The persistence of higher interest rates in the last 12 months, combined with inflation and energy costs have led to financial stress and several debt restructurings. Private equity funds and corporates have often faced liquidity squeezes, higher costs of funding and the tightening of standards by domestic banks, in a burdensome or sometimes unsustainable way for companies already impacted by the rate environment. This situation has led to complex refinancings (including a mix of senior/junior/payment in kind (PIK)/preferred equity), numerous amend-and-extend requests and, finally, debt restructurings. Recent economic developments such as interest rate cuts should boost loan origination and, overall, the syndicated loan market.
Global conflicts have led to geopolitical and economic volatility, itself exacerbated by numerous elections globally. This has contributed to a “wait and see” stance in the debt market, including market-related material adverse change provisions in commitment papers or higher due diligence requirements in relation to the relevant borrowers’ assets/markets.
The high-yield market in France continues to be driven by strong refinancing activity as issuers have often chosen to keep their low coupon for longer given the higher interest rate environment, hence creating a maturity wall in 2025–2026. In September 2024 there were two benchmark issues, including AccorInvest’s EUR750 million issue to refinance its existing debts
Alternative lenders are well established in the debt market and have continued to step in to fill the funding gap. Alongside traditional players, such as insurance companies, private credit funds have strengthened their presence by offering a greater variety of solutions, from debt (whole loan, mezzanine and junior) to equity (notably preferred equity).
A convergence between banks and alternative lenders (in respect of covenants, financial terms, etc) has led to a more heterogeneous pool of creditors where banks share senior loans with licensed alternative lenders (see 2.1 Providing Financing to a Company).
Banking and finance techniques continue to evolve to integrate ESG and sustainability considerations, and related reporting. In addition, mezzanine and preferred equity structures have proliferated to provide liquidity and overcome the lack of senior loans.
Europe continues to be one of the largest sources of sustainability-linked lending and bonds. In France, EDF remains a leader and has issued the equivalent of EUR14 billion in green bonds since November 2023. The French financial regulator (the Autorité des marchés financiers, or AMF) reiterated the benefits of these products while specifying that it would be vigilant about greenwashing. On the other hand, banking loans linked to sustainability criteria are also developing steadily and in June 2024 the Loan Market Association (LMA) and the International Capital Market Association (ICMA) published new guidelines for sustainability-linked loans (SLLs) financing bonds in addition to the documentation already existing for SLLs. Finally, the entry into force of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and its European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) in 2024, as well as the upcoming publication of the first CSRD’s sustainability reports in 2025, should increase the availability of more reliable and comprehensive ESG data.
Lenders tend to increasingly reward success with margin reduction and more systematically penalise failure. Beyond the usual commercial discussion of key performance indicators (KPIs) and the magnitude of the impact on margin, the consequences of failure need to be aligned with a concern for fair treatment and short or medium-term remediation options, so as not to penalise the borrower on a long-term basis.
Under French law, only licensed French and EU passported credit institutions and finance companies (sociétés de financement) are authorised to enter into credit transactions for consideration on a regular basis on the French territory, it being specified that credit transactions include lending activities, the purchase of non-matured receivables, financial leases when the lessee is granted an option to buy the leased asset, as well as the issuance of personal guarantees. Certain other entities or funds (including organismes de financement and securitisation organisations) may also carry out lending activities under conditions.
However, French law provides various exceptions to the requirement to hold a banking licence, such as payment delays, loans granted within a group, cash collateral in the context of a securities lending operation, and purchase of non-matured receivables by foreign entities whose corporate purpose or activities are similar to those of regulated entities authorised to lend in France under French law (such as foreign banks). Bonds issuance also falls beyond the scope of the French banking monopoly.
In order to obtain a credit institution licence from the European Central Bank (ECB) – or a finance company licence from the French Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority (Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution, or ACPR) – numerous and strict conditions must be satisfied, notably:
Foreign lenders shall comply with French banking monopoly rules described in 2.1 Providing Financing to a Company. Subject to conditions defined by EU law, an entity authorised to carry out banking activities in a European Economic Area (EEA) member state is entitled, if it chooses, to carry out the same permitted activities in any other EEA member state by either exercising the right of establishment (through a branch or agents) or providing cross-border services. An exception to the banking monopoly was introduced in 2017 allowing the transfer of unmatured receivables by a duly licensed French lender to assignee(s) not licensed in France subject to three conditions:
There is no specific restriction under French law on the granting of security or guarantees to foreign lenders, it being, however, specified that the benefit of assignment of professional receivables by way of security (Dailly assignment pursuant to L.313-23 to L.313-34 of the French Monetary and Financial Code), is reserved to duly licensed or passported lenders in France or otherwise authorised alternative lenders.
There are no exchange controls regarding foreign currency exchange in France.
Loan documentation generally provides for specific representations, warranties and further assurance provisions (usually not subject to remediation) from the borrower that the loans/debt securities are subscribed for its own account, and it shall comply with sanctions and all applicable anti-bribery and anti-money laundering regulations.
The agent role in credit documentation governed by French law was routinely based on a civil law power of attorney (Article 1984 and seq. of the French Civil Code). In addition, a special security agent regime (Article 2284 and seq. of the French Civil Code) provides that a security agent may be appointed to be the direct holder of the security and guarantees created for the benefit of the creditors of the secured obligations, and such security agent may also file any claim in any bankruptcy proceedings. The security and guarantees are segregated from the security agent’s own assets, together with any proceeds received by the security agent in that respect (management or enforcement).
Since a decision dated 13 September 2011, the French Supreme Court has recognised parallel debt structures in financings that are governed by foreign law and subject to French international public policy rules.
A loan transfer may be affected (in writing) by way of (i) assignment of rights (cession de créances), (ii) novation, (iii) assignment/transfer of agreement (cession de contrat) and (iv) assignment/transfer of debt (cession de dette).
The consent of (and notification to) the borrower in the loan transfer is required if such loan transfer is made under a transfer agreement (cession de contrat), transfer of debt (cession de dette) or novation. However, it is not necessary when a loan is transferred by way of assignment of rights (cession de créances), although such assignment shall be raised to the borrower by mere notification.
Debt buyback is generally permitted and based on LMA market standard provisions in syndicated loans/leverage financing; for private debt financing it is less common, but sponsors may still approach their lenders to repurchase debt at a discount.
Before launching a public takeover bid, financing must be secured and the initiator of the offer must select a presenting bank, which will file the offer with the AMF on its behalf. The filing must include a guarantee of the tenor and irrevocable nature of the commitments, and it must be accompanied by the draft offer document drawn up by the offeror, which shall mention, among other things, the financing terms for the transaction.
By law, the guaranteeing bank undertakes to settle the purchase price of the securities tendered as part of the offer (whether voluntarily or due to any mandatory squeeze-out mechanism). Consequently, guaranteeing banks rigorously ensure that the facility agreement (which does not need to be publicly disclosed or filed) does not grant lenders any “out” options during the certain funds period (except for very limited circumstances such as insolvency proceedings, change of control or payment default). It is standard for the guaranteeing bank to be party to the facility agreement and be entitled thereunder to request utilisations (without any condition precedent applicable) on behalf of the initiator during a certain funds period to cover the undertakings of the initiator under the offer.
Integration of ESG and sustainability considerations in bank and bond financing continues to impact the legal documentation. Please see 1.6 ESG/Sustainability-Linked Lending.
In terms of commercial developments, sectors such as renewable energy, infrastructure and data centres have been in the spotlight thanks to the Paris Olympics as well as a proactive national policy, although parliamentary elections have, to an extent, slowed progress in these areas.
French law provides usury rules applying to loans granted to consumers, therefore individuals acting for their professional needs or legal entities engaged in a professional activity fall beyond the scope of usury law. However, the prohibition of usury is extended to:
Any contractual loan granted at an overall effective rate which, at the time it is granted, exceeds by more than one-third the overall effective rate charged during the previous quarter by credit institutions and finance companies for transactions of the same nature involving similar risks, constitutes a usurious loan. The maximum legal rate is published periodically by the French central bank and differs according to the type of loan concerned.
From a civil law perspective, French law sanctions usury by reducing the interest received to the maximum authorised rate. The overpayment is then automatically deducted from the normal interest and, subsidiarily, from the principal of the debt. From a criminal law perspective, any person who grants or participates directly or indirectly in a usurious loan may be punished by two years’ imprisonment and a fine of EUR300,000 (this does not apply to usurious account overdrafts).
There is no general rule under French law requiring the disclosure of loan agreements to an authority or client, and French law further provides a banking secrecy obligation prohibiting credit institutions from disclosing any information pertaining to a client obtained within the context of their professional activity and which is of a confidential nature. By way of exception, information subject to banking secrecy must or may be disclosed in certain situations (for instance, Directive (EU) 2018/822 (DAC 6) requires disclosing cross-border arrangements by intermediaries or taxpayers to the tax authorities).
Credit institutions owe a duty of information on various aspects (including overall global rate) and are required to make disclosure pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 (SFDR) for investment products with regards to ESG considerations. According to the Taxonomy Regulation, banking institutions must publish their Green Asset Ratio (assets aligned with the European Taxonomy/total assets covered by the balance sheet).
Payments of principal made by French borrowers/issuers to lenders/bondholders are not subject to withholding tax. No French withholding tax applies to interest paid by a French borrower/issuer unless such payment is made onto an account opened with a financial institution situated in a country or territory which is deemed non-co-operative within the meaning of Article 238-0 A of the French Tax Code (NCCT). If payment is made into an NCCT, French withholding tax must be levied at the rate of 75%, unless otherwise provided in the relevant tax treaty or unless the borrower benefits from a safe harbour provision by demonstrating that the main purpose and effect of the transactions in respect of which the interest is paid is not to allow the location of such interest in an NCCT.
French borrowers/issuers cannot deduct from their taxable income interest (i) paid or accrued to beneficiaries domiciled or established in an NCCT or (ii) paid onto an account opened with a financial institution situated in an NCCT, unless the borrower benefits from a safe harbour provision by demonstrating that the main purpose and effect of the transactions in respect of which the payment is made is not to allow the location of such interest in an NCCT. Non-deductible interest could then be reclassified as a deemed dividend in respect of which a withholding tax obligation could arise.
Finally, fee payments made to non-French beneficiaries are subject under French law to a 25% French withholding tax unless the beneficiary of the payment can benefit from tax treaty protection (most of the tax treaties prevent France from applying such withholding tax).
Most financial transactions are exempt from VAT in France. However, lenders may opt for VAT and send a written registration to the relevant tax office, which takes effect on the first day of the month following its submission until it is revoked (which is only possible from January 1st of the fifth year following the year in which the option is exercised). From 1 January 2022, a lender may decide to apply the VAT option only to eligible transactions of its choice (previously, the option was global). It should be noted that specific rules in this regard apply to companies belonging to a VAT group.
French banks may be subject to bank levies by reference to their assets or liabilities, including the French taxe pour le financement du fonds de soutien aux collectivités territoriales (Article 235 ter ZE bis of the French Tax Code).
There are generally no stamp duties applicable to financing activities save for voluntary registration of the documentation or in relation to certain security.
As a result of the NCCT legislation, it is common for French borrowers/issuers to seek to include provisions that exclude gross-up obligations in circumstances where French withholding tax is due as a result of payments being made onto a bank account in a jurisdiction which, as a result of a change in the list of NCCTs, finds itself in an NCCT.
Financing agreements involving a French borrower/issuer also generally provide for a right of repayment and cancellation for the borrower/issuer and a mitigation obligation for the lender in case interest becomes non-tax deductible as a result of being paid or accrued to the benefit of lenders domiciled or established in an NCCT or paid onto an account opened with a financial institution situated in an NCCT. Restrictions on transfers to lenders domiciled or acting through an NCCT and countries of location of the agent are typical.
French borrowers/issuers increasingly frequently negotiate exclusions to the gross-up provisions on fee payments and request lenders to provide them with tax residency certificates before any fee payment.
The security interests over assets located in France that are generally required for standard collateral packages are as set out below:
As regards the trust (fiducie), such security requires the transfer of the concerned rights and assets to the trustee (fiduciaire) acting in favour of the secured creditor. The assets held by the trustee of the security trust are segregated. To be valid, a trust agreement must be registered with the local tax authorities within one month of its signing.
Registration always requires the payment of fees or taxes and a renewal on occasion to maintain the effectiveness and ranking of the security interests. All registered security interests must be drafted in French for validity or perfection purposes and shall address all the mandatory information required by law to be validly received by the relevant registrar. They can however be signed electronically pursuant to Articles 1366 and seq. of the French Civil Code, it being recalled that under French law, agreements may not be executed by counterparts.
French law does not provide for floating charge, which means that all the security interest corresponding to the debtor’s available assets must be combined in order to achieve the effects of the floating charge as far as possible.
Under French corporate law, a company has a corporate interest distinct from that of its shareholders or affiliates even in the case of a wholly owned subsidiary. If the contemplated transactions, such as the granting of security or guarantees, are detrimental to the guarantor’s corporate interest, it may be characterised as a misuse of credit or misappropriation of company assets pursuant to paragraph 3 of Article L. 242-6 of the French Commercial Code. The president, the general managers or the directors at fault may be subject to criminal sanctions. Lenders may also be potentially exposed to the risk of being held liable as accomplices under those violations (same article). These mandatory rules must be considered when negotiating guarantee limitation language applicable to French obligors granting personal guarantees.
Under prevailing French case law, security interests or guarantees granted by a subsidiary to guarantee the obligations of its parent company or another company within the same group do not constitute a misuse of credit or misappropriation of company assets if the following conditions are satisfied:
When enforcing these principles, the courts will always consider the circumstances of each particular transaction and tend to have a very strict approach.
Lastly, in case of opening of bankruptcy proceedings against a given debtor, if a creditor is held liable by a French court for damages resulting from the credit facilities granted to such debtor, the security and/or guarantees guaranteeing such credit facilities will be null and void. French law provides that creditors could be held liable by a French court only in case of fraud, interference (immixion) of the creditor in the management of the debtor or in the situation where the security interest and/or the guarantees obtained in consideration of the credit facilities are disproportionate to the credit facilities (see Article L. 650-1 of the French Commercial Code).
As regards a target granting guarantees or security, French law prohibits the use by a French limited liability company of its assets or credit to finance the purchase of or subscription to the company’s own shares. This applies to the granting of security by a company to secure the acquisition of or subscription to its own shares and gives rise to criminal sanctions (see Article L. 225-216 of the French Commercial Code). According to most legal scholars, this law should be interpreted restrictively as its violation gives rise to criminal sanctions. However, a minority of scholars adopt a broad interpretation and consider that the prohibition of financial assistance may still apply to the indirect acquisition of shares of a company acting as guarantor under the acquisition financing, for instance.
Financial assistance shall also be considered when merging the borrower and the target, or when implementing debt push-downs financed by external indebtedness subscribed by the target to refinance the acquisition debt at the end.
It is generally admitted that in the case of financial assistance, guarantees and security granted by the guarantor can be voided by French courts.
A certain number of transactions/acts, such as security and guarantee, can be challenged by the judicial administrator, the creditors’ representative, the liquidator or the Public Prosecutor (Ministère Public), if they have been granted during the hardening period (claw-back risk).
No consent is required with respect to the creation of security unless foreign investment control regulation applies to the assets over which security is created, or except for the prior consultation of the works council of a company (if any) when the granting of the relevant security involves any question on the organisation, management or general conduct of the company.
The security agent/creditors will enter into a deed of release, as the case may be, with the obligors when external debt repayment has occurred, and related security shall be released in accordance thereto (upon occurrence of the effective time). Such a release agreement pertaining to French law security may be governed by the same foreign law governing the underlying credit documentation even though it remains necessary to draw up a specific release agreement (which can be a short form appended to the global dead of release), drafted and governed by French law, when the release must be filed with a specific French register. Release of mortgages must involve the notary, and a specific notarial deed drawn up.
Beyond contractual priority arrangements provided by intercreditor agreements, the priority of competing security is dealt with by the security itself and its perfection or registration, depending on the nature of the security. If the security is subject to registration, the ranking of the security interest is determined by the date of registration. Otherwise, the ranking of the security is determined by the date on which the relevant perfection of that security is completed.
There are essentially two ways of implementing subordination, either structural subordination through dedicated capital structures to spread the senior/junior/PIK debts at different levels with separate covenants and collaterals; or contractual subordination through subordination/intercreditor agreement.
As regards contractual subordination, Articles L 626-30 and L 631-19 of the French Commercial Code provide, in the context of safeguard, accelerated safeguard and rehabilitation proceedings, when classes of affected parties are summoned, their setting up must comply with intercreditor/subordination agreements entered into by the affected parties before the commencement of the proceedings. The affected parties shall notify the existence of such agreements within ten days following the judicial administrator’s notification by any means. Otherwise, the agreements will not be enforceable in the context of the proceedings. To date there are several precedents where senior and subordinated lenders voted in separate classes based on an intercreditor/subordination agreement.
As matter of principle, a valid security enforceable against third parties will not be primed by other security arising by operation of law except as follows:
Under French law, enforcing collateral requires unpaid sums, either a payment default or following a notified acceleration; it being specified that security arrangements such as trusts (fiducie-sûreté or fiducie gestion) or golden share arrangements may, however, contractually provide for specific rights for the beneficiaries anticipating the payment default.
As regards means of enforcement, creditors have the choice between appropriating the collateral and/or disposing of it, either by way of judicial proceedings (judicial foreclosure or public auction) or, depending on the type of security, by way of private appropriation pursuant to contractual enforcement provisions (pacte commissoire) in the relevant security agreement. Enforcement under judicial proceedings may take some time while contractual enforcement may be swift, provided that the relevant security provider does not benefit from an automatic stay resulting from insolvency proceedings.
Foreign Law
With regard to contracts concluded in civil and commercial matters, the effectiveness of a clause on governing law, according to Rome I Regulation, depends on whether it forms part of a domestic or international contract. In accordance with Rome 1 Regulation:
it being specified that certain matters are excluded from the scope of the regulation (Rome I Regulation, Article 1.2).
Foreign Jurisdiction
Cases of international disputes before French courts are as follows:
Finally, the clause may be asymmetrical by allowing one of the parties the right to bring proceedings either before the court or courts designated in the clause, or before any other competent court or the courts of another state. Such a clause is valid only if it specifies the objective elements on which this alternative jurisdiction is based and must not be contrary to the objective of foreseeability and legal certainty. It should be highlighted that a decision of the EUCJ is expected shortly as to whether the validity of asymmetrical jurisdiction clauses shall be subject to EU member domestic laws or to EU Law.
Waiver of Immunity
The waiver of immunity may concern immunity from jurisdiction or immunity from enforcement. On the one hand, immunity from jurisdiction allows a state (or its bodies) not to be judged by anyone other than its own courts. This waiver is valid under certain conditions and the immunity is relative. The French Supreme Court has held that if a state may waive its immunity from jurisdiction in a dispute, this waiver must be certain, express and unequivocal (Cour de Cassation, 9 March 2011, No 09-14.743). On the other hand, immunity from enforcement enables a state to protect its assets from measures of execution, such as seizures. The “Sapin II Act” (9 December 2016) codified the conditions under which a state may effectively waive this immunity. The waiver must essentially be express (French Civil Enforcement Proceedings Code, Article L. 111-1-2) and, for assets allocated to diplomatic missions, special (French Civil Enforcement Proceedings Code, Article L. 111-1-3). Also, enforcement proceedings may only be implemented on property belonging to a foreign state with the prior authorisation of a judge (French Civil Enforcement Proceedings Code, Article L. 111-1-1).
A foreign judgment or arbitral award will not require a retrial of the merits of the case to be enforceable in France. The rules on the enforcement of a foreign judgment depend on whether the judgment is issued by a member state of the EU (Brussels I recast Regulation will apply) or by another foreign jurisdiction (international conventions or, in the absence thereof, French domestic law will apply). In any case, the foreign decision or the award must comply with French international public policy (Brussels I recast Regulation, Article 45).
There is no specific matter that could have an impact on a foreign lender’s ability to enforce its rights except when the enforcement of a security interest would result in the crossing of a certain threshold of share capital and/or voting rights or the acquisition of the control of a French company carrying out “sensitive activities” (such as activities likely to affect the interests of national defence, involved in the exercise of public authority) by a foreign investor where a prior approval of the French Minister of the Economy may be required.
French law provides for two types of restructuring proceedings. Firstly, pre-insolvency proceedings which are flexible, voluntary and confidential; and secondly, insolvency proceedings which are formal and public proceedings.
Effects of Restructuring Proceedings on Acceleration
The opening of pre-insolvency and insolvency proceedings (other than liquidation) shall not be a valid cause of acceleration. Notwithstanding any contractual provisions, creditors are prohibited from accelerating a loan for the sole reason that such proceedings have been initiated (or even filed). More generally, any contractual provision increasing the debtor’s obligations (or reducing its rights) for that sole same reason is also null and void. However, in theory (it has been recently refused by some courts) a lender can accelerate on the basis of other events of default. Nevertheless, acceleration will have no impact on the general prohibition to pay pre-filing claims (consequence of the automatic stay).
In liquidation, all claims become immediately payable when proceedings are opened unless business activities are expressly continued by the court on a temporary basis to ensure the preparation of a sale plan – in this case, claims become immediately payable when the court approves the sale plan or when the temporary continuation of business ceases.
Effects of Restructuring Proceedings on Enforcement
The commencement of pre-insolvency proceedings does not trigger any stay of payment nor enforcement actions. Yet the debtor can apply for a moratorium (for a maximum of two years) if any creditor attempts to enforce its rights while proceedings are pending or, in conciliation only, if such creditor refuses to grant a standstill for the duration of the proceedings (maximum five months).
In contrast, the commencement of insolvency proceedings triggers an automatic stay on (i) enforcement of payment obligations incurred prior to the opening of the proceeding and (ii) enforcement on related security over the assets of the debtor (including security interests granted over in guarantee of a third-party’s debt). In addition, any increase in the scope of security interests or retention right is strictly prohibited (accordingly, the effect of top-up clauses is suspended). In other words, the debtor is prohibited from paying its pre-filing creditors, which are prohibited from enforcing their rights. Nonetheless, there are limited exceptions including a set off right applicable to:
Statutory Ranking
The distribution of the company’s value follows a predetermined rank order, but the exact recoveries are rather unpredictable ex ante due to the high number of context-sensitive privileges. Nonetheless, the following cardinal principles apply.
In safeguard or rehabilitation proceedings, the ranking has limited application as creditors are usually paid pursuant to safeguard/reorganisation plans that are not based on the disposal of the debtor’s assets. It is however relevant where disposals of secured assets are implemented during the observation period or under the plan. In these limited circumstances, the ranking would usually be in the following order (ranking may slightly differ for immovable assets and assuming employees’ pre-filing claims will be repaid pursuant to the plan):
In liquidation proceedings, the priority rules of claims are the same, save for pre-petition claims secured by a mortgage that rank ahead of the post-petition claims benefitting from the statutory “post money” privilege, it being specified that security with a retention right allows the beneficiary to benefit from an exclusive right over the proceeds of the isolated sale of the affected assets. Similar exceptions apply to Dailly assignments and trusts (fiducies).
Contractual Ranking
Contractual ranking contemplates two situations: (i) pre-insolvency proceedings and (ii) safeguard and rehabilitation proceedings.
Pre-insolvency proceedings must comply with all contractual provisions, including those creating contractual priorities amongst creditors, unless otherwise agreed by all parties.
In safeguard (including accelerated safeguard) and rehabilitation proceedings, contractual ranking is considered to a different extent depending on the set-up (or not) of classes of affected parties. On one hand, the set-up of classes of affected parties must comply with intercreditor/subordination agreements entered into prior to the opening judgment and notified to the administrator. The court may allow the plan to divert from the ranking of creditors if this is deemed necessary and does not excessively prejudice the rights of affected parties. On the other hand, when creditors are consulted on an individual basis, contractual ranking is not expressly dealt with by the French Commercial Code. Practitioners mainly consider that the draft plan may provide for a differential treatment amongst creditors if it is duly justified by different situations, however, this issue has not been definitively ruled by French courts and remains debated. The court can also impose on dissenting creditors a ten-year maximum term-out, with the same instalments for all dissenting creditors, and as such the uniformity of a term-out scenario seems contrary to any form of ranking between creditors. In any case, it is usually considered that so-called “turnover” clauses shall remain applicable, since they only bind creditors between themselves.
Any restructuring process can be divided in two distinct phases: (i) the restructuring proceeding itself and (ii) the implementation of the restructuring plan approved further to these proceedings.
Each restructuring proceeding has its own rules regarding length:
The duration of the implementation phase of the restructuring plan depends on the content of the restructuring transaction and the framework in which it was approved. As regards debts write-off or debt-to-equity swaps, the implementation phase is by its nature very short. For other debts, rescheduling extension of maturity is usually shorter in pre-insolvency proceedings (usually one to five years, with a repayment sometimes based on refinancing prospects) than in insolvency proceedings (usually five to ten years, it being recalled that the court has the option, in certain circumstances, to impose a ten-year term-out plan to dissenting creditors).
Prospects of recovery for creditors depend on the nature and outcome of the restructuring proceedings:
French insolvency law offers pre-insolvency proceedings (ad hoc and conciliation proceedings) which are flexible, voluntary and confidential proceedings that aim to facilitate workouts between a distressed company and all or part of its major creditors under the supervision of a court-agent. They are frequently used as a first step to engage financial restructurings. Their attractiveness is also due to their confidentiality.
Ad hoc and conciliation proceedings are very similar and share the following key characteristics:
Three main risks for lenders if the borrower, security provider or guarantor were to become insolvent are (i) the risk of claw-back and hardening period, (ii) the risk of liability and (ii) the risk of shadow directorship.
The French project finance market has remained active in 2024, driven in particular by the environmental transition, mobility and transport sectors as well as, to a certain extent, the Olympic Games. In addition to the growing number of photovoltaic plants and wind farms (onshore or offshore) that have required financing, the last couple of years have also witnessed the emergence of new assets supported by project finance; notably, battery manufacturing plants for electric vehicles, charging stations for electric vehicles, hydrogen production sites and data centres.
Two main types of public-private partnership are used in France. Firstly, the concession agreement, which is an administrative contract pursuant to which a public entity entrusts a private partner the execution of works and/or the operation of a service in exchange for the right to operate the site or services.
Secondly, the partnership contract, also an administrative contract, pursuant to which a public entity entrusts a private partner the global mission of construction, transformation, renovation, dismantling or destruction of works, equipment or intangible assets required for a public service or the exercise of a mission of general interest and, as the case may be, the operation and maintenance of the public infrastructure.
The main difference is that under a concession agreement, the compensation of the concessionaire will mainly arise from payments made by users of the service (meaning that the private partner bears an operating risk, which is the main characteristic of a concession agreement under French law) whilst under a partnership contract, the public entity will pay a rent to the private partner in exchange of the performance of the mission. In particular, under a partnership contract, the public entity pays to the private partner an investment rent in exchange for the completion of the investment.
The legal framework for partnership contracts requires the public entity to carry out a prior assessment and a study of budgetary sustainability before using a partnership contract. For this reason, most of the public-private partnership transactions are now structured in the form of a concession agreement.
Under French law, there is no restriction on the project documents being governed by a law other than the French law, the choice of the applicable law therefore results from a choice by the parties. Gradually accepted and then clarified by French case law, this principle was enshrined in Rome I Regulation but remains subject to French mandatory provisions and policy rules.
Furthermore, under French law there is no restriction on the parties to the project documents (assuming that these contracts are entered into for the purpose of their professional activity) to submit the settlement of disputes arising from the performance of the contract to the courts of a country other than France or to international arbitration.
Under French Law, foreign investment control regulation applies when the following three conditions are met (unless specific exceptions apply): (i) the carrying out of an investment transaction, (ii) by a foreign investor, and (iii) in a sensitive activity. Any investment that falls within the scope of this regulation is subject to the prior authorisation of the French Ministry of Economy.
For instance, activities considered as sensitive will be those likely to affect the interests of national defence, involved in the exercise of public authority or likely to affect public order and public safety, when they relate to infrastructure, goods, or services essential to guarantee the integrity, security or continuity of water supply or power.
One of the main features of project finance is that the project is carried out by a dedicated vehicle which raises external financing to (partially) fund the design, construction, and operation of the project without any recourse against the sponsors (above their equity commitments). Lenders are repaid by the income generated by the project.
The first issue to be considered by sponsors is the choice of the legal form of the project company. They can choose to set up a joint venture or consortium (unincorporated association), a partnership, a limited partnership, or an incorporated entity such as a simplified joint stock company (société par actions simplifiée), the latter is the most commonly used given the limited liability (up to the equity contributions) of the shareholders and the flexibility of its operation and management. The second issue to be considered by sponsors relates to their respective roles in the project (including its funding), in the management bodies of the project company and the conditions pursuant to which a sponsor will be able to transfer its participation in the share capital of the project company.
Due to the absence of recourse against the shareholders, the main issue to be considered by lenders when structuring the deal is the risk allocation between the project parties (EPC contractor, operator, offtaker, etc) and the residual risks remaining at the project company’s level. The structuring of the security package is also key for the bankability of the project, enabling lenders, in a worst case scenario, to have access to the project assets (mortgage, pledge over movable assets, pledge over receivables, etc) and to the shares of the project company, it being specified that the structuring of the security package will also depend on the level on which the external financing is raised. Typically, the structuring of the security package will differ depending on whether the external financing is raised directly by the AssetCo or by a HoldCo (if financing a portfolio of projects for instance).
From the outset and irrespective of the nature of the external financing raised by the project company, the debt providers usually require a minimum level of equity from sponsors, which will vary depending on the nature of the project and risks identified.
In addition to equity financing, the main financing source used in France for project financing remains bank financing within the form of loans. Bonds are not commonly used, as such financing is more complex to implement where the funds are made available as the work progresses and rules governing the bondholders’ representation and voting rights can be less flexible (even if Ordinance No 2017-970 of 10 May 2017 has simplified the rules for bonds issuances reserved for qualified investors). Bond financing mainly concerns projects where sponsors have to broaden the pool of debt providers to entities which, as a result of the banking monopoly, are not allowed to make available funds in the form of loan. Depending on the nature of the project, sponsors may also obtain financing from institutional lenders such as, for instance, EIB, Bpifrance, CDC or AFD or obtain subsidies from public institutions or territorial entities (in this case, attention must be paid to the state aid regime).
Bridge financings made available by certain investment funds are increasingly used to allow sponsors to raise external financing during the project development phase (such bridge financing being refinanced by a traditional long-term bank financing once the project has reached the ready-to-build phase) and maximise their return. This is particularly the case for renewable energy projects, for which the availability of bank financing is usually contingent upon delivery of the required administrative authorisations and securing land rights, thus preventing the project company from raising external financing during the development phase of the project.
This is not an area covered by the authors.
French environmental law aims to prevent industrial risks; manage waste, water, and polluted soil; prevent adverse environmental impacts; and protect biodiversity. Depending on the nature of the project, prior authorisation must be delivered by state services to build and/or operate the project in accordance with environmental laws. These projects mainly concern installations, activities, works or projects likely to present inconveniences or dangers for health and the various interests protected by the French Environmental Code.
To simplify administrative procedures and improve visibility for project developers, a single environmental authorisation was created by Ordinance No 2017-80 of 26 January 2017, bringing together the various procedures and decisions required for installations classified for environmental protection (ICPE) and installations, works, and activities subject to water law (IOTA), subject to authorisation.
Installations subject to environmental authorisation are also subject to inspection and monitoring by the state services in charge of environmental protection (Direction régionale de l’environnement, de l’aménagement et du logement, or DREAL). Depending on breaches of environmental law that may have been observed, the DREAL may impose additional requirements, apply financial penalties, or even withdraw the environmental authorisation.
French labour law contains several rules designed to protect the health and safety of employees. On construction sites in particular, inspections are carried out by state services of the Ministry of Labour to ensure that construction companies comply with labour law and health and safety regulations applicable to their employees and to their subcontractors.
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Over the past year, the French banking and finance sector has navigated a landscape characterised by fluctuating interest rates, macroeconomic instability, geopolitical tensions, and the unexpected French general elections, which left the country in a state of uncertainty. These multiple factors have shaped the behaviour of corporate and investment banks, altered investor sentiment, and shifted the focus of market activity.
Such a range of developments have impacted the sector in many ways. The ups and downs of event-driven financing, the restrained deployment of capital, and the growing interest in public-to-private transactions, are all direct consequences of this intricate landscape. The constant rise of ESG concerns has also shaped the market and will continue to do so in the coming years. These themes shed light on the challenges and opportunities facing market participants as they attempt to navigate an increasingly complex environment.
Interest Rates: A Slight Reprieve But Not a Panacea
After years of historically low (and even negative) interest rates in France and the rest of the Eurozone, the past year has seen a notable uptick, followed by only a slight decrease, as central banks seek to balance inflation control with economic stability. This delicate dance has been critical for corporate and investment banks in France, as a lower interest rate environment typically stimulates borrowing and investment activity.
For much of the year, banks have found themselves in a relatively favourable position. The recent decrease in interest rates, though minor, has provided a much-needed boost to lending, especially for larger corporates. However, the anticipated positive knock-on effect for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) has been less significant. Many SMEs, already stretched thin by pandemic-related economic slowdowns, have been hesitant to take on additional debt even at lower rates. The significant drop in the Euro Private Placement market is a testament to this trend. This segment remains therefore cautious, waiting for clearer signals about future market stability.
Despite the marginal reduction in interest rates, concerns about inflation persist, with many wondering whether this reprieve is temporary. This ambiguity adds an unwelcome layer of uncertainty, making long-term strategic decisions for both lenders and borrowers more complicated.
Amendments, Maturity Extensions and the Ripple Effect
One of the most notable trends over the last 12 months has been the proliferation of amendments and maturity extensions within existing financing structures. As macroeconomic uncertainties remain unresolved, many companies have sought to renegotiate terms on their existing debt, particularly in anticipation of future maturity dates. These amendments often provide short-term relief, allowing borrowers to delay their obligations while awaiting clearer market conditions.
This trend reflects a broader sense of caution. Companies are keenly aware of the unpredictability of both the domestic and global economies. Rather than embarking on new ventures, many have opted for a more defensive posture, extending existing arrangements rather than pursuing new financing opportunities. This has had a ripple effect on corporate and investment banks, with many of them focusing on maintaining their current portfolios and ensuring the stability of their existing client relationships, rather than aggressively seeking out new business.
At the same time, the rise of maturity extensions and debt renegotiations has created some liquidity challenges for banks. While it allows them to keep their clients afloat, it also ties up capital that could otherwise be deployed into more lucrative or growth-oriented opportunities.
A Strong Year for Corporate and Investment Banks, But Event-Driven Financing Remains Patchy
Despite this challenging environment, corporate and investment banks in France have generally had a solid year. They have benefited from a resurgence – albeit lukewarm – of M&A activity and an uptick in corporate restructuring, both of which require sophisticated advisory services and bespoke financing arrangements. As companies adjust to the post-pandemic world, there has been a marked increase in corporate transactions, particularly in sectors such as technology, healthcare, and renewable energy.
However, event-driven financing (such as acquisitions, IPOs, and capital raises) has remained unpredictable. Much of this is due to broader macroeconomic factors, including the ongoing war in Ukraine, energy supply constraints, inflationary pressures, and the impact of the recent, unexpected French general elections. Investors are more hesitant to commit capital to major transactions when the future appears so uncertain. This has led to a notable slowdown in IPOs, especially for large corporations that would typically attract significant public market interest.
While there have been notable deals in specific sectors, particularly technology and energy, the overall volume of event-driven financing has been inconsistent. This “patchy” environment has made it more difficult for investment banks to forecast revenues, leading to a more cautious approach to capital deployment.
Limited Capital Deployment: A Hesitant Market
One of the most persistent challenges in the French banking and finance sector this year has been the relatively limited deployment of capital, particularly in real estate and leveraged finance. Despite investors’ hunger for returns, they have been cautious, holding back on committing significant sums to new ventures.
In the real estate sector, this reticence has been particularly noticeable. Rising construction costs, ongoing concerns about the long-term impact of the pandemic on office space demand, and environmental regulations have created a more challenging environment for real estate investments. As a result, capital that would typically flow into property markets has remained on the sidelines, with many investors waiting for clearer signals about where the economy and – regulatory framework – are heading.
In leveraged finance, particularly in the jumbo deal segment, the story is similar. While demand remains high, the risks associated with these deals – both in terms of interest rates and potential macroeconomic shocks – have caused many investors to hold off. This has led to a slowdown in large-scale leveraged buyouts (LBOs) and refinancing transactions. However, infrastructure (from data centres to communication towers) has presented interesting opportunities for funds with an appetite for this specific class of long-term assets.
Public-to-Private Transactions: A Bright Spot
Despite the hesitancy in certain sectors, one area where there has been considerable activity is public-to-private transactions. Private equity firms, in particular, have shown a strong interest in acquiring publicly listed companies and taking them private. This trend has been driven by several factors.
Firstly, the relatively low valuations of many publicly listed companies, especially in the context of ongoing market uncertainty, have made them attractive targets for private equity. Secondly, many companies are struggling to meet the short-term demands of public markets, where quarterly earnings reports tend to overshadow longer-term strategic goals. Private equity firms can offer these companies a way to focus on long-term growth without the pressure of constant market scrutiny and transparency.
This has created a favourable environment for public-to-private deals, with numerous large transactions completed in sectors ranging from technology to healthcare. Investment banks and legal advisors have played a crucial role in facilitating these transactions, which often require complex financing structures and regulatory approvals.
The Constant Rise of ESG Financing
One of the most notable trends in the French banking and finance sector over the past 12 months has been the steady rise of ESG (environmental, social and governance) financing. ESG has now transitioned from being a niche consideration for specific investors to a mainstream focus for financial institutions, corporates, and regulators alike. This movement has been driven by a confluence of factors, including regulatory pressure, investor demand, and increasing awareness of the financial risks associated with environmental and social issues.
In recent years, the European Union has taken significant steps to promote sustainable finance, and these regulations have had a profound impact on the French financial sector. Key among these initiatives is the European Green Deal, which aims to make the EU climate-neutral by 2050. The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) and the EU Taxonomy for sustainable activities have also introduced stricter requirements for financial institutions to disclose the environmental and social impact of their investments.
In response, many French banks and asset managers have begun to integrate ESG criteria into their investment decision-making processes, offering new products designed to meet the growing demand for sustainable investments. This shift is not just limited to large institutions; even smaller players are feeling the pressure to comply with these new regulations and cater to the evolving needs of their clients.
Moreover, the Banque de France encourages French financial institutions to align with the goals of the Paris Agreement and transition towards a more sustainable economy. The French central bank’s focus on climate-related financial risks, alongside the broader regulatory framework, has made ESG an essential consideration in both lending and investment strategies.
Beyond regulatory pressures, the rise in ESG financing is being driven by strong investor demand. Institutional investors, including pension funds, insurance companies, and sovereign wealth funds, are increasingly looking to align their portfolios with ESG criteria. This trend reflects a growing awareness that companies with strong environmental and social practices are more likely to perform well in the long term and face fewer risks related to regulatory penalties or reputational damage.
In France, this demand has translated into a surge in ESG-related financial products. Green bonds, sustainability-linked loans, and social bonds have become particularly popular. France is one of the leading issuers of green bonds in Europe, and the market for sustainability-linked loans (where the loan terms are tied to the borrower’s ability to meet specific ESG key performance indicators) has seen substantial growth. This has provided an opportunity for corporates to secure financing at favourable rates, provided they can demonstrate meaningful progress toward ESG goals.
While the rise of ESG financing has created numerous opportunities for French financial institutions and corporates, it also presents several challenges. One of the key issues is the lack of standardised ESG criteria. Although the EU has made significant strides with its taxonomy and regulatory framework, there is still no universal definition of what constitutes a “sustainable” investment. This lack of clarity can lead to greenwashing, where companies or funds exaggerate their ESG credentials to attract investors.
Furthermore, the cost of transitioning to sustainable practices can be high, particularly for sectors such as heavy industry and real estate. Companies must invest significant capital to meet ESG requirements, which can create short-term financial pressures. However, those that succeed in making the transition stand to benefit from the increasing flow of capital into ESG-focused funds.
Looking Ahead: Challenges and Opportunities
As the French banking and finance sector moves forward, several key challenges and opportunities will shape its trajectory. Macroeconomic uncertainty, particularly related to inflation, energy supplies, and geopolitical tensions, will continue to cast a shadow over the sector: liquidity issues may arise and lead to a rise in distressed situations, not only in the leveraged space but also in the corporate world. Additionally, the outcome of the French general elections and the resulting political and institutional instability could lead to significant policy shifts, impacting everything from taxation to labour laws.
However, there are also reasons for optimism. As mentioned above, the continued focus on sustainability and ESG criteria offers a growing area of opportunity for financial institutions, particularly in terms of green financing and sustainable investment products. Additionally, the digital transformation of the financial sector (accelerated by both the pandemic and ongoing technological innovations) will provide new ways for banks and investors to operate more efficiently and reach new markets.
The past year has been one of both challenges and opportunities for the French banking and finance sector. While interest rates have started only recently to fall, providing some much-needed relief, macroeconomic uncertainties continue to create a complex operating environment. The particularly complex political and institutional situation in France will continue to hinder the confidence of the market and its players. Therefore, investors are likely to remain cautious, particularly in key areas such as real estate and leveraged finance, but the rise of public-to-private transactions offers a bright spot in an otherwise turbulent market.
As we look to the future, it is clear that adaptability and strategic foresight will be crucial for market participants. Those who can navigate the uncertainties while capitalising on emerging opportunities – such as ESG investing and digital transformation – will be best positioned for success in the years ahead.
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