially where there is fraud or misappropriation. Shareholders may bring an action in court against any manager, officer, or director of the entity in two ways:
In addition to the above, the other bases for claims by shareholders are as follows:
Shareholders of publicly traded companies have certain disclosure obligations, which include the following:
There are disclosure obligations in relation to the ultimate beneficial owner of publicly traded companies.
In terms of the Listing Rules, publicly listed companies are mandated to publish the following financial information:
According to Practice Note No. 35 which was issued by the ZSE on 1 June 2020, publication must be made in at least two national newspapers and on the ZSE Data Portal.
In terms of section 186 of the COBE Act, financial statements and accounts of subsidiaries must be laid before the holding company in general meeting together with the holding company’s own financial statements. These are known as group accounts.
Further, a directors’ report and auditor’s report must be annexed to the financial statements. Every statement of financial position of a company shall be signed on behalf of the board by two of the directors of the company. See section 188-189 of the COBE Act.
Private limited companies are not required to report or disclose their financial statements.
There are requirements for public limited companies to disclose their corporate governance arrangements.
According to section 220(3) as read with section 167(5)(e) of the COBE Act, at each annual general meeting of a public company, the board of directors shall report to the meeting on the company’s compliance with its corporate governance guidelines and their conformity to the principles set forth in the National Code on Corporate Governance, and explain the extent if any to which it has varied them or believes that any noncompliance therewith is justified. This is known as the board’s “comply or explain” report.
Regarding corporate governance matters, companies are required to lodge with the Companies Registry the following filings:
All the above filings except CR16 (declaration of ultimate beneficial owners) are publicly available.
A company may be liable for a civil penalty for failing to make the filings.
Public limited companies are legally mandated to publish audited financial statements together with their annual reports. An external auditor must therefore be appointed by a company in connection with a public company’s financial statements.
According to section 191(2) of the COBE Act every company shall, at each annual general meeting, appoint an auditor to hold office from the conclusion of that annual general meeting until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting. Section 188 of the COBE Act further provides that an auditor’s report must be annexed to the statement of financial position.
The relationship between the company and the external auditor is governed by the COBE Act, Listing Rules, Public Accountants and Auditors Act [ Chapter 27:12] and the contractual terms. The key requirements governing their relationship are as follows:
There are requirements governing directors of public companies regarding management of risk and internal controls in the company. The board is accountable for the oversight of the company’s internal controls and risk management framework, systems, policies and strategies.
In terms of section 73(5) of the ZSE Listing Rules, a publicly listed company must appoint the following board committees and also disclose their composition in the annual financial statements: an audit committee, a nomination committee, a remuneration committee and a risk committee.
The appointment of the above committees is mandatory and it is purely designed to manage risk and for internal controls. They are generally chaired by independent non-executive directors.
The roles of the board committees are summarised below:
There are generally no specific requirements governing directors of private companies regarding management of risk and internal controls in the company. However, good practice demands that they do so.
Number 38 Argyll Drive
+263 242 254 531 www.chimukamafunga.comDevelopment of the Corporate Governance Legislative Framework
For over two decades after independence in 1980, Zimbabwe did not have a single, all-encompassing and legislated national code of corporate governance akin to the South Africa King Code, the United Kingdom Cadbury Code or the United States Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002. Instead, corporate governance was regulated by various enactments.
Currently, corporate governance is regulated primarily by the following statutes:
The above enactments are designed to foster transparency, accountability and ethical conduct in corporate governance practices in organisations. Some of the statutes are industry specific.
Regulating corporate governance through various statutes instead of a single comprehensive statute is not without its shortcomings. For instance, companies may have compliance challenges as they have to invest additional time, resources and expertise to understand and adhere to different sets of regulations. In addition, compliance costs may increase due to the need for specialised legal counsel, training and monitoring systems. Consequently, this may create a significant compliance burden on companies, especially small to medium enterprises.
In 2014, Quality Corporate Governance Centre (Private) Limited, trading as Zimbabwe Leadership Forum (“Zimlef”), together with the Institute of Directors (IODZ) and the Standards Association of Zimbabwe (“SAZ”), took the initiative to address the problems of corporate failures and operational challenges in companies by developing the National Code on Corporate Governance (“the National Code”).
The development of the National Code was a welcome development, and it was sponsored by various corporates, including but not limited to Old Mutual, CBZ Holdings Limited, Deloitte & Touche, Dairibord Holdings, Zimplats, Barclays Bank (now First Capital Bank), Rainbow Tourism Group Limited and British American Tobacco, just to mention a few.
A notable and inherent disadvantage of the National Code is that it does not, on its own, possess the force of law. While the code provides valuable guidance and sets out best practices for corporate governance, its non-binding nature limits its effectiveness in enforcing compliance, especially in private limited companies.
Public limited companies are, however, obliged to comply with the minimum standards set by the National Code (see Section 220(3) as read with Section 167(5)(e) of the Companies and Other Business Entities Act [Chapter 24:31] and the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange Practice Note No 5).
It goes without saying that many jurisdictions around the world adopted a hybrid system of corporate governance where some practices are legislated whilst some are regulated by a code. The National Code therefore represents a positive step towards enhancing corporate governance practices. It is a strong indicator regarding Zimbabwe’s continued position and role as one of the countries with the strongest corporate governance system in Africa.
Training and Workshops
There have been several training and workshops in Zimbabwe designed to enhance corporate governance practices in companies. The Institute of Directors of Zimbabwe (“IODZ”) has been largely responsible for these training and workshops in accordance with its main objective laid out in Section 3 of its constitution, which is to raise standards of corporate governance in Zimbabwe.
The training and workshops have proven to be a valuable initiative. The workshops have focused on enhancing the effectiveness of boards of directors in Zimbabwean companies. Participants receive training on their roles and responsibilities, effective decision-making processes and strategies to mitigate conflicts of interest. For instance, company managers are taught real-life corporate governance challenges. This practical approach enables participants to apply their learning to real-world situations, ultimately leading to more effective and accountable boards.
Further, these corporate governance workshops emphasise the importance of transparency, accountability and ethical practices within organisations. Participants are educated about the significance of accurate financial reporting, disclosure requirements and the importance of independent audits. By implementing the knowledge gained from these workshops, companies can foster a culture of transparency and accountability.
Additionally, these workshops in Zimbabwe emphasise the need for companies to establish mechanisms for stakeholder dialogue and participation. Practical examples could include interactive sessions where participants work on stakeholder mapping exercises, develop strategies to address stakeholder concerns and explore ways to incorporate stakeholder perspectives in decision-making processes. These workshops encourage organisations to build trust and maintain positive relationships with their stakeholders.
The Rise of Corporate Governance Consultancy Firms
Since 2000, Zimbabwe has experienced numerous high-profile cases of corporate failure in various sectors, including government entities, parastatals, non-governmental organisations, private enterprises and local authorities, most of which, reportedly resulted from corporate governance deficiencies. Examples of such institutions include Interfin Bank, Kingdom Bank Limited and Air Zimbabwe.
This has resulted in the rise of corporate governance consultancy firms which are corporate advisory firms designed to tackle corporate governance issues and assist in the development of proper internal systems in companies. Examples of consultancy companies in corporate governance are Corporate Governance Centre t/a Zimbabwe Leadership Forum (ZIMLEF), Palladium, Chiro Consultants Registered Public Accountants Zimbabwe and KFM Consultants.
KFM Consultants is a Zimbabwean leading corporate governance advisory firm. It was approved by the USAID Regional Inspector General’s Pretoria Office to carry out audits of USAID projects and programmes in Zimbabwe. Part of the assignments which they have carried out in Zimbabwe include: a Corporate Governance review of the Zimbabwe Union of Journalists (ZUJ) (2007), a Corporate Governance review of the Zimbabwe Human Rights Association (ZIMRIGHTS) (2007), Education and training (CACET) (2008), Development of Constitution for the Media Centre Zimbabwe (2010), Corporate Governance Training for MISA Board in Zimbabwe (2012) and an Organisational Development Assessment of the Center for AIDS Care. For more information: visit
The Rights of Minority Shareholders
The old Companies Act [Chapter 24:03] did not contain adequate provisions protecting the minority shareholders. Instead, such matters were governed by the common law. The recourse for aggrieved minority shareholders was to initiate legal proceedings either personal or derivative actions, depending on the circumstances. The personal action offered sufficient protection to shareholders who had suffered harm individually due to actions or omissions by the company. The derivative action, on the other hand, permitted shareholders to bring legal proceedings on behalf of the company, but only in specific circumstances and subject to certain limitations.
The Companies and Other Business Entities Act [Chapter 24:31] (“COBE Act”) was enacted in 2019 and it repealed the Companies Act [Chapter 24:03].
The COBE Act codified and broadened the scope of shareholder remedies, which indirectly enhances the protection of minority shareholders. The remedies available to minority shareholders are summarised below:
In addition to the above remedies provided by the COBE Act, shareholders may also utilise the following remedies to voice their concerns and enforce compliance with corporate governance requirements:
The Eco-social Responsibilities of a Company and Sustainability Reporting
It is generally accepted worldwide that companies are not only accountable to their shareholders, but also to other stakeholders across the economic, cultural, environmental and social spectrums. According to Section 195(5) of the COBE Act, the board and management body of companies are obliged to consider the interests of all of the company’s constituencies, including stakeholders such as employees, customers, suppliers and the community.
Institutional investors are increasingly looking for companies that are responsible to their community and the environment. Companies now take serious consideration to their eco-social responsibilities in light of the need to attract investment, protect their brand and to drive sustainable development.
Public listed companies, in particular, are now mandated by the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE) and Victoria Falls Stock Exchange (VFEX) to include sustainability reports in their annual reports (see Sections 399-404 of the ZSE Listing Rules). In their reporting they are expected to benchmark the international accepted reporting frameworks such as the Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Guidelines or Standards. The mandatory disclosures include sustainability policies, mitigation of risks and sustainability performance data.
Corporates such as Econet Wireless Zimbabwe Limited, Zimplats and CBZ Holdings Limited exemplify the principle of eco-social responsibility. This is evident in their diverse community initiatives, including granting scholarships to disadvantaged individuals, community-based workshops and organising marathons and other fitness programmes.
Number 38 Argyll Drive
+263 242 254 531