Employment 2024

Last Updated September 05, 2024


Law and Practice


Bloomfield LP is one of Nigeria’s top labour and employment law firms. Its expert team is composed of professionals with years of experience in corporate immigration, employment and labour law. The firm has built a strong reputation for addressing complex employment issues for major players across various industries, both locally and internationally. Its team excels in facilitating employer-employee negotiations, addressing complex matters such as terminations, mutual termination agreements and wrongful termination claims. The team handles a robust portfolio of cases, offering legal advice on drafting essential employment documents – including employment contracts, company policies, handbooks and policy reviews – and helping clients ensure compliance with Nigerian laws. Its expertise also extends to advising on, inter alia, employee benefits, structuring agreements with employers of record, and navigating trade union negotiations.

There are two formally recognised employment categories, namely “Workers” and “Employees”.

Workers: Workers, as defined by the Nigerian Labour Act, encompass those who perform manual labour or clerical work. This category includes casual workers, contract staff and part-time workers. They may engage in physical tasks like construction, manufacturing and maintenance. Workers enjoy basic labour protections under the Labour Act but may not receive the extensive benefits afforded to Employees under formal employment contracts.

Employees: Under the Labour Act, any individual engaged in administrative, executive, technical or professional functions is not a Worker and is not covered under the Labour Act. Such persons are commonlyreferred to as Employees. They typically work under formal employment contracts. Examples include full-time managers, engineers and lawyers.

Other Statuses: Apart from Employees and Workers, independent contractors form another significant category within the Nigerian labour market. These individuals, such as freelancers, operate without formal Employee status or the full statutory protections provided to Workers. They negotiate contracts for specific services and operate more independently within their respective professions.

There are three basic types of employment contracts, namely:

  • Full-Time/Permanent/Indefinite Employment Contract: This type of contract provides indefinite employment with no set end date. Permanent employees are entitled to benefits such as health insurance, pensions and paid vacations, in addition to their wages.
  • Fixed-Term/Definite Employment Contract: This type of contract specifies a predetermined duration for the employment, typically for a specific project or period. Fixed-term employees may receive similar benefits to permanent employees but only for the contract’s duration.
  • Part-Time Employment Contract: This type of contract is entered into for employment with fewer working hours than a full-time position. Such contracts may also be for a definite or indefinite period.

Requirement of Contracts

Section 7 of the Labour Act requires employers to issue a written contract to Workers within three months of starting the employment relationship.

For Employees, while there is no statutory requirement for contracts to be in writing, it is highly advisable to have written contracts. Written contracts provide clarity and serve as a reference point, forming the basis of the formal employment relationship between the parties.

The Labour Act does not stipulate maximum working hours for Workers. However, guidance is generally derived from the ILO Hours of Work Convention, 1919, which limits work hours in industrial undertakings to eight hours per day and 48 hours per week.

The Labour Act also permits flexible arrangements, stating that normal working hours can be determined:

  • by mutual agreement;
  • by collective bargaining within the organisation or industry concerned; or
  • by an industrial wages board, established by relevant legislation, where there is no machinery for collective bargaining.

Flowing from the above, the Labour Act allows for flexible working arrangements within the legal limit of eight hours per day.

It is important to note that the Labour Act generally prohibits women and young persons from engaging in night work in the industrial and agricultural sectors. Therefore, flexible working arrangements must adhere to these restrictions.

While the Labour Act specifically applies to Workers, it is generally expected to serve as a guideline for employers when setting work hours.

Terms Required for Part-Time Contracts

Section 7 of the Labour Act requires the inclusion of the following terms for Workers:

  • the nature of the employment;
  • the duration of the employment;
  • the appropriate notice period;
  • the rates of wages and calculation thereof, and the manner and periodicity of payment of wages;
  • terms and conditions relating to hours of work and overtime;
  • statutory entitlements including leave, leave requirements and any provisions for sick pay, and maternity leave for female Workers, etc; and
  • any special conditions of the contract.

Employers may adopt similar terms for part-time Employees.


The Labour Act defines overtime as any work performed beyond the normal working hours stipulated in the agreement or contract between the employer and employee. The Labour Act does not mandate a specific limit on overtime hours or prescribe a set rate for overtime pay.

Regulation on overtime is minimal beyond this definition. Generally, the preferred approach is for the employer and employee to mutually agree on the rate of overtime compensation in the employment contract.

The Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) has approved a new minimum wage threshold for Nigerian workers. This new development was confirmed in the statement from the Office of the Minister of Information announced on Thursday, July 18, 2024. The Executive Bill for this wage adjustment was presented to the National Assembly by Tuesday, July 23, 2024. The National Minimum Wage, as approved by the Federal Government, is Seventy Thousand Naira (₦70,000.00) ($43).

Thirteenth-month salaries and bonuses are not stipulated benefits under the law. These payments are typically outlined in employment contracts and can be determined by mutual agreement between the employer and employee. The agreement between the parties also determines whether such payments shall be mandatory or at the discretion of the employer, and under which circumstances they may be paid.

Vacation/Leave in Nigeria

The Labour Act outlines the following provisions regarding leave and benefits:

  • Workers with at least 12 months of service are entitled to a minimum of six working days of annual leave with full pay.
  • Annual leave can be accumulated for up to two years with mutual agreement.
  • Employers cannot provide monetary compensation instead of leave, except upon termination.
  • Public holidays during annual leave do not count against leave entitlement.
  • Leave allowance is not mandated by law but may be provided as per contracts or company policies.
  • There is no standard or mandated leave allowance calculation. Leave allowance varies from one employer to another based on the contract.
  • A Worker is entitled to up to 12 working days of paid sick leave per calendar year for temporary illness certified by a registered medical practitioner.
  • Women are entitled to 12 weeks of maternity leave, with six weeks taken before delivery and six weeks after. During this period, they should receive 50% of their salary. Some states may have different maternity leave regulations.
  • A nursing mother is permitted half an hour, twice a day during working hours, to nurse her child.
  • Paternity leave is not provided under the Labour Act but is approved by the Federal Government for men working in public service or federal roles. Some states in Nigeria, namely Enugu and Lagos, also offer paternity leave to male Employees in public service. Enugu permits three weeks, while Lagos permits two weeks only for the first two children of such Employees. Paternity leave pay is not specified/mandated under these regulations.

While the provisions of the Act specifically cover Workers, the National Industrial Court (NIC) often uses them as a standard for leave benefits for Employees in Nigeria. Employers are also encouraged to adhere to international standards and best practices as the NIC has statutory authority to apply ratified international laws in its judgments.

Limitations on Confidentiality and Non-disparagement Agreements

Nigeria does not have statutory provisions addressing confidentiality and non-disparagement agreements comprehensively. However, the NIC generally considers the following limitations when evaluating the enforceability of such agreements:

  • Public Domain: Information that becomes publicly known through lawful means cannot be subject to confidentiality obligations. Once information is in the public domain, it loses its confidential status.
  • Public Order, Public Policy or Legal Requirements: Confidentiality and non-disparagement agreements cannot override laws, public policy or legal requirements. Employees have the right to disclose information required by law or in the public interest, such as illegal activities or matters affecting public safety.
  • Illegality: Confidentiality clauses in employment contracts or contracts related to illegal activities are generally illegal ab initio. Courts would not enforce agreements that involve illegal activities or are against public policy.

Employee Liability for Breach of Confidentiality and Non-disparagement Agreements

  • Termination of employment for breach of confidentiality and/or non-disparagement agreement where such can be proven and constitutes a valid ground for termination under the contract.
  • Damages for breach of contract.
  • Accounting for profits obtained by the employee as a result of the breach.
  • Contractual penalties (if specified under the contract).
  • Bearing the cost for legal action by the employer (at the discretion of the court).

Limitation of Liability: For these liabilities to apply, the employer must be able to demonstrate that a breach occurred and provide evidence of the damages incurred or profits obtained by the employee.

Requirement of Reasonableness for the Validity of Non-compete Clauses

Nigerian courts emphasise the importance of reasonableness in non-compete agreements. The restrictions imposed by any such clause – such as geographic scope, duration, and the specific line of business being restricted – must be fair and balanced. The terms must be clearly defined and proportionate to protect the legitimate business interests of the employer.

Enforcement of Non-compete Clauses

The enforceability of non-compete clauses hinges on their reasonableness and their necessity to protect the employer’s legitimate business interests, rather than merely stifling competition. Each case is evaluated on its merits. For instance, in the case of Lacasera Company v Mr Prahad Gangadharan, the court deemed a non-compete clause invalid and unfair for prohibiting the employee from accepting any job in a similar field for five years post-employment. Similarly, in 7th Heaven Bistro Limited v Mr Amit, the NIC ruled against a three-year non-compete clause deemed excessively restrictive and unfair.

Courts assess factors such as the nature of the employer’s business, the employee’s access to confidential information or trade secrets, and the impact of the restriction on the employee’s ability to earn a livelihood.

Non-solicitation clauses in employment contracts are designed to prevent former employees from enticing current employees to leave the company and join a competitor or a new business venture. Non-solicitation clauses relating to customers prevent former employees from contacting or soliciting the former employer’s clients, customers or business contacts after they leave the company. These clauses are essential for protecting the company’s business relationships, workforce and client base.

For non-solicitation clauses to be enforceable, they must be reasonable in scope, duration and geographical area. The Nigerian courts typically seek to ensure that these clauses are not overly restrictive and do not unfairly limit an individual’s ability to work. For instance, in the case of Infinity Tyres Limited v Mr Sanjay Kumar & 3 Ors (Unreported Suit No. NICN/LA/170/2014), the NIC emphasised the importance of specificity and reasonableness in non-solicitation clauses. The Court noted that while it could have upheld the clause if it specified the industry or company to which the restraint applied, it ultimately rejected the clause for being overly broad. The clause attempted to prevent Mr Kumar from taking up any employment in Nigeria, which the Court found unreasonable and non-specific.

Nigeria does not have a comprehensive regulation specifically protecting data privacy in the workplace. However, several existing laws can be applied to address data privacy protection in the workplace:

  • The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (1999), as amended: This guarantees the right to privacy of citizens.
  • The Nigeria Data Protection Regulation (NDPR) 2019: This provides comprehensive guidelines on data protection and privacy. It mandates that organisations, including employers, must ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of personal data. It requires employers to obtain consent for data collection, limit data use to necessary purposes, secure data, and uphold employees’ rights to access and correct their data.
  • The Cybercrimes (Prohibition, Prevention, Etc.) Act 2015: This Act prohibits unlawful interception of communications and mandates data protection measures.

Foreign employees and companies hiring foreign employees must obtain the necessary permits, including an expatriate quota, a visa, and a Combined Expatriate Residence Permit and Aliens Card (CERPAC) or temporary work permit, depending on the duration of the work.

Employers must facilitate skill transfer from expatriates to local employees through training programmes to enable Nigerians take over such positions after a period.

The government enforces local content policies, especially in sectors like oil and gas, to prioritise Nigerian employment.

Companies must prove they have conducted labour market testing to show the unavailability of local talent before hiring expatriates.

Expatriate Quota: Companies intending to employ expatriates must register and obtain an expatriate quota from the Ministry of Interior.

CERPAC: Foreign employees employed by a Nigerian company must register with the Nigerian Immigration Service (NIS) upon arrival and obtain a CERPAC. This serves as both a residence permit and a work authorisation document.

Emigrant Registration: Foreign employees must also complete emigrant registration with the NIS. This involves providing personal details, employment information and any other relevant documentation required by the NIS.

There are no specific regulations regarding mobile work in Nigeria.

Data Privacy: While there is no specific law on data privacy during mobile work, the NDPR requires organisations to protect personal data collected or processed within Nigeria. Employers must ensure that data accessed or processed during mobile work is handled in compliance with this regulation. Employees must also be informed about how their data will be collected, used and protected.

Occupational Safety and Health: Employers are required under the Factories Act and the Labour Act to ensure the safety and health of their employees, including those engaged in mobile work. Employers must conduct risk assessments for mobile work environments and provide necessary safety equipment and training to mitigate risks. Employees must also adhere to safety protocols and report any hazards encountered during mobile work.

Public Sector: In the Nigerian public sector, under the provision of the Public Service Rules, officers on Grade Level 15 and above are eligible for a one-year sabbatical leave.

Academic Institutions: Sabbatical leave is most common in academic institutions. Universities and research centres typically grant sabbatical leave to faculty members for research, further education or other scholarly activities. This leave is usually granted every seven years for a duration of up to one year.

Private Sector: Some progressive private sector companies may offer sabbatical leave as part of their employee benefits package or may grant such on request. This leave can be used for personal growth, for skill development or to prevent burnout.

There is no specific national legislation governing sabbaticals, but they are a well-established practice in academia and public service.

There is no regulatory provision with regard to desk sharing; however, since the pandemic, many private employers that have designed remote work policies have added desk sharing as part of the policy in order to manage office space.

Trade unions play a significant role in the labour market in Nigeria, serving as vital intermediaries between Workers and employers. They have a strong historical presence and continue to influence labour relations, workplace conditions and labour laws. Once a union is duly registered by the Registrar of Unions, it gains recognition under Nigerian law and possesses the legal authority to exercise various powers as stipulated by the Trade Unions Act, including negotiation and advocacy, dispute resolution, legal representation in disputes, etc.

Role of Unions

  • Promotion of collective bargaining agreements
  • Maintaining peace and harmony in the work environment
  • Contribution to members’ welfare
  • Representation of employees

See 6.1 Unions.

Collective bargaining agreements (CBAs) are legally binding contracts negotiated between employers and labour unions or representatives on behalf of employees. These agreements record the terms and conditions of employment, including wages, working hours, benefits, grievance procedures, and other workplace policies reached between the parties after the bargaining process. The process of negotiating a CBA involves both parties bargaining in good faith to reach mutually acceptable terms that balance the interests of labour and management. They are enforceable under Nigerian labour law and provide a framework for resolving disputes through agreed-upon procedures, thereby promoting harmonious employer-employee relations.

CBAs are recognised in Nigeria in both public and private employment.

Motive for Termination of Employment

Previously, the law on termination was that motive was irrelevant as long as the terms of the contract were complied with, and an employer had the right to terminate an employee’s contract either with or without reason, provided this was done within the ambit of the law and the clearly stated provisions of the employment contract. That position has, however, shifted, with the NIC specifying that an employer must now provide a valid reason for such termination connected with the capacity or conduct of the worker or based on the operational requirements of the undertaking, establishment or service, as held in Duru v Skye Bank Plc and Aloysius v Diamond Bank Plc.

Procedure for Dismissal

An employer has the right to terminate an employment contract through dismissal without notice in cases of gross misconduct, as defined by common law. This right is typically outlined in the employment contract, which specifies the grounds for such dismissal. Commonly reaffirmed grounds under Nigerian law include fraud, criminal conduct, professional misconduct, incapacity, dishonesty, etc. The procedural requirements for dismissal vary depending on the grounds for termination:

Performance-related dismissal

1. Document performance issues and provide feedback.

2. Issue formal warnings and offer a performance improvement plan.

3. Allow the employee time to improve their performance.

4. If there is no improvement, proceed with termination, ensuring the process and documentation are clear and transparent.

Misconduct-related dismissal

1. Conduct a thorough investigation of the alleged misconduct.

2. Provide the employee with an opportunity to respond to the allegations (Baba v NCATC (1991) 5 NWLR (PT. 192) 388).

3. Based on the investigation and hearing, decide on termination for gross misconduct (Olatunbosun v NISER Council [1988] 3 NWLR (Pt. 80) 25).

Generally, where the employment contract has set out the procedure, it should be followed, and the employers must ensure they align with best practices and legal standards.

Collective Redundancies

Collective redundancies are permitted and recognised under Nigerian law. The Labour Act, which is the primary legislation regulating labour and employment, defines redundancy as an involuntary and permanent loss of employment caused by excess manpower. Flowing from this, various reasons have been accepted/endorsed by the Nigerian courts as being valid grounds for redundancy, including technological advancement.

Procedure for Collective Redundancies

The Labour Act outlines the steps an employer must take in the event of redundancy:

  • Notification: The employer must inform the trade union or Workers’ representative of the reasons for and the extent of the anticipated redundancy.
  • Selection Criteria: The principle of “last in, first out” should be adopted for the category of Workers affected, taking into account factors such as skill, ability and reliability.
  • Redundancy Payments: Negotiations should be conducted regarding redundancy payments to any discharged Workers.

The above procedure applies to Workers as defined by the Labour Act.

For employees

In the case of Employees, redundancies are regulated by the terms of the employment contract, the CBA (if applicable) and the company’s handbook (collectively referred to as the “Documents”). When a dispute arises, the court will enforce the terms of these Documents.

The law states that the removal of an Employee by redundancy does not entitle them to any benefits beyond those specified in the employment contract. Therefore, the entitlements of an Employee declared redundant are strictly as agreed in the contract. If the employment contract or applicable document specifies redundancy payments or benefits, the employer must comply with these terms; otherwise, it may constitute a breach of contract.

Entitlements for Workers

For Workers, entitlements will be determined by the outcome of negotiations between the trade union/employee representatives and the employer.

Notice Period

The Labour Act provides statutory notice periods for Workers in Nigeria. The length of the notice period typically depends on the Worker’s length of service and the terms specified in the employment contract. According to the Labour Act, the notice periods are as follows:

  • one day’s notice for a Worker who has been employed for a period of three months or less;
  • one week’s notice for a Worker who has been employed for more than three months but less than two years;
  • two weeks’ notice for a Worker who has been employed for a period of two years but less than five years; and
  • one month’s notice for a Worker who has been employed for five years or more.

For Employees, the notice periods are generally defined under the employment contract. However, most employers are guided by the provisions of the Labour Act in defining their notice periods.

Formalities to be Observed

Written Notice: The notice of termination must be in writing.

Employment Contract: The employment contract may specify certain formalities to be observed in the case of termination. Where this is the case, the employer must carry out all the necessary formalities.

Payment in Lieu of Notice: By virtue of Sections 11 (6) and (9) of the Labour Act, employers can terminate employment immediately by paying the Worker for the notice period instead of requiring them to work through it. The same applies for Employees if so provided under the employment contract. The termination notice must inform the Employee of this.

Payment of Outstanding Benefits: The employer is required to pay any outstanding benefits, including:

  • the salary of the Employee for the period already worked;
  • salary in lieu of notice if termination is immediate;
  • severance pay, if any, as specified in the employment contract; and
  • other earned entitlements such as bonuses and allowances, as provided in the employment contract.

Severance Pay

The Labour Act does not mandate severance pay for general terminations. However, the terms of the employment contract or CBA may stipulate severance pay, and in such cases, the employer is obligated to comply with those terms. Many employment contracts include clauses that provide for severance pay in the event of termination, especially for higher-level Employees or where CBAs are in place. Employers must adhere to these contractual obligations.

Furthermore, in cases of redundancy, the Labour Act requires that redundancy payments be negotiated with the trade union or Workers’ representatives. The specific amount and terms of redundancy pay are not defined by law but can be determined through negotiations between the employer and the Workers’ representatives.

While external advice is not legally required for terminating employment, it is often advisable for employers to seek legal counsel before proceeding with termination to ensure compliance with relevant laws and reduce the possibility of wrongful termination claims. For mass layoffs and redundancies, notifying the relevant labour authorities may be necessary.

Summary Dismissal

Summary dismissal is the immediate termination of an employee’s contract without notice due to serious misconduct or significant failure in performance. This is justified under common law based on the employee’s conduct or capabilities. The Nigerian case Jombo v Petroleum Equalisation Fund (Management Board) & ors highlights the distinction between termination and dismissal: ‘‘Termination’’ or ‘‘dismissal’’ of an employee by the employer means bringing the employment to an end. Under a termination of appointment, the employee is enabled to receive the terminal benefits under the contract of employment. Dismissal’, on the other hand, is punitive and, depending on the contract of employment, very often entails a loss of terminal benefits.

Generally, where the employment contract has set out the procedure, the contract specifies a procedure for dismissal, and it must be strictly followed. Employers must ensure the procedure outlined under the contract is in alignment with best practices and legal standards.

The procedural requirements for dismissal vary depending on the grounds for termination as follows:

Performance-related dismissal

1. Document performance issues and provide feedback.

2. Issue formal warnings and offer a performance improvement plan.

3. Allow the employee time to improve their performance.

4. If there is no improvement, proceed with termination, ensuring the process and documentation are clear and transparent.

Misconduct-related dismissal

1. Conduct a thorough investigation of the alleged misconduct.

2. Provide the employee with an opportunity to respond to the allegations (Baba v NCATC (1991) 5 NWLR (PT. 192) 388).

3. Based on the investigation and hearing, decide on termination for gross misconduct (Olatunbosun v NISER Council [1988] 3 NWLR (Pt. 80) 25).


Failure to follow the appropriate process or lack of valid grounds for dismissal can lead to several adverse outcomes:

  • Damages: Employees may successfully claim unfair dismissal, resulting in damages awarded against the employer.
  • Loss of Reputation: Mishandling dismissals can damage the employer’s reputation.
  • Legal Costs: Employers may incur significant legal expenses.
  • Reinstatement: Courts may order the reinstatement of the employee to their former position.

Termination agreements are permissible in Nigeria. They stand as legally binding contracts between an employer and an employee that outline the terms and conditions of the employee’s departure from the company. Termination agreements must comply with the requirements/formalities of a contract under law. These include:

  • Form: The agreement must be in writing, signed by the parties and witnessed.
  • Mutual Consent: The agreement must be made mutually by both parties, free from fraud, duress, undue influence, or other vitiating factors that could invalidate the contract.
  • Consideration: There must be a form of consideration provided, such as terminal benefits. These benefits should be clearly negotiated and included in the termination agreement.

Limitations on Termination Agreement Terms

Non-disparagement Clauses: Such clauses must not infringe on the employee’s freedom of speech to an unreasonable extent.

Confidentiality Agreements: Any confidentiality clauses should be specific and not overly broad to avoid being considered unenforceable.

Restrictive Covenants: Restrictive covenants such as non-compete or non-solicitation clauses must be reasonable in terms of duration, geographical scope and scope of activities restricted.

Waivers of Future Claims: The agreement cannot lawfully waive the employee’s right to bring future claims relating to issues that may arise after the agreement is signed.

Layoffs and Redundancies: In cases of mass layoffs or redundancies, employers may need to comply with additional regulatory requirements, such as notifying the relevant labour authorities before concluding such termination agreements.

By virtue of Section 54 (4) of the Labour Act, employers are prohibited from terminating the contract of any female Worker who is absent due to maternity leave, or who remains absent from her work for a longer period as a result of illness that arose out of her pregnancy or confinement and renders her unfit for work.

Furthermore, under the Guidelines for the Release of Staff in the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry 2019, employers that hold an oil mining lease, licence or permit (or an interest therein) issued under the Petroleum Act or under regulations made pursuant to the Petroleum Act, are required to obtain an approval from the Minister of Petroleum Resources (the “Minister”) for the dismissal of a worker. The Department of Petroleum Resources will conduct an inquiry into the circumstances of the proposed staff release and make a decision on whether to convey the Minister’s approval or otherwise.

The Staff Release Guidelines stipulate a penalty, not exceeding the sum of USD250,000, for failure to comply with the Staff Release Guidelines.

Wrongful dismissal claims can arise from several factors, including:

  • failure to follow due process:
    1. not providing a fair hearing;
    2. not adhering to procedures outlined in the employment contract;
  • dismissal on invalid grounds:
    1. termination based on grounds not justified by evidence;
    2. discriminatory or retaliatory dismissal; and
  • lack of sufficient proof:
    1. insufficient documentation or evidence to support the reasons for dismissal.

Consequences of Wrongful Dismissal Claim

Failure to follow the appropriate process or lack of valid grounds for dismissal can lead to several adverse outcomes:

  • Damages: Employees may successfully claim unfair dismissal, resulting in damages awarded against the employer.
  • Loss of Reputation: Mishandling dismissals can damage the employer’s reputation.
  • Legal Costs: Employers may incur significant legal expenses and may be required by court to recompense the employee for the legal cost for the court proceeding.
  • Reinstatement: Courts may order the reinstatement of the employee to their former position.

Grounds for Claims of Discrimination

The NIC rules provide that where there is a claim of alleged workplace discrimination, the claimant shall state on which grounds the claim is based, which may include the following:

  • ancestry;
  • religion;
  • gender;
  • marital status;
  • family situation;
  • genetic heritage;
  • ethnic origin;
  • political or ideological convictions;
  • union affiliation;
  • tribe;
  • handicap or disability;
  • health;
  • pregnancy; and
  • any other ground.

Burden of Proof

In Nigeria, the burden of proof for discrimination in the workplace primarily rests on the employee (the one who alleges the discrimination). The employee must provide sufficient evidence to support their claim of discriminatory practices by the employer. Once the employee establishes a prima facie case of discrimination, the burden shifts to the employer to provide a legitimate, non-discriminatory reason for the actions in question. The decision of the court is usually based on the balance of probabilities.

In termination cases where there is a claim of termination for discriminatory reasons, it is not for the employee to show that the termination was discriminatory; it is for the employer to justify the said termination. The law is that once an employer gives a reason for terminating or dismissing an employee, the burden lies with the employer to justify the said reason (Angel Shipping & Dyeing Ltd v Ajah [2000] 13 NWLR (Pt.685) 551 CA).

Virtual Hearings and Remote Court Sittings

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the NIC was prompted to commence virtual hearings, as recommended by the Court of Appeal. Following this, the NIC Practice Directions of 2020 included provisions for virtual proceedings. The NIC continues to practise virtual hearings, allowing parties to participate in their proceedings from any part of the country via their website.

The NIC encourages and promotes virtual court sittings (also referred to as “remote court sittings” or “online court sittings”) for matters that do not require the taking of evidence.

E-filing Centre

The NIC Rules, Order 6A, establishes an E-filing Centre for electronic filing and the payment of filing fees for processes and documents relating to or connected with a matter before the court.

It provides that a party or counsel to a party may e-file any process or document that may be filed with the court in paper form, except:

  • documents to be presented to the court in camera (ie, in chambers) solely for the purpose of obtaining a ruling; and
  • documents to which access is otherwise restricted by law or court order.

Specialised Employment Forums

The NIC is the primary forum for employment disputes in Nigeria. It has exclusive jurisdiction over labour, employment, trade unions, industrial relations, and conditions of service matters, as established by the 1999 Nigerian Constitution (Third Alteration) Amendment Act 2010.

In furtherance of its authority, the NIC has established an additional forum for hearing employment disputes through means of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) – the NIC Alternative Dispute Resolution Centre. The NIC offers parties the option of ADR using two mechanisms – mediation and conciliation. The ADR Centre may handle civil matters involving disputes between employers and employees, disputes arising from health at the workplace, disputes arising from safety at the workplace, and disputes arising from the welfare of workers.

Class Action Claims

Class action claims are permitted in employment disputes in Nigeria. According to Order 13 Rule 11 of the NIC Rules, if numerous persons have the same interest in one suit, one or more such persons may sue or be sued on behalf of all interested parties.

Representation in Court

In employment litigation before the NIC, parties can be represented by the following:

  • Legal Counsel: Both employees and employers are often represented in court by their legal counsels.
  • Trade Unions or Employee Associations: These bodies may represent their members, especially in collective disputes.
  • Class Action Representatives: In class action claims, one or more persons with the same interest can represent the entire group of affected individuals.

Arbitration in Employment Disputes

Where arbitration is provided under the employment contract as the means of dispute resolution, the parties may resort to arbitration to resolve any dispute arising from the employment contract.

Furthermore, the NIC offers parties the option of ADR using two mechanisms – mediation and conciliation. The court has established an ADR Centre, which utilises the techniques of mediation and/or conciliation in the resolution of dispute between parties to arrive at a mutually accepted agreement. Specific disputes resolved by the NIC using ADR include disputes between employers and employees, disputes arising from health at the workplace, disputes arising from safety at the workplace, and disputes arising from the welfare of workers. Parties that adopt this means are required to comply with the procedure set out in the Centre’s rules.

Arbitration Agreements

Arbitration agreements are enforceable in Nigeria where the court has jurisdiction. For the court to have jurisdiction over an application for recognition and enforcement of an award, one of the following conditions must be met:

  • the award debtor must be in Nigeria or be a Nigerian; or
  • the assets sought for enforcement must be within Nigeria.

A prevailing employee or employer can be awarded attorney’s fees or other costs.

According to Order 55 of the NIC Civil Procedure Rules, the following rules apply to the award of costs in employment disputes:

  • The costs of the entire suit and each specific proceeding are at the discretion of the Court as regards the party by which they are to be paid.
  • Even if a party is successful, the Court can order it to pay the costs of any particular proceeding.
  • The Court may order costs to be paid out of any fund or property related to the suit.
  • In fixing the amount of costs, the principle to be observed is that the successful party is to be indemnified for the expenses that party unnecessarily incurred in the proceedings. The Judge may summarily fix the amount of cost at the time of delivery of judgment. However, the Court may stay the proceeding pending the payment of the costs of any party.
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Trends and Developments


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Nigeria’s commitment to building a thriving economy in the face of harsh economic conditions has led to several legislative and regulatory reforms. Recognising the crucial role of human capital, Nigeria is focused on investment and growth through creating and retaining a well-equipped and well-compensated workforce as an economic driver. This focus is translating to increased labour and employment innovations, including enforcement of international labour standards by the National Industrial Court of Nigeria (NICN), in a bid to solidify Nigeria’s dedication to cultivating a favourable labour environment, a cornerstone of modern industrial success in Nigeria’s business environment.

This article focuses on trends and developments in 2023 and the first half of 2024.

Recent Legislative Interventions

Business Facilitation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 2023

The Business Facilitation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 2023 (BFA), enacted in February 2023, aims to enhance the ease of doing business in Nigeria. Among its various provisions, the BFA amends the National Housing Fund Act, the Industrial Training Fund Act and the Pension Reforms Act. All of these amendments have significant implications for the world of work.

  • Part IX of the Schedule to the BFA amended section 6 of the Industrial Training Fund Act, 2011. Now, employers outside free trade zones with at least 25 employees must contribute 1% of their payroll to the Industrial Training Fund. Previously, the requirement applied to employers with five or more employees or those with fewer than five employees but an annual turnover of NGN50 million. The BFA raises the employee threshold to 25 and removes the turnover criterion.
  • Part XI of the Schedule to the BFA amended sections 4 and 9 of the National Housing Fund Act. Before the amendment, all private and public sector employees, as well as self-employed individuals earning at least NGN3,000, had to contribute to the National Housing Fund (NHF) at an interest rate of 4% of contributions. Following the amendment, only public sector employees earning the national minimum wage or above, and self-employed persons earning at least the national minimum wage, are required to contribute 2.5% of their monthly income to the NHF. With this, private sector employees have an option to voluntarily contribute the prescribed 2.5% of their monthly income to the NHF.
  • Part XIX of the BFA amended section 89(2) of the Pension Reform Act, 2014. By the amendment, pension assets are now eligible for securities lending as the Pension Commission (“PenCom”) may approve. Also, Pension Fund Administrators may, subject to guidelines issued by PenCom, apply a percentage of the pension assets in a holder’s retirement savings account towards payment of equity contribution for payment of residential mortgage by a holder, and for the purpose of securities lending.

Ratification of two International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions

Nigeria has ratified the Migrant Workers (Supplementary Provisions) Convention, 1975 (No. 143) and the Private Employment Agencies Convention, 1997 (No. 181) by depositing with the Director-General of the International Labour Organization (ILO) the instruments of ratification. Both conventions came into force on 23 March 2023.

By its ratification of the Migrant Workers (Supplementary Provisions) Convention, 1975 (No. 143), Nigeria now recognises and ensures protection of the equal rights of legally resident migrant workers and their families with regard to their employment and occupation, and other rights. The convention also extends to providing sanctions for employers who engage in the illegal employment of migrant workers.

Also, by the ratification of the Private Employment Agencies Convention, 1997 (No. 181), Nigeria now operates a framework for licensing and regulation of private employment agencies, including overseeing the operations of legitimate private employment agencies to prevent child labour and the misuse of personal data, and overseeing the protection of workers from being exploited under such agencies.

Executive Interventions

National Health Insurance Authority Operational Guidelines, 2023

As part of its efforts to ensure affordable healthcare services, the National Health Insurance Authority issued its Operational Guidelines, 2023 (the “NHIA Guidelines”) pursuant to the National Health Insurance Act, 2022. The NHIA Guidelines introduce a contributory social health insurance scheme as a form of financing and management of healthcare based on risk pooling, and cater to members in both the formal and informal economies and their dependant(s), including staff of micro enterprises, domestic staff, artisans, etc.

PenCom’s Framework for the Establishment of Additional Benefits Scheme under the Contributory Pension Scheme

In September 2023, PenCom announced the publication of the Framework for the Establishment of Additional Benefits Scheme under the Contributory Pension Scheme (the “Framework”). The Framework allows employers to set up an Additional Benefits Scheme (ABS) for exiting employees pursuant to section 4(4)(a) of the Pension Reform Act. The ABS must be managed by a licensed Pension Fund Administrator and the pension assets kept in the custody of a licensed Pension Fund Custodian.

Expatriate Employment Levy

Before its suspension on 8 March 2024, the Federal Government of Nigeria launched the Expatriate Employment Levy (EEL), a mandatory contribution imposed on employers hiring foreign workers in Nigeria. The EEL, an annual payment, with rates of USD15,000 for directors and USD10,000 for other employee categories, sought to promote skill transfer, prioritise local talent development and act as a revenue-generating tool. However, the stakeholder concerns and possible breach of non-discrimination commitments under the International Labour Organization’s Migration for Employment Convention (Revised), 1949 (No. 97) led to its suspension. Dialogue among stakeholders regarding the EEL’s future remains ongoing.

Judicial Interventions

Recent notable decisions by the NICN on crucial issues within the world of work are discussed below:

Jurisdiction of the NICN over contracts for service

The position of the law has always been that the NICN’s jurisdiction is limited only to contracts of service and not contracts for service. However, there seems to be a shift in this position. In the unreported decision of the NICN in Suit No. NICN/ABJ/57/2023 – Alphacyn Nigeria Limited v Registered Trustees of Prince and Princess Estate Residents Association & Anor., delivered on 26 July 2023, the President of the NICN held that the NICN has jurisdiction over all labour issues on the basis that the ordinary meaning of labour is one that encompasses work as it relates to both contracts of service and contracts for service, and that section 254C(1)(a) of the Nigerian Constitution confers jurisdiction on the NICN with respect to “any labour…and matters incidental thereto or connected therewith”.

Alphacyn followed the earlier unreported decision of the NICN in Suit No. NICN/YEN/444/2016 in Fedison Manpower Supply Ltd v Niger Blossom Drilling Nigeria Ltd, delivered on 29 March 2022, where the NICN found that a contract for supply of staff was a labour-related contract and not a simple contract, and therefore within the jurisdiction of the NICN.

The above decisions have been handed down by the NICN after the amendment of the Nigerian Constitution by the Third Alteration Act, 2010. We are not aware of any appellate decision that has interpreted contracts for services in light of section 254C(1) of the Nigerian Constitution. Looking to the future, and pending any appellate decisions on the point, it would seem the NICN is poised to exercise jurisdiction over disputes arising from contracts for service.

Jurisdiction of the NICN over the tort of defamation

The jurisdiction of the NICN over the tort of defamation has been a subject of conflicting decisions of the Court of Appeal. There are two schools of thought on the issue. The first considers tortious claims, particularly defamation, arising from an employment relationship as within the jurisdiction of the NICN, while the second school of thought considers such tortious claims as falling outside the jurisdiction of the NICN.

The conflicting decisions of the Court of Appeal have also been replicated in the recent decisions of the NICN. In the unreported decision of the NICN in Suit No. NICN/BEN/25/2021 – Odigie Nosakhere v Lift Above Poverty Organization, delivered on 17 April 2023, the claimant claimed the sum of NGN50 million as damages for a libellous publication against him during the pendency of his employment with the defendant. Even though the claim was unsuccessful due to the claimant’s failure to provide sufficient evidence in proof of his claim, the NICN assumed jurisdiction over the claim. However, in the subsequent unreported decision of the NICN in Suit No. NICN/EN/35/2021 – Chibuzor Albert Agulana v Dr Fabian Okonkwo, delivered on 17 April 2024, the NICN, after analysing the various conflicting decisions of the Court of Appeal on the issue, held that it had jurisdiction to determine the defamation claim and found that unproven accusations of dishonesty and crimes in an employee’s dismissal letter, posted in conspicuous places in the workplace, was proof of defamation.

However, less than a month later, the NICN, in the unreported decision in Suit No. NICN/ABJ/94/2022 – Durojaiye Hassan v Leadership Newspapers Group Ltd, delivered on 2 May 2024, declined jurisdiction to hear a claim for defamation. It therefore appears that in view of these conflicting decisions, the NICN is still undecided on its jurisdiction over the tort of defamation arising from workplace relationships and torts in general.

Award of general damages for wrongful termination

Since the Court of Appeal’s decision in Sahara Energy Resources Ltd v Mrs Olawunmi Oyebola [2020] LPELR-51806(CA), the NICN seems to have adopted an incremental approach to the award of damages for wrongful termination, jettisoning the age-long award of salary in lieu of the period of notice in deserving circumstances, particularly where the wrongful termination goes beyond the employer’s failure to give the required notice and is predicated on allegations that carry a stigma, such as dishonesty, bribery, fraud, etc.

Following this decision, the NICN, in the unreported decision in Suit No NICN/ASB/47/2020 – Richard Ogagaoghene Okagbare v United Bank for Africa, delivered on 18 January 2023, where the claimant’s complaint was that his dismissal was without valid reasons, in breach of the defendant’s handbook, and that the defendant had refused to issue a work reference, awarded damages equivalent to two years’ salary to the claimant for his unlawful dismissal.

In the recent decision in Skye Bank Plc v Adegun (2024) LPELR-62219(SC), the Supreme Court, in recognition of the evolving labour jurisprudence in Nigeria in alignment with international labour standards and best practices, upheld an award of damages of two years’ salary to an employee for wrongful termination and held that the award of damages when an employer terminates an employment contract in violation of its terms cannot be limited to the employee’s remuneration during the notice period specified in the agreement.

The Court’s reasoning was that limiting damages to one month’s salary in lieu of notice, as stipulated in the contract, would unjustly benefit the employer despite its breach. Since equity would demand that a party should not profit from its wrongful act, the Court was empowered, as a departure from common law principles, to award damages that reflect the consequential losses resulting from the breach and other factual considerations as presented before the Court.

NICN continues to recognise triangular employment relationships

Prior to the Court of Appeal’s decision in Luck Guard Limited v Mr Felix Adariku & Ors. (2022) LPELR-59331(CA), the NICN, in accordance with its constitutional powers to apply international labour standards in its adjudication, had given priority to the doctrine of primacy of facts and concerned itself with the substance of an employment relationship rather than the form it takes in adjudicating on disputes arising from tripartite employment relationships.

Decisions such as PENGASSAN v Mobil Producing Nig. Unltd (2013) 32 NLLR (Pt. 92) 243 NIC and Diamond Bank Plc v National Union of Banks, Insurance and Financial Institutions Employees & 3 Ors. (unreported Suit No. NICN/ABJ/130/2013, judgment delivered on 6 February 2019) applied the doctrine of primacy of facts to determine whether any liability fell at the doorstep of the end-user solely or as co-employer with the labour contractor.

In Luck Guard, the Court of Appeal upheld the doctrine of privity of contract and overturned the finding of the existence of a triangular employment relationship. The Court of Appeal held that the employees failed to establish an employment relationship with the end-user, having failed to produce a written contract of employment.

In Emmanuel Onyeji v Global Manpower Limited & Anor. (unreported Suit No. NICN/LA/257/2015, judgment delivered on 27 November 2023), the NICN, after considering the decision in Luck Guard, still found that a triangular employment relationship existed between the claimant and defendants, even though the claimant was unable to prove his case, which was dismissed. In Company Odoh & 3 Ors. v Hally Brown Efeluc Consortium & Anor. (unreported Suit No. NICN/YEN/28/2018, judgment delivered on 8 March 2024), the NICN held the second defendant liable to pay the claimants’ outstanding salaries as end-user of the services of the claimants.

From the aforementioned decisions, it is clear is that the existence of triangular employment relationships will continue to be determined based on the doctrine of primacy of facts. The decision in Luck Guard does not seem to have affected the evolving jurisprudence.

Right of privacy of unmarried pregnant police officers

In The incorporated Trustees, Nigeria Bar Association v The Attorney General of the Federation and 2 Ors. (unreported Appeal No: CA/ABJ/CV/454/2022, judgment delivered on 3 May 2024), the Court of Appeal overturned the decision of the Federal High Court, which upheld the provisions of the Nigeria Police Regulations restricting unmarried female police officers from being pregnant or risk being discharged from the police force without the option of being re-enlisted. The Court of Appeal held that the provisions amounted to a violation of the privacy rights and right to freedom from discrimination of the unmarried policewomen as guaranteed under the Nigerian Constitution.


In the years under review, Nigeria’s labour and employment landscape witnessed changes that portend a continuous growth in stakeholder involvement in labour and employment advocacy and the willingness of government at all levels to improve on processes and policies that affect stakeholders. Although there are challenges, as, for instance, can be seen in conflicting decisions of the NICN and controversial levy policies, it is expected that these challenges will remain the past.

The judicial, executive and legislative interventions so far have made for an improved landscape, and it is expected that these improvements will further solidify the gains of the years under review for a better world of work in the future.


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Bloomfield LP is one of Nigeria’s top labour and employment law firms. Its expert team is composed of professionals with years of experience in corporate immigration, employment and labour law. The firm has built a strong reputation for addressing complex employment issues for major players across various industries, both locally and internationally. Its team excels in facilitating employer-employee negotiations, addressing complex matters such as terminations, mutual termination agreements and wrongful termination claims. The team handles a robust portfolio of cases, offering legal advice on drafting essential employment documents – including employment contracts, company policies, handbooks and policy reviews – and helping clients ensure compliance with Nigerian laws. Its expertise also extends to advising on, inter alia, employee benefits, structuring agreements with employers of record, and navigating trade union negotiations.

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ǼLEX is a full-service commercial and dispute resolution law firm with its head office in Lagos and other offices in Port Harcourt and Abuja, Nigeria, and in Accra, Ghana. The firm has eight partners, one international counsel and over 60 lawyers operating from its various offices. Its lawyers are admitted to practice in several jurisdictions including Nigeria, New York, Texas, Ghana, and England and Wales. ǼLEX has continued to win awards and recognition for quality of work and service. The firm has been ranked as a leading firm by Chambers Global 2024.

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