Norway has a legal system based on division of power between the different branches of government (ie, the legislative, executive and judicial branches). The legal system is generally based on written statutes adopted by the National Assembly (Stortinget). In certain areas, case law is the predominant source of law. Norway is a member of the European Economic Area and is required to adopt EU legislation in most areas.
The court system is based on general courts covering all or most legal disputes, both legal and criminal. There are special courts in certain areas. The regular court system consists of city/district courts, appeal courts and the Supreme Court.
As a general rule, foreign investments do not require approval by the Norwegian authorities. However, the Norwegian Security Act (LOV-2018-06-21-24) contains certain provisions that may impose restrictions on foreign investments.
The Security Act does not discriminate between foreign or national investments but applies equally to all undertakings that have been brought within the scope of the Act. Under Section 1-3, Norwegian ministries are empowered to bring undertakings operating within the respective ministry’s field of responsibility under the scope of the Security Act.
A company may be brought under the scope of the Security Act if it handles:
This means that the law typically applies to companies in the telecommunications, defence, transport and energy sectors and companies involved in food and water supply too.
Where an undertaking or company has been brought within the scope of the Security Act, an acquirer must notify the relevant ministry if it is acquiring a “qualified ownership interest”. Under Section 10-1, a “qualified ownership interest” is achieved if the acquirer directly or indirectly obtains:
When assessing whether the acquirer has acquired a “qualified ownership interest” under Section 10-1, shares which are owned or taken over by the acquirer’s associates have the same status as the acquirer’s own shares. Under Section 2-5 of the Securities Trading Act, this includes shares or other equity interests that are owned or procured by:
There is no publicly available list of companies falling within the scope of the Security Act. However, the National Security Authority may provide guidance on whether a company has been brought within the scope of the Security Act on a case-by-case basis.
In addition, the King-in-Council (ie, the government) has an ex officio provision in Section 2-5 of the Security Act, allowing the government to intervene in activities that “may entail a risk that is not insignificant that interests of national security will be threatened”. This provision applies irrespective of the distinct provisions of ownership control. There is no time limit on the application of this provision. It therefore applies to both planned and ongoing activities.
If an undertaking or company is brought within the scope of the Security Act, notification of the acquisition of a “qualified ownership interest” to the relevant ministry is mandatory. Under the Regulation of the Security of Undertakings issued on the basis of the Security Act (FOR-2018-12-20-2053), the notification must include the following:
Upon receiving the notification, the relevant authority must issue its decision within 60 working days. If the relevant authority requests further information from the undertakings concerned within 50 working days, the deadline is suspended until this information is provided.
If the relevant authority does not consider the acquisition to be a potential threat to national security, it will clear the acquisition and notify the acquirer of the clearance. If the relevant authority identifies a potential threat, it will submit the acquisition to the Norwegian government for a final decision. The Security Act does not impose a deadline on the government to reach a final decision.
Notification to the relevant ministry does not have a suspensory effect on the transaction, and approval may be obtained both before and after closing. However, if approval is refused, the transaction will have to be reversed.
The relevant authorities may allow an acquisition on the condition that the acquirer implements measures or imposes arrangements to mitigate any concerns the relevant authority may have. These conditions may, inter alia, relate to protection of sensitive information and restrictions on the resale of shares, etc.
There is no procedure for administrative review or appeal of the government’s refusal to approve an acquisition under the Security Act. The refusal may, however, be brought before the ordinary courts under the general rules regarding judicial review of administrative decisions under Norwegian law.
Judicial review of administrative decisions is limited to reviewing:
The court may also decide whether the decision was in accordance with certain fundamental principles of objectivity and equality in administrative law.
If the court concludes that the refusal to approve the acquisition was unlawful, the refusal will be invalidated. In so far as the grounds for invalidation are repairable, the authorities may issue a new refusal after a new processing of the case. Both the seller and the buyer may bring a refusal before the courts.
Amendments to the Security Act
In June 2023, the Norwegian Parliament adopted a set of amendments to the Security Act. These amendments included an expansion of the scope of businesses that may be the subject of a decision to be brought within the scope of the Security Act, to include businesses that are of vital importance to national security interests and businesses of significant importance to fundamental national functions or national security. The amendment came into force on 1 July 2023.
In addition, the Norwegian Parliament also adopted the following amendments that have yet to come into force.
These amendments are expected to come into force in the second half of 2024. With these amendments, the Norwegian government aims to enhance the effectiveness and comprehensiveness of the Security Act, ensuring that national security interests are adequately protected.
The most common corporate vehicle in Norway is the limited liability company.
The liability of each shareholder in a limited company is restricted to its respective part of the share capital and shareholders are not personally liable for the obligations of the company. There are two forms of limited liability companies: private limited companies (Aksjeselskap, AS) and public limited companies (Allmennaksjeselskap, ASA). Only public limited companies (or a foreign equivalent) may be listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange or Euronext Expand, and there is little reason to establish a public limited company unless it is envisaged to list the company’s shares on one of these two marketplaces.
In terms of listing on Euronext Growth Oslo (a junior exchange which is a multilateral trading facility), the listed entity can also be a private limited company. Joint ventures are normally structured as private limited companies in the Norwegian market.
Private limited companies must have a share capital of at least NOK30,000, whereas a public limited company must have a minimum share capital of NOK1 million.
There are no restrictions on the number of shareholders. Therefore, a Norwegian limited liability company can have just one shareholder. All shares carry equal rights and one vote each, unless otherwise provided for in the articles of association. The articles of association may prescribe different classes of shares – A, B and C shares – eg, with different rights to participate in the profits of the company and/or different voting rights.
Parent companies and shareholders are in general not liable for their subsidiaries’ or the company’s debts or liabilities. However, Supreme Court practice confirms that the corporate veil can be pierced in extraordinary circumstances.
Shareholders exercise their rights through general meetings. The annual general meeting is required to be held each year on or prior to June 30th, to deal with and decide upon the annual accounts and the annual report. Apart from the annual general meeting, extraordinary general meetings may be held if the board of directors considers it necessary, or if the auditor or shareholders representing at least 5% with respect to public limited companies, or 10% with respect to private limited companies of the share capital, demand this in writing.
A limited liability company is formed by one or more founders – which can be foreign companies or individuals – signing a deed of formation. Within three months of the formation, the required share capital must be deposited by the shareholder(s) and submitted for registration with the Register of Business Enterprises. The payment of share capital must be documented in the submitted registration and be confirmed by a bank, an auditor or a law firm.
The company is formally considered a legal entity upon registration.
Establishing a Norwegian company for investors not having local board directors in Norway can take between two and six weeks. If there are local board directors with existing local social security numbers, incorporation can be done in approximately one to two weeks, through a digital solution being offered by the Register of Business Enterprises.
Despite a fairly easy incorporation process, foreign companies often set up business in Norway by acquiring an already established shelf company from a law firm. The investor will in this case immediately receive the registration number and control of the shelf company. Registration of a new name, new board, etc, in a shelf company normally takes between four and six weeks if the board directors do not have a social security number in Norway and must apply for the number, and one to two weeks if the directors are based in Norway and already have a social security number.
All limited companies, regardless of size, have to maintain financial accounts. They also have a statutory book-keeping obligation. However, so-called “small enterprises” are subject to simplified requirements. Companies must prepare and file annual accounts with the Norwegian Accounting Register by July 31st each year. Penalties apply for late filing. The information must be reported in a way that complies with statutory accounting rules, and that reflects a true and fair view of the company’s assets, liabilities, results and financial position in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices in Norway (NGAAP).
Private limited companies are not required to have an auditor if they:
Norwegian law and market practice prescribes a one-tier management structure. Advisory boards are not very common but are sometimes used where the majority owner is based outside Norway.
A public limited company must have a board of directors comprising a minimum of three directors, including the chairperson of the board, while the board of directors in a private limited company may comprise only one director (who may also be the sole shareholder of the company).
Both public and private limited companies are subject to rules regarding employee representation in the board of directors. If the number of employees in the company exceeds 30, the employees will have the right to appoint one director while if the number exceeds 50, the employees will have the right to appoint one third of the directors (but in any event at least two directors). Public limited companies are required to have a general manager/CEO who is responsible for day-to-day management, but this is optional for private limited companies. However, most private limited companies do have a general manager who is registered with the Register of Business Enterprises.
At least half the board of directors plus the managing director must reside in Norway or be EEA citizens residing in an EEA country or citizens of the UK residing in the country. For both public and private limited companies, there are also certain requirements that both sexes are represented on the board of directors. Listed companies must also comply with the Norwegian Corporate Governance Code (NUES) on a comply-or-explain basis, which sets forth certain requirements for the composition of the board of directors and a number of other corporate governance principles.
The board of directors is responsible for the management of the company and should ensure a proper organisation of the business. Under Norwegian law, the board of directors of a private limited company will maintain a share register of all the company’s shares and shareholders while the shares in a public limited company must be registered in the Norwegian Central Securities Depository (VPS). Both share registers are publicly available.
Directors of the board have a fiduciary duty to the company and its shareholders. This duty requires that the board of directors acts in the best interests of the company when exercising their functions and exercise a general duty of loyalty and care towards the company. Members of the board of directors may each be held personally liable for any damage they negligently or wilfully cause the company.
Norwegian employment relationships are regulated by legislation, including the Working Environment Act.
Working conditions are regulated by collective bargaining agreements to a great extent. In principle, collective bargaining agreements are not compulsory but are common in many industries in practice.
Written Employment Contracts
All employment relationships will be subject to a written employment contract according to law. This applies to both permanent and temporary types of employment. There are statutory minimum requirements for the content of the employment agreement. The contract should state factors of major significance for the employment relationship.
The Norwegian government has implemented the EU Directive on Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions (2019/1152). The changes come into force on 1 July 2024 and include additional requirements to the content of employment contracts, including, among other things:
Permanent Appointments Versus Temporary Appointments
As a main rule, all appointments of employees will be permanent. Temporary employment is only permitted in special instances provided under Section 14-9(2) of the Working Environment Act. The most common instances of temporary employment are:
The regulation on temporary employment is strict in Norway. If the employment contract fails to inform about the temporary nature of the employment relationship or if the requirements for temporary employment are not met in respect of a temporarily appointed employee, the employee will be considered permanently appointed, meaning that the ordinary rules for termination, etc, will apply. The employee may also claim compensation and damages for not being employed permanently.
Zero-hour contracts (ie, contracts where the employee is not guaranteed a certain level of work) are not permitted unless the legal requirements for temporary employment are fulfilled.
Under the Working Environment Act, the normal working hours are nine hours per day and 40 hours per week. Employees are entitled to a 30-minute lunch break which is not included in the working hours. Employees in leading and/or particularly independent positions may be exempted from the working time regulations in the Working Environment Act subject to an individual assessment in each case.
Different regulations may follow from collective bargaining agreements, whereby normal working hours are usually 7.5 hours per day and 37.5 hours per week. This is also market practice in many industries. The working time is lower for shift workers, among others.
The total amount of working hours (including overtime hours) may not exceed 13 hours during 24 consecutive hours and 48 hours during seven consecutive days. The 48-hour limit may be averagely calculated over a period of eight weeks.
Additionally, employees are entitled to daily and weekly off-duty time. Under Section 10-8 of the Working Environment Act, the main rule is that an employee is entitled to have at least 11 hours continuous off-duty time per 24 hours and a 35 hour off duty period per seven days. The off-duty period will be placed between two main work periods.
There is no employment at will in Norway. Any termination initiated by the employer must be objectively justified on the basis of circumstances relating to the undertaking, the employer or the employee.
Termination due to circumstances related to the employee include for breach of contract. There is generally a high threshold for termination due to circumstances related to the employee.
A workforce reduction due to insufficient workload, scaling down of operations or restructuring will normally be accepted as sufficient and valid grounds for termination. A loss in revenue is not required. The courts will typically evaluate whether the employer has had a true and complete picture of all relevant facts when making the redundancy decision, and whether proper and mandatory procedural requirements are met. The courts will usually abstain from reviewing the employer’s commercial preference on how to run its business.
Norway has implemented the Collective Redundancies Directive (98/59/EC). If more than ten employees are to be terminated in the same process, mandatory consultations must be conducted with employee representatives and a notification must be sent to the public welfare administration. Nevertheless, discussions with the employee representatives are in any case recommended to ensure good process. Meetings with employee representatives should be documented in minutes.
If not all employees are to be made redundant, the selection of redundant employees must be based on fair and reasonable criteria determined in advance, preferably in discussions with the employee representatives. Typical selection criteria are seniority, competence and social considerations (eg, age, heavy family responsibilities and/or illness or injury).
Termination due to redundancies is only valid if the employer does not have other suitable work within the employing entity to offer the employee. The obligation to offer other suitable work only applies if there are vacancies or any manpower requirements within the undertaking that the relevant employee is qualified for. The employer’s assessment of the existence of vacant positions and the specific employee’s suitability should be documented in writing. The duty to offer vacant positions in the case of redundancies applies on a group level within Norway.
Before any final decision on the selection of redundant employees and termination of employment is made, the employer must summon each affected employee to an individual discussion meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the reasons for the possible termination of employment and allow the employee to comment on the employer’s assessment, correct or supplement the facts and present possible reasons for why the employee should not be terminated. Minutes must be taken in the discussion meeting.
A notice of termination may be given after the discussion meeting is held and after the employer’s final assessment and decision is made. The notice letter must be in writing and delivered to the employee personally or by registered mail. The notice letter must comply with mandatory formal requirements and contain information about the employee’s rights to request negotiation, instigate legal proceedings and remain in the position while contesting the validity of the termination. The agreed or mandatory notice period will start to run on the first day of the month following the month in which notice was received by the employee. There are statutory rules for notice periods depending on the employee’s age and/or seniority.
There are no statutory rules in Norway stating that employers have to pay redundant and terminated employees a severance pay. However, employers often enter into termination agreements with employees on a voluntary basis as an alternative to the employer’s formal termination. Severance pay may be included in these agreements. Many employers see this as an efficient way to reduce their workforce and eliminate any risks of disputes following the terminations.
If a termination of employment is ruled invalid by the court, the employment continues “as is” unless the court finds its continuation to be clearly unreasonable. The employee will nevertheless be entitled to compensation for invalid termination. The size of the compensation varies depending on the employee’s financial loss as well as other factors.
Employers have an extensive duty according to law and collective agreements to inform and consult with employee representatives on issues of importance for the employees’ working conditions. Although it is not mandatory, the Working Environment Act presupposes that the employees in an undertaking have an employee representative. This representative does not have to be formally elected.
Trade union representation at a company level is not mandatory by law but may be required if the employer is bound by a collective bargaining agreement.
Employees are entitled to claim board representation if the company has more than 30 employees.
Norwegian tax resident individuals are subject to income tax on their employment income, wherever earned, when received.
Individuals that are not tax resident in Norway will, as a general rule, only be liable for tax on the income from work performed in Norway. If an employee stays in Norway for more than 183 days during a 12-month period, or more than 270 days during a 36-month period, the employee will become tax resident in Norway and have to report and pay tax on global wealth and income. Any tax charge on non-resident individuals may be limited where a tax treaty applies.
Income tax is charged at progressive rates up to 47.4%, including social security contributions. The income tax rate is flat at 22%. In addition, a progressive bracket tax is levied for income exceeding NOK208,050 per year, starting at 1.7% bracket tax for the lowest step and 17.6% bracket tax for income over NOK1.35 million. Employers have to deduct income tax from payments of employment income and report it to the Norwegian tax authorities.
Employer social security contributions are charged at 7.89% through the same mechanism. In addition, employers are charged with national insurance contributions on the income. The standard rate is 14.1%, although the rate is reduced for certain geographical parts of Norway. An extra 5% employer social security contribution tax may be levied on income above NOK850,000. Non-Norwegian workers in Norway may also be part of the voluntary Pay As You Earn (PAYE) tax scheme. Under this scheme, the employee will be taxed at a fixed percentage. This amount is deducted by the employer from employment income.
Companies Subject to Taxation
Companies resident in Norway for tax purposes are subject to a flat nominal tax rate, which is currently 22% on their worldwide income. Losses are tax deductible.
If a non-Norwegian company carries out business or participates in business which is managed from Norway, the company will become taxable to Norway on all income and net wealth from the activities. However, tax treaty protection may be available. Tax losses may be set off against taxable income for later years and may be carried forward indefinitely.
The standard rate of VAT in Norway is 25%. However, a lower rate of 15% is levied on food and an even lower rate of 12% is levied on public transportation and hotel accommodation, etc. The rules on VAT apply to businesses selling goods or services that exceed NOK50,000 within a 12-month period. If so, the business in question must register for VAT in Norway and add VAT on the invoices to clients and customers.
Dividends and Capital Gains
Receipt of dividends and capitals gains on shares is in principle exempt from Norwegian taxation for Norwegian limited liability companies under the participation exemption, provided that:
If the receiving company is tax resident in Norway and holds less than 90% of the shares in the distributing company, 3% of the dividends will be regarded as taxable income. As this income is taxed at the general rate of 22%, the effective tax rate of the dividends is 0.66%. This tax does not apply to capital gains.
Dividends distributed from Norwegian tax resident limited liability companies to shareholders resident outside Norway are, in general, subject to withholding tax at a flat rate of 25%. The withholding tax rate is normally reduced through tax treaties between Norway and the country in which the shareholder is resident. Dividends distributed to non-resident limited liability companies resident within the EU/EEA for tax purposes are exempt from Norwegian withholding tax under the participation exemption, provided that the company is the beneficial owner of the shares and can be proved to be genuinely established in an EU/EEA state.
There is no income tax or withholding tax on capital gains on shares in limited liability companies that are resident in Norway realised by a Norwegian corporate shareholder or a non-Norwegian shareholder, provided that the non-Norwegian shareholder does not hold the shares in connection with a trade or business carried out in Norway. Norway does not impose stamp duty on the transfer of shares.
Research and Development Regime
Norway has a tax initiative called SkatteFUNN research and development (R&D). This is a tax scheme designed to stimulate R&D in Norwegian trade and industry. All businesses and enterprises subject to taxation in Norway are eligible to apply for tax relief through the R&D scheme. The Norwegian companies and branches of foreign companies with R&D projects can apply for a deduction of 19% of incurred costs, up to NOK25 million. Even though there are no requirements as to type of business, the projects must:
Group companies remain separately taxable entities for Norwegian corporation tax purposes. However, Norwegian companies that are part of the same tax group may consolidate their taxable profits and losses through group contributions. The contributing company can claim a deduction for the contribution in its taxable income, provided certain requirements are met while the recipient can increase its taxable income by the same amount.
The ownership requirement for a Norwegian tax group is more than 90%. The parent company must directly or indirectly hold more than 90% of the shares and the voting rights of the subsidiary at the end of the year in order to be in a position to contribute or receive group contributions.
Group contributions are also available for Norwegian branches of foreign companies that are resident within the EU/EEA.
Interest on loans is generally deductible for Norwegian tax purposes. However, interest may be denied if Norwegian interest limitation rules apply or if the loan arrangement is not in accordance with the arm’s length principle.
There are no general thin capitalisation rules in Norwegian tax law. However, there are regulations that allow for reclassification of income and deductions between affiliated companies. If a Norwegian entity is regarded as being thinly capitalised, a part of the entity’s interest and debts may be reclassified as dividend and equity.
Norway has also implemented interest limitation rules. The applicable rules are dependent on whether the company is part of a consolidated group for accounting purposes. For these group companies, the interest limitation rules apply for interests above NOK25 million for the Norwegian part of the group. For non-group companies, the threshold limit is NOK5 million. Where the threshold amount is exceeded, deductions are limited to 25% of the company’s taxable EBITDA, subject to certain exceptions based on equity comparisons between the Norwegian part of the group and the worldwide group.
The arm’s length principle for related-party transactions is part of the Norwegian Tax Act, implying that the Norwegian tax authorities may increase a taxpayer’s taxable income if the pricing is not in accordance with the arm’s length principle. Both Norwegian and foreign tax authorities monitor multinational companies’ internal pricing, and they demand an increasingly analytical and transparent approach in accordance with the arm’s length principle.
More specifically, foreign companies and other businesses are required to provide information and disclosures for transactions and intercompany balances between affiliated companies. This mainly applies to foreign companies and other businesses that have:
The documentation rules only apply to companies that provide Norwegian tax returns. An exception has also been made from the obligation to prepare special documentation for companies that have less than 250 employees and either have:
However, this exception does not apply to companies, etc, which have transactions with companies resident in a state where Norway is not entitled to receive tax information.
There is a general Norwegian anti-avoidance standard that has been developed by the courts and was incorporated into the Norwegian Tax Act in 2020. Under this standard, transactions that have been made with a main purpose of avoiding taxation may be disregarded by the tax authorities.
There are also specific anti-avoidance provisions regarding discontinuation of tax positions (carried-forward tax loss, etc) in connection with transactions or reorganisations if it is likely that the primary motive was to make use of the tax position.
The Norwegian rules on merger control are set out in Chapter 4 of the Norwegian Competition Act (LOV-2004-03-05-12) and regulations adopted pursuant to it, in particular the Regulation on Notification of Concentrations (FOR-2013-12-11-1466).
Section 18 of the Competition Act stipulates an obligation to notify certain concentrations to the Norwegian Competition Authority (NCA), notably any merger or acquisition of control where:
The Norwegian merger regulation is modelled after, and to a large extent mirrors, the EU Merger Regulation (EUMR) and will normally follow the guidance and case law of the European Commission and ECJ. Consequently, concepts such as a “concentration”, “undertakings concerned” and “control” echo those of the EUMR.
Joint ventures are subject to merger control if the joint venture is jointly controlled and is “full-function”. “Full-function” entails that the joint venture has the necessary functions to operate as an autonomous economic entity on a lasting basis.
In addition, the NCA may impose a filing obligation on acquisitions of non-controlling minority shareholdings and concentrations falling below the jurisdictional thresholds (within three months of a change of control or conclusion of the agreement). There are examples of interventions by the NCA on these types of transactions in recent years.
Finally, pursuant to the one-stop-shop principle, a concentration that is notifiable to the European Commission is not notifiable to the NCA. This does not apply to products not covered by the EEA Agreement.
There is no deadline for filing a notification of a planned concentration, but the concentration cannot be implemented prior to the NCA clearing the transaction (standstill obligation under Section 19 of the Competition Act).
The Norwegian merger control procedure consists of a Phase I and a Phase II. In addition, the parties may engage in a voluntary pre-notification dialogue with the NCA. The pre-notification process is informal and has no set timeframe. Pre-notification dialogue is recommended in complex cases.
In Phase I, the NCA has 25 working days to assess whether it may want to intervene against the proposed concentration, or alternatively to approve the concentration. Where the NCA notifies the parties that intervention might take place, the NCA must demonstrate that there are reasonable grounds to assume that the concentration will create or strengthen a significant restriction of competition, contrary to the purpose of the Act. If remedies are proposed within 20 working days, Phase I may be extended by ten working days.
The majority of notified concentrations are approved in Phase I.
During Phase II, the NCA must – within 70 working days counted from the day the notification was filed – adopt a commitment decision or issue a statement of objections. If remedies are proposed by the parties after 55 working days, the deadline may be extended by a maximum of 15 working days.
Following a statement of objections, the parties are given 15 working days to comment on the statement. The NCA is then given 15 working days to conclude its final decision. However, if the parties suggest remedies after having received the statement of objections, the NCA deadline may be extended by 15 working days. Finally, the parties may request an additional extension of 15 working days if necessary. With all possible extensions, the entire period of review may amount to 145 working days.
A decision by the NCA to intervene may be appealed to the Competition Appeals Board.
Many mergers are filed with the NCA through a simplified merger procedure (approximately 70% in 2022), which allows for a lower degree of detail and often a swift process. Simplified merger notifications are normally cleared well within the limit of 25 working days. In order to file a simplified notification, certain alternative criteria must be met, as set out in Section 3 of the Regulation on Notification of Concentrations – for example, concentrations where the parties have no overlapping activities, and a combined market share below 20% in markets with horizontal overlap and below 30% in markets where the parties have a vertical overlap. In addition, certain joint ventures with sufficient limited activities in Norway may also qualify for a simplified merger procedure.
Under Section 29 of the Competition Act, breaches of the obligation to notify a concentration or the standstill obligation may trigger an administrative fine amounting to up to 1% and 10%, respectively, of the total turnover of the undertaking.
Section 10 of the Competition Act prohibits anti-competitive agreements and practices. The provision mirrors Article 53 of the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA) and Article 101 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
In addition to Norwegian case law and preparatory works, the provisions of the Competition Act are interpreted in light of case law from the European Court of Justice, the General Court, the European Commission, the EFTA Court and the EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA).
Section 10 prohibits any agreements between undertakings, decisions by associations of undertakings, informal collaborations and practices which have as their object or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of competition.
Exceptions from the cartel prohibition are enshrined in Section 10(3) of the Competition Act (which mirrors Article 53(3) of the EEA and Article 101(3) of the TFEU), targeting, in particular, co-operations where any restrictions of competition are outweighed by efficiency benefits.
Under Section 29 of the Competition Act, infringements of Section 10 may be sanctioned with administrative fines and imprisonment. However, no individual has been punished for offences to date. These fines may amount to up to 10% of the total turnover of the undertakings involved.
Abuse of dominance is prohibited under Section 11 of the Competition Act and corresponds to Article 54 of the EEA and Article 102 of the TFEU.
To establish dominance, the undertaking must have an economic strength which allows it to prevent effective competition in the relevant market by enabling it to act, to a significant extent, independently of its competitors, customers and, ultimately, consumers. The assessment of dominance largely resembles that of EU law and will take into account various measures of economic strength, such as market share, the underlying market structure and the number and positions of other competitors.
Behaviour by an undertaking with a dominant position that restricts actual or potential competition, including competitor’s opportunities for growth and market entry, may amount to abusive behaviour. Examples of such behaviour that may be covered by the prohibition in Section 11 include:
A dominant undertaking is nevertheless entitled to provide a justification for behaviour that otherwise could be deemed abusive – ie, if its behaviour is objectively necessary and proportional or if the behaviour is efficiency-enhancing and generally benefits consumers. The benefits afforded to consumers must be sufficiently probable and impossible to achieve in a less restrictive manner. Further, the behaviour cannot eliminate competition from the market.
Under Section 29 of the Competition Act, infringements of Section 11 may be sanctioned with administrative fines. These fines may amount to up to 10% of the total turnover of the dominant undertaking.
New Market Investigation Tool
The ministry of trade and fisheries has announced that it intends to send a proposition for a new market investigation tool to the Norwegian Parliament before the summer of 2024. The initial proposition from the ministry was subject to public hearing in 2023. The proposed market investigation tool will provide the NCA with the competence to initiate investigations into conduct, which is not prohibited by the competition rules, but which the NCA still considers problematic for competition. Subsequent to these investigations, the ministry proposes to provide the NCA with broad powers to intervene by imposing requirements upon the relevant undertakings, hereunder structural divestment requirements if needed. The ultimate content and details of the market investigation tool are still unknown, subject to the final proposition from the ministry and the subsequent legislative process.
A patent provides the inventor, or the inventor’s successor in title, with an exclusive right to exploit an invention conceived within any field of technology provided that the invention is susceptible of industrial application, commercially or operationally.
The Patents Act governs patents in Norway, and the Norwegian Industrial Property Office (Patentstyret) processes patent applications and grants patents. With respect to substantive patent law (the requirements of novelty, inventive step, susceptible of industrial application, etc), the Patents Act implements the EU Biotech Directive (Directive 98/44/EC) and is consistent with the European Patent Convention. When processing the application, it normally takes approximately six to seven months before the applicant receives the first statement from the Norwegian Industrial Property Office on the patentability. The application will be published in the Industrial Property Office’s register and online 18 months after the application is filed. Following receipt of the statement of patentability, it usually takes one to two years until the outcome of the application is finally decided.
If the patent is granted, it may be maintained for up to 20 years, counted from the filing date of the patent application. Applying for supplementary protection certificates may extend the protection period by up to five years for plant protection products and up to five and a half years for certain medicinal products; see Regulation (EC) No 1610/96 and the amendments made in (EU) 2019/933 and (EC) No 469/2009.
Patent enforcement may be brought before the courts, offering several remedies against an infringer. A practical remedy is to request a preliminary injunction either in separate proceedings or as a part of ordinary proceedings on the merits. The available remedies against infringements in ordinary proceedings are:
Where the patent holder enforces its patent against an infringer, the infringer will often defend by arguing that the patent is invalid. The infringer must then launch a counter-claim for invalidation, which will be handled by the same court and in the same case as the enforcement action. An alleged infringer can also defend by arguing non-infringement.
It should be noted that Norway is not part of the cooperation within the EU with respect to unitary patent protection and the United Patent Court (UPC). Unitary patents will therefore not have effect in Norway and the UPC will not have jurisdiction over European patents that are validated in Norway.
Trade marks are governed by the Norwegian Trade Marks Act, which implements the EU Trade Marks Directive (Directive (EU) 2015/2436). A trade mark is a distinctive sign for goods or services in an industrial or commercial undertaking and may consist of any sign capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one undertaking from those of another, such as words and combinations of words, including slogans, names, letters, numerals, figures, pictures, the shape of the goods or their packaging. A trade mark may be acquired by applying for registration or without registration when the trade mark is established by use. A trade mark right provides the proprietor with an exclusive right to use the trade mark in marketing, etc, of certain goods and/or services.
The Norwegian Industrial Property Office (Patentstyret) processes trade mark applications, and the registration process normally takes between three weeks and eight months, depending on the complexity of the case and whether the application raises any particular issues. The length of protection of registered trade marks is ten years, counted from the day of application. However, the protection may be prolonged for an unlimited number of additional ten-year periods. A renewal fee must be paid for each ten-year period.
Enforcement of infringement of trade marks may be brought before the courts in preliminary injunction proceedings or ordinary proceedings on the merits. The available remedies are, inter alia:
The alleged infringer can defend by arguing non-infringement and invalidity. Where the infringer wishes to defend by arguing invalidity, it must launch a counter-claim for invalidation, which will be dealt with in the same matter as the enforcement action.
Designs are governed by the Norwegian Designs Act, which implements the EU’s Designs Directive (Directive 98/71/EC). A design refers to the appearance of a product – for example, the shape, use of colours, patterns and composition.
Protection of design may be obtained by applying to register the design with the Norwegian Industrial Property Office (Patentstyret) provided that the product has a new appearance that is not already known before the application is filed. Usually, the Norwegian Industrial Property Office takes a total of two months to complete the processing of the application.
The registration provides the proprietor with an exclusive right to use the appearance and form of a designed product for a period of five years counted from the date of application. The protection period can be prolonged for new five-year periods by paying a renewal fee. However, the total protection period cannot exceed 25 years, counted from the date of application.
Enforcement of infringement of designs may be brought before the courts in preliminary injunction proceedings or ordinary proceedings on the merits. The available remedies are, inter alia:
The alleged infringer can defend by arguing non-infringement and invalidity. Where the infringer wishes to defend by arguing invalidity, it must launch a counter-claim for invalidation, which will be dealt with in the same matter as the enforcement action.
Copyrights are governed by the Norwegian Copyright Act, which implements several EU Directives in the copyright area. Copyright is automatically obtained where the following three conditions are met:
Typical examples of literary or artistic work are written texts, works of photography, music and visual arts. Software is also considered work within the literary or artistic area and, therefore, can be protected by copyright. Databases are also protected under the Norwegian Copyright Act through a sui generis protection regime.
There is no registration of copyrights in Norway. The copyright comes into existence automatically once a work is created. The author will enjoy copyright protection for their lifetime and for 70 years after the year of their death.
Enforcement of infringement of copyrights may be brought before the courts in preliminary injunction proceedings or ordinary proceedings on the merits. The available remedies are:
Trade Secrets
Trade secrets are governed by the Norwegian Trade Secrets Act, which implements the EU Trade Secrets Directive (Directive 2016/943/EU) and protects undisclosed know-how and business information (trade secrets). To be protected under the Act, the information must have commercial value as it is secret, and the holder must have taken reasonable steps to retain secrecy.
The Trade Secrets Act identifies the following acts as infringing acts:
The holder of trade secrets may bring enforcement action before the courts in preliminary injunction proceedings or ordinary proceedings on the merits. The available remedies are:
Unfair Marketing
Unfair marketing is governed by the Norwegian Marketing Control Act. The Act contains several provisions protecting the interests of both traders and consumers. For example, the Marketing Control Act prohibits, in the course of trade, copying of the products of another person under such circumstances that the use must be considered unfair exploitation of the efforts or result of another person, provided that this presents a risk of confusion between the products. The Marketing Control Act also prohibits acts in the course of trade that conflict with good practice among traders.
Acts prohibited under the Marketing Control Act may be brought before the courts, and the injured party may claim injunctions, reasonable compensation and/or damages.
The main data protection regulations in Norway are the Norwegian Personal Data Act and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
The GDPR is an EU Regulation intended to harmonise data protection regulations across the EU member states. Although not a member state of the EU, Norway has incorporated the GDPR (as with most EU legislation) through its membership of the European Economic Area (EEA).
The GDPR is incorporated in Norwegian law through the Norwegian Personal Data Act, which also supplements the GDPR with certain additional Norway-specific rules. The Personal Data Act and the GDPR apply generally to all processing of personal data in Norway. In addition, there is some sector-specific legislation (eg, with respect to the health sector) which provides additional rules.
The Data Protection Act and the GDPR apply to domestic companies’ processing of personal data, as well as to the processing of personal data concerning persons (“data subjects”) situated in Norway carried out by foreign companies.
The incorporation of the GDPR in Norwegian law harmonises the data protection regulations in Norway with that of the other EU and EEA member states. Therefore, except for certain national adjustments and country-specific legislation, a foreign company targeting customers in Norway would be faced with much the same regulations as in other EU or EEA countries.
While foreign companies’ processing of personal data concerning Norwegian data subjects is within the scope of the Norwegian data protection regulations, the processing will only be subject to these regulations in so far as the processing in question relates to:
The regulations will apply to companies irrespective of whether the company in question is the controller (ie, determines the purposes and means of the personal data processing) or a data processor (ie, processes personal data on behalf of a controller – eg, as a contractor) in relation to the processing which falls within the geographical scope.
Foreign companies intending to conduct processing of personal data which falls within the scope of the Norwegian data protection regulations should pay due consideration to what implications this may have when planning to enter the market. In particular, these companies should take the requirements for a sufficient legal basis for the processing into account, to ensure that the processing will itself be lawful.
In total, there are six such legal bases on which a company may base its processing of personal data under the GDPR, with the most common for private entities being consent, contract (ie, that the processing is necessary for the fulfilment of a contract with the data subject), legal obligations (such as book-keeping and tax reporting requirements) and “legitimate interest”, which requires a balancing of the interests of the data subject with those of the company to ensure that the processing does not infringe the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject.
In particular, any contemplated sharing of personal data with other companies should be assessed to ensure that it fulfils these requirements. Provided that a satisfactory legal basis exists, the company must ensure that it provides the data subjects with sufficient information on how their personal data is processed, and that the company’s organisation and information systems relevant to the processing are equipped to enable the data subjects to exercise their rights. These rights include:
Consideration should also be made with respect to the age of the company’s targeted data subjects, as the age requirement for providing consent to the processing of personal data may differ from other European jurisdictions and may depend on the nature of the services for which consent is relied upon as the legal basis. For example, if the consent relates to processing of personal data in the context of an information society service (ie, online retailers, on-demand streaming service providers or social media platform operators) the age of consent in Norway is 13, whereas the age requirement in the context of other data processing situations may be higher.
Where a foreign company intending to process personal data concerning Norwegian data subjects is established outside the EU or EEA, additional requirements are likely to apply. Except for a shortlist of pre-qualified third countries (eg, the UK), most countries outside the EU and EEA are not deemed to have an adequate level of personal data protection compared to the requirements set out in the GDPR and in Article 8 of the EU Human Rights Charter. For US entities, only entities certified under the EU-US Data Privacy Framework are part of the shortlist of pre-qualified approved international data transfers.
The restrictions on international data transfers means that if such a third-country-based foreign entity intends to transfer or process personal data regarding Norwegian data subjects in its country of origin, it will be required to perform quite extensive comparisons of the data protection laws and regulations between its jurisdiction and Norway, and implement supplementary measures to protect the personal data it intends to transfer. The aim of this exercise is to ensure that the personal data transferred enjoys an “essentially equivalent” level of data protection to that offered under the GDPR in connection with the transfer.
While special requirements in connection with transfers of personal data out of Norway and the EU/EEA are not new, the extent and scope of the transferring company’s obligations and responsibilities in this respect have become greatly expanded since the 2020 Court of Justice of the European Union case commonly referred to as “Schrems II”, as well as since subsequent updated guidance from the European Data Protection Board (EDPB).
Norway’s Data Protection Authority (Datatilsynet) oversees and enforces Norway’s data protection rules.
The Data Protection Authority acts as Norway’s supervisory authority for all personal data processing which falls within the geographical scope of the data protection regulations applicable in Norway and is authorised to take enforcement actions against companies responsible for any non-compliance. The primary enforcement actions available to the Data Protection Authority include corrective orders, coercive fines and administrative fines up to the maximum amount provided for under the GDPR.
The Data Protection Authority may take enforcement actions against both foreign and domestic companies, although administrative fines are the primary consequence that foreign companies are likely to face for non-compliance with the Norwegian data protection rules. Notable cases involving foreign companies include the Data Protection Authority issuing an administrative fine to Grindr LLC (a dating app provider) in the amount of NOK65 million based on unlawful (in the opinion of the Data Protection Authority) sharing of collected personal data regarding Norwegian data subjects with third parties, and an administrative fine in the amount of NOK2.5 million issued to Argon Medical Devices, Inc for failure to notify the Data Protection Authority of a personal data breach within the mandatory 72-hour deadline.
2022 and 2023 were quite active in terms of legislative initiatives and new rules being prepared and implemented. The following includes certain key legislative changes that are effective as well as certain possible upcoming legal reforms to be aware of related to the Norwegian market.
The Transparency Act came into effect on 1 July 2022. It requires companies to make sure human rights and decent working conditions are respected in their operations and supply chains. All companies affected had to publish their first public report by 30 June 2023, evidencing how they comply with the Transparency Act. This public report will, going forward, have to be updated on a yearly basis.
Significantly, the Norwegian Parliament officially adopted a sector-specific aquaculture tax of 25% on 31 May 2023, after the sitting labour/centre government had proposed both 40% and 35% in the initial proposals and white papers. This new tax has created a lot of debate, with affected companies having delayed investments amidst expectations that they will adapt their business structures and operations to comply with the new tax regime.
In terms of the labour market regulations, new Norway-specific rules on hiring from staffing agencies came into force on 1 April 2023, stripping employers of the option to hire from these agencies based on the job being of a temporary character.
In 2022, the government proposed a so-called economic rent tax on onshore wind energy from 2023, at an effective rate of 40%. After industry concerns that this could derail renewable energy expansion and the need for further investment in the sector, the government decided to postpone plans by a year to 2024. The new rules were adopted by the parliament on 12 December 2023 and set a tax rate of 25% effective from 1 January 2024.
On 15 March 2024, the Norwegian government proposed new regulations to ensure the implementation of the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). CSRD contains requirements regarding annual reporting for both unlisted and listed large undertakings, as well as listed SMBs, to ensure the transparency and sustainability of companies. The Norwegian implementation of CSRD will follow a timeline over multiple years where more and more companies will be made subject to the reporting requirements.
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0251 Oslo
Postboks 1484 Vika
NO-0116 Oslo
+47 23 11 11 11 www.thommessen.noCorporate and M&A
Activity and trends in Norway’s M&A market in Q1 2024
Public M&A has been very slow in Q1 2024, with only three listings. Private M&A is more resistant to the volatile market. However, higher interest rates and energy prices, new taxes being introduced in Norway in 2023 and 2024 and a more cautious market generally have decreased the overall deal volume in Q1 2024 with a slow down of 10% compared to Q1 2023.
However, there has been a 22% increase in deal volume from Q4 2023 to Q1 2024. This suggests that M&A is on the road to recovery. The key trends in Norwegian M&A as of Q1 2024 are:
In summary, there have been willing buyers and deals have been made in H1 2024, but buyers are carefully managing transaction risks and are still finding it difficult to finance their transactions. A local feature is the continued weakening of the Norwegian krone, making Norwegian targets more attractive for foreign buyers in US dollars, euros or British pound sterling, among other foreign currencies.
Outlook for H2 2024
The pipeline for IPOs in the second half of 2024 is promising. However, it remains to be seen, if, and to what extent, the public market window will be open in the latter part of 2024. It is expected that macro conditions will largely decide how quickly the public markets are open for business. If inflation is kept under control and interest rates start to fall, public markets are expected to improve and there will potentially be a long list of candidates for IPOs. In terms of private M&A, the second half of 2024 is predicted to be quite healthy.
Market intelligence suggests that sellers and buyers have adjusted to a regime with higher interest rates. The PE funds have a long list of planned exits to carry out and the inventory of these exits continue to grow and will at some point lead to increased activity. Consolidation within the E&P and oil service is expected to continue, mostly with industrial players being active buyers.
The key question is how quickly the markets will fully recover and therefore how long the current buyer’s market will continue. Whether we will see a significant uptick in deal volumes in H2 2024 or in 2025 remains to be seen.
Legal developments relevant for M&A – new rules on gender representation in the board of directors
In January 2024, the proposed changes on gender representation in the board of directors of large and mid-sized private limited liability companies came into force. These changes brought the regime in private limited liability companies into line with the equivalent regulations for public limited liability companies.
From late 2024, the bill will include limited liability companies with a total operating and financial income of more than NOK100 million. When it is fully implemented in 2028, the new bill will affect private limited liability companies with at least 30 employees or with a total operating and financial income of more than NOK50 million.
These changes will represent a significant change in terms of how boards are composed in the Norwegian market. However, the gender requirements only apply to boards of directors with three or more board members and the requirements vary depending on the size of the board of directors in question.
Legal developments relevant for M&A – proposed changes to the Norwegian FDI regime
In late 2023, a government-appointed commission proposed changes to Norway’s FDI regime, to bring it more into line with the EU FDI Regulation. The commission made several recommendations, including:
If these recommendations are adopted, the scope of possible transactions subject to FDI screening will be expanded further. It is estimated that approximately 400 transactions annually would be affected by these changes, if implemented.
Increased requirements for employment contracts
The EU Directive on Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions (2019/1152) has been implemented in Norwegian law but unlike many EU member states, Norway has implemented the directive by way of introducing information requirements in employment contracts.
The changes include additional requirements to the content of employment contracts, including, among other details:
The changes apply to new employment contracts entered into after 1 July 2024. Existing employees may require a new and updated contract.
Employers should review contract templates and must also implement a system to incorporate changes in the information provided in employment contracts.
Restrictions on temporary employment and use of temporary agency workers
With effect from 1 April 2023, the following restrictions on the use of temporary agency workers entered into force.
The statutory ban on the use of temporary agency workers does not apply to delivery of services under the service provider’s supervision and direction. It is important to establish whether a contract is to be regarded as a contract for delivery of services or a temporary agency work contract.
The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority has been given financial support to follow up on implementation. It is anticipated that the Authority will increasingly focus on implementation throughout 2024.
Extended employee rights within a group
On 1 January 2024, new rules entered into force strengthening employees’ rights in the case of redundancies in a company group. The new rules will entail a right for potentially redundant employees to be considered for positions at group level within Norway (ie, in the case of redundancies, employers will have to offer other suitable jobs at the same group level).
Employees’ preferential rights to new positions following redundancies will also correspondingly apply at group level in Norway. The parent company in a group of a certain size will have a general obligation to facilitate co-operation, information and discussions between the different group companies and employees.
Special tax
On 5 June 2023, the Norwegian Parliament decided to introduce a special tax on economic rent within the fish farming industry, with effect from 2023. The effective tax rate is set at 25% and will be imposed in addition to an ordinary corporate tax rate of 22%.
On 4 January 2024, the Norwegian Parliament decided to introduce a special tax at an effective rate of 25% on onshore wind production plants (plants consisting of more than five turbines or installed effect exceeding a total of 1MW), with effect from 2024.
Wealth and exit tax
There has been an ongoing political debate about the taxation of wealth and of persons moving abroad (the so-called exit tax). Since November 2022, the Norwegian Parliament has implemented legal measures that increase the wealth tax for certain individuals upon exit from Norway.
Global minimum tax
On 4 January 2024, the Norwegian Parliament adopted a new taxation act (Suppleringsskatteloven) that introduces rules on global minimum taxation for certain corporate groups in Norway, including entirely Norwegian groups. The act is complemented by administrative regulations.
Both the act and the regulations came into force earlier in 2024. The legislation seeks to implement the OECD’s Global Anti-Base Erosion Rules.
The rules apply to groups that have a total income of at least EUR750 million in two of the last four years before the year being tested. The threshold assessment is calculated based on the total accounting income as recorded in the consolidated group accounts. Special rules apply for currency conversions.
The rules state that a group that has companies in a jurisdiction with an effective tax rate lower than 15% will be considered as having under-taxed income. This under-taxed income will be subject to taxation in the form of a top-up tax in another country where the group is established and which has introduced rules on global minimum tax, eg, Norway.
The supplementary tax is equal to the difference between the lower effective tax rate and 15%. The result is that the group’s total profit in any jurisdiction will be taxed at a minimum of 15%.
Competition Law/Antitrust
Merger control
The Norwegian Competition Authority (NCA) continues to actively monitor transactions. It reviewed 160 notifications in 2022, of which 112 were notified under the simplified procedure and imposed filing obligations on a number of non-notifiable transactions. The NCA’s willingness to accept remedies was demonstrated in three cases that were resolved through remedies.
In the last year, two prohibition decisions adopted by the NCA were overturned. The Competition Appeals Tribunal (CAT) reviewed and repealed the NCA’s prohibition decision in the DNB/Sbanken case, concluding that the acquisition would not significantly reduce effective competition in a market for distribution of mutual funds to consumers.
In a landmark ruling on 17 February 2023, the Norwegian Supreme Court invalidated the NCA’s prohibition of the 2019 acquisition of tech start-up Nettbil by media conglomerate Schibsted. This marked the first merger case to be heard by the Norwegian courts and signifies a crucial development in terms of Norwegian merger control. In particular, the ruling confirms that the courts may review the NCA’s economic assessments and that while the parties’ internal documents may form an important part of an investigation, they must nevertheless be interpreted in light of the context they were drawn up in.
The NCA’s new market investigation powers
In Q1 2023, the Norwegian government launched a public consultation on its legislative proposal to introduce a market investigation tool, following, for example, the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA).
The proposal suggests granting the NCA extensive powers to determine where market investigations will be initiated and their outcome (eg, behavioural or structural remedies or conditions to target competition issues relating to tacit collusion, digital markets and the groceries market, unilateral conduct by non-dominant undertakings and killer acquisitions).
The NCA’s power to bring decisions from the CAT to the courts
On 23 May 2023, the Norwegian Parliament adopted a legislative proposal giving the NCA legal authority to bring cartel cases from the CAT to the courts. The amendments to the Norwegian Competition Act entered into force on 1 July 2023.
Cartels and investigations
In terms of information exchange cases, the NCA issued a combined fine of NOK545 million (approximately EUR52 million) in November 2022 to four publishing houses and Bokbasen, for having exchanged competitively sensitive information through an online book database. All of the parties have appealed the NCA’s decision to the CAT.
The NCA has issued a statement of objections (SO) to the three largest grocery retailers concerning their use of “price hunters” to collect information on shelf prices from each other’s stores. In the SO, the NCA warns of fines totalling a record high of NOK21 billion (approximately EUR2 billion) for anti-competitive information exchange practices.
An overview of the NCA’s dawn raids indicates that it currently has five pending investigations, including the price hunter case.
Private enforcement
Four truck manufacturers were acquitted by the Oslo District Court in Posten Norge’s legal claim for damages, following the EC decision regarding the trucks cartel on the basis that an economic loss was not sufficiently proved by Posten. The decision has been appealed.
Intellectual Property
Increase in patenting and patent disputes within aquaculture and green technology
In recent years, authors have witnessed an increase in patenting activities and patent disputes relating to aquaculture and green technology. As Norway’s aquaculture industry continues to grow and flourish, innovators and companies are increasingly focusing on developing novel technologies to enhance fish farming practices and improve sustainability. These types of patents cover a wide range of innovations, including advancements in fish feed, fish health management and efficient aquaculture systems.
The increased emphasis on green technology has also resulted in a surge of patents in areas such as renewable energy and environmental conservation. One significant area of patent growth is offshore wind technology. Norway’s long coastline and strong winds offer ideal conditions for offshore wind farms and among other key aspects, patents have been filed for advancements in turbine design, foundation structures and floating wind platforms. This shift aligns with global efforts to address climate change and the urgent need for sustainable technologies.
Amendments to the Norwegian Trade Marks Act
The amendments to the Norwegian Trade Marks Act came into force on 1 March 2023. The primary objective of the amendments is to implement the Trade Marks Directive (EU) 2015/2436 into Norwegian law. The key amendments introduced are as follows.
New decision from the Supreme Court of Norway regarding trade mark law
In the Kystgjerdet Case (HR-2022-2222), outdoor fence providers Vindex and Norgesgjerde filed a lawsuit against Kystgjerdet for trade mark infringement due to its use of their company names in advertising, both in the content of a specific advertisement and as a paid keyword visible in the Google search field. The lower courts ruled in favour of Vindex and Norgesgjerde, confirming the infringement.
However, the Supreme Court’s focus was primarily on determining the appropriate damages and compensation for the infringement. Vindex and Norgesgjerde initially sought a total of NOK10 million in compensation and damages, taking potential losses resulting from Kystgjerdet’s online advertisements into account. However, the Supreme Court ultimately awarded each company NOK800,000 after the Supreme Court found that Vindex and Norgesgjerde failed to establish a causal relationship between their decrease in revenue and Kystgjerdet’s advertisements, as well as the financial benefit gained by Kystgjerdet.
The Supreme Court based the compensation on a “reasonable licence fee” according to Section 58 of the Trade Marks Act. Since there was insufficient data available to determine the exact number of customers influenced by the disputed advertisements, the Supreme Court exercised discretion in determining the reasonable licence fee.
Data Protection
Regulatory enforcement
The Norwegian Data Protection Authority continues to be on the top ten list of supervisory authorities who have issued the highest amounts of fines since the GDPR entered into force, with a total of 51 fines totalling approximately EUR12.1 million. In 2023, the most noteworthy regulatory sanctions in Norway were the notification of intention to fine the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Authority (NAV) NOK20 million (approximately EUR1.8 million), which is the highest fine given by the Authority to a public body since the GDPR entered into force.
In 2023, the Norwegian Privacy Appeals Board also upheld the Authority’s record fine for Grindr of NOK65 million (approximately EUR5.8 million) from December 2021. This decision has now been appealed to the Oslo District Court.
However, the most attention in terms of regulatory enforcement in Norway in 2023 has been around the Authority’s July 2023 decision of provisional measures to prohibit behaviour-based marketing on Meta platforms because of the high risk to the privacy rights and freedoms of Norwegian users of the platforms. Meta challenged the decision in court but the Oslo District Court ruled in favour of the Data Protection Authority in September 2023. Meta launched a new court filing in October but this was later withdrawn as Meta changed to a pay-or-OK approach for behavioural advertising, where the users of the Meta platforms can pay a monthly fee to avoid the advertising.
The Authority’s position was largely supported by the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) in April 2024. The Data Protection Authority has also continued to sanction organisations of various sizes for commonplace and relatively minor compliance breaches.
The Authority’s practice in recent years, including in 2022 and 2023, as pertains to administrative fines, seemingly highlights a trend where the monetary amount of a fine relative to the size of the organisation, assessed on a case-by-case basis, is focused on more than establishing a predictable practice of standardised turnover percentages for various types of infringements.
Cybersecurity and data breaches
Norwegian companies and public authorities continue to see a noticeable increase in the number of direct and indirect attacks aimed at Norwegian companies. As with other European countries, the apparent motivations behind these attacks have been both geopolitical and commercial.
New regulations from the EU, such as the NIS2-directive and the Digital Operational Resilience Act, which are not yet in force in Norway, have also increased the pressure on companies to increase their information security resilience. As a result, assessing and managing cyber-related risk exposure is increasingly prioritised by Norwegian and global companies more generally.
Data transfers
In July 2023, the new EU-US Data Privacy Framework for transfers of personal data between the USA and EU was approved by the EU and the USA. This decision facilitated legal transfers of personal data between the USA and EU. The framework has already been subject to criticism and will most likely also be challenged in court by privacy activists.
The role of the DPO
The EDPB issued a report on 17 January 2024, focusing on the role of the data protection officer (DPO) after the implementation of the GDPR. The report, which resulted from a collaborative investigation across the EU, revealed that most DPOs feel confident in their skills and competence to carry out their tasks under the GDPR.
They also stated that they do not receive instructions on how to perform their duties. However, the report highlighted some challenges faced by DPOs, including:
The Norwegian Data Protection Authority has stated that they will carefully review the report and consider implementing any necessary measures. In recent times, there has been a shift in the role of DPOs, aligning more closely with the original intention of the GDPR. Instead of being solely responsible for executing data protection efforts, DPOs are now primarily focused on supporting, advising and monitoring compliance with the GDPR. This trend is expected to continue in 2024 as companies refine and update their GDPR compliance efforts.
Ruseløkkveien 38
0251 Oslo
Postboks 1484 Vika
NO-0116 Oslo
+47 23 11 11 11